Bose S1 Pro Multi-position PA System with Battery Sells separately for $599.00 Fully loaded and weighing in at just 15 pounds, the Bose S1 Pro is the ultimate all-in-one PA for soloists, event speakers, and smaller acts. Whether you are going to a college party, a gig, or making an announcement, portable speakers can come in handy. A 3.5 mm input for connecting a DJ mixer, laptop, CD player, or portable audio device allows for wired operation. 3.) The Bose Connect app lets you bring even more to the event, like Party Mode. Monitor Mode Two S1 Pro systems are recommended for DJ applications to help reproduce stereo sound. Bose S1 Pro Multi-position PA systemは超小型でポータブル。いつでも、どこでも最高の音質を提供します。ミュージシャン、DJのためのスピーカーとしてはもちろん、PA機材としても設計されたS1 Proは、フロアモニターやアンプとしても使えるオールインワンPAシステム。 The S1 Pro multi-position PA system has a two-year limited warranty. Let them hear you at your best with the Bose S1 Pro multi position PA system. Lightweight, ultra-portable enclosure is designed to transport effortlessly using the convenient carry-handle. A single S1 Pro multi-position PA system can combine the two channels and fill the venue with one speaker. Tenga un sonido genial con el sistema de PA de posicionamiento múltiple ultraportátil Bose S1 Pro. )接通电源,然后调高音量。, 多功能 S1 Pro 系统具有四种独特的工作模式,可以根据不同应用进行相应设置。平面放置将 S1 Pro 放在平面上。这种模式下,声音可以清晰均匀地传播给所有听众,确保他们能够享受到系统的整个频率范围。后倾式放置在距离听众较近的场合中表演时,可将 S1 Pro 向后倾斜,抵住其后边缘。为获得最佳效果,表演者应站在或坐在扬声器的一侧,避免挡住传送给听众的声音。返听模式要将 S1 Pro 用作个人返听扬声器,可将其横放在表演者前面的地面上,面向表演者。向旁边倾斜扬声器,抵住其侧边缘。逆时针旋转 Bose 徽标,使其与您选择的模式匹配。扬声器支架安装将一个或两个 S1 Pro 系统安装在扬声器支架(另购)上,可用于一般用途的扩声。, 自动均衡的内置传感器可感应到 S1 Pro 多功能音乐系统的朝向,从而提供最佳声音表现。摆放在新位置时,系统将应用最优的均衡曲线,最大限度提升声音效果。, S1 Pro 多功能音乐系统具有与 L1 扬声器系统同样出色的水平覆盖范围。与 S1 Pro 中的小型阵列相比,L1 系统具有较长的线性阵列,可以将声音传播到更远的地方,而音量衰减程度较小。, 是。S1 Pro 系统外形小巧,便携性更加出众,安装简单,而且音质达到专业水平,适合作为小型扩声系统在各种应用场合中使用:DJ 活动、社区活动、运动赛事、商务展示,以及需要高品质、易于使用的扩声的场合。, S1 Pro 系统配备一流的蓝牙装置,通过一键配对进行无线传输。 3.5 毫米输入可用于连接 DJ 混音器、笔记本电脑、CD 播放器或便携式音频设备,以进行有线操作。若要广播公告,只需将动圈手持麦克风插入其中一个麦克风/乐器声道。, 建议在 DJ 应用场合中使用两个 S1 Pro 系统,以便实现立体声音效。而且,单个 S1 Pro 系统可以很方便地用作大型 DJ 活动的补声系统。, 无论您使用的是原声吉他还是手持动圈麦克风,ToneMatch 都可以通过均衡技术最大限度提高音质,以匹配声源。, 三个。S1 Pro 系统有两个专用于现场演讲或音乐演奏的功能完善的通道,以及一个播放音乐信号的采用蓝牙无线传输或 1/8 英寸(3.5 毫米)输入的通道。, 是。S1 Pro 多功能音乐系统带有平衡线路输出,以将主混音信号发送至另一个 S1 Pro 或调音台。, 可以。但是请注意,必需配有 ToneMatch 电源配件才能使用。如果您的音乐演奏需要访问我们的高级调音功能、录音室级别的完备效果、动态处理功能以及扩展输入端和输出端,那么 ToneMatch 数字混音台是您的不二之选。要配合使用 T4S/T8S ToneMatch 数字混音台和 S1 Pro 多功能音乐系统,请将 ToneMatch 数字混音台的主输出连接至 S1 Pro 系统的输入 1 或 2。调节 ToneMatch 数字混音台的主音量到至少 50%,并调节 S1 Pro 输入音量旋钮至所需音量。, 一个 S1 Pro 多功能音乐系统可以组合两个通道,通过一台扬声器让声音遍布整个会场。对于需要重现立体声的乐器或录音材料,可以使用两个 S1 Pro 系统来构成立体声音效。, 我们在设计过程中一丝不苟,确保所有扬声器和电子元件作为一个集成系统有效运行。因此,S1 Pro 多功能音乐系统非常高效,能够充分提升声音输出,同时保持小巧的外形。, 不能,该系统不支持额外的低音箱输出。但是,S1 Pro 可通过其内置的长冲程低音单元提供适度低音。, S1 Pro 多功能音乐系统的摆放很灵活。为了让听众和表演者都能享受优质音效,可将该系统直接放在表演者的后面或侧后方一点。, 是。S1 Pro 带有通用电源,可在电压范围为 100V 至 240V 的区域使用。产品包装箱中随附适用于产品购买地特定区域的电源线。, 可以。所有系统都可以在同一个舞台上使用。L1 Compact 和 L1 Model II 扬声器系统的线性阵列比 S1 Pro 系统长,与 S1 Pro 系统中的小型阵列相比,可以将声音传播到更远的地方,而音量衰减程度较小。, 如需与其他 S1 Pro 系统用户和产品团队成员互动,获取更多、更全面的产品支持,或分享您的体验,请访问。, Click here for more information on the types of cookies we use and how to change your cookie settings, Firmware Update Instructions (Multilingual), 请访问 Bose Device Updater(仅限 Windows 和 macOS 系统). Plus, there are advanced configuration options to help you get more from the S1 Pro. Bose S1 Pro 多方向擴聲系統能讓您向觀眾呈現最佳的一面。專為音樂人、DJ 和各種 PA 擴聲用途所設計,S1 Pro 是極致的全方位擴聲 PA、地板監聽揚聲器及樂器練習音箱,幾乎任何場合都能應付,是您隨時都能帶著走的藍牙音樂系統。 Rotate the Bose logo counterclockwise to match your chosen mode. BOSE S1 PRO BACKPACK Mochila de transporte para el Bose S1 Pro.Bolsa con tres compartimentos con cremallera que te permite que tus accesorios, cables y otros productos a parte del Bose S1 Pro se queden ordenados sin mucha complicación. However, please note that the optional ToneMatch power supply is required for operation. Rechargeable lithium-ion battery allows you to perform anywhere for hours. BOSE S1 Pro在箱体的三个位置设置了脚垫,再加上底部的支架孔,它共有四种使用形态:平面放置、后倾式放置、返听式放置、音箱支架摆放,系统会根据使用形态通过内部的自动均衡器自动优化音色。平面放置:最简单的使用方法,把S1 PRO放到离地面有一定距离的任意平面上即可。 Ofrezca un audio de alta calidad gracias al sistema de PA portátil de posicionamiento múltiple S1 Pro de Bose. S1 Pro 特別為創作歌手、DJ、其他音樂表演者和各種擴聲應用所設計。S1 Pro 採用大受好評且獲獎肯定的 Bose L1 和 F1系統的獨家科技,讓使用者無論身在何處都能展現出最好的聲音。S1 Pro 絕佳結合了效能、可攜性與多功能特性,隨時隨地讓您完美演出。 Click here for more information on the types of cookies we use and how to change your cookie settings. PA-järjestelmän, lattiamonitorin ja vahvistimen yhdistelmä, jonka avulla voit esiintyä tuntikausia. The S1 Pro speakers is a compact and lightweight- just 15 lbs- that has plenty of power for different situations. 4.) Position the S1 Pro on a surface. Three. Protect your S1 Pro system while on the go with the S1 Pro slip cover. Plus, there are advanced configuration options to help you get more from the S1 Pro. Multiple positions, supported by Auto EQ, ensure that you always sound your best. Dwa systemy S1 Pro świetnie nadają się dla DJ-ów, ponieważ pozwalają odtwarzać dźwięk stereofoniczny. However, the S1 Pro does provide a reasonable amount of bass from its integrated high-excursion woofer. Bose sound reinforcement are known for their wide, even coverage, and the S1 Pro is no exception. Choose your system orientation based on the application. For musical performances that require access to our most advanced tone shaping library, a full suite of studio quality effects, dynamics processing, and expanded inputs and outputs, ToneMatch mixers are the recommended choice. These speakers are comprised of three 2.25 inch drivers along with one 6 inch subwoof… Click here for more information on the types of cookies we use and how to change your cookie settings, Firmware Update Instructions (Multilingual), Visit Bose Device Updater (Windows and macOS only). The Bose Connect app lets you bring even more to the event, like Party Mode. Faites entendre le meilleur de vous-même grâce au système de sonorisation multi-positions portable S1 Pro signé Bose. )连接音频源。如果使用吉他或麦克风,请正确设置 ToneMatch 开关。4. The S1 Pro system has two full-featured channels designed for live speech or musical performance and one channel dedicated to prerecorded material using Bluetooth® streaming or 1/8” (3.5 mm) source. All systems can share the same stage. The enhanced portability, easy set-up and professional sound quality of the S1 Pro system makes it suitable for a variety of applications as a smaller PA system: DJs, community and athletic events, business presentations, or wherever high-performance and easy-to-use sound amplification is needed. Overview Thank you for® Tilt the loudspeaker onto its side edge. 有了超便攜Bose S1 Pro多向PA揚聲器,無論去到哪裡,始終有美妙的音樂相伴。S1 Pro為音樂家,DJ而設計,甚至作為常規擴聲系統使用,將PA系統,返聽揚聲器 ,樂器練習揚聲器和主音樂系統融為一體。多個放置位置下均衡可自動調整,確保您的聲音始終卓越動聽。 BOSE S1 Pro 輕便小巧的外型,完美的高頻音壓輸出,具備藍芽系統,任何時候都能演出 BOSE S1 PRO 全方位樂器音箱,藍芽喇叭 輕便可攜外殼,附有手把,輕鬆搬運。 內建三軌混音器,提供 ToneMatch 和 Reverb 和 EQ 控制鈕。 Plus, there are advanced configuration options to help you get more from the S1 Pro. For performances where your audience is close to you, tilt the S1 Pro onto its back edge. For instruments or recorded material where stereo reproduction is essential, two S1 Pro systems can be used to deliver stereo sound. FINANCIACIÓN INMEDIATA El Bose S1 Pro con batería es un altavoz activo con bluetooth con el que podrás obtener la mejor calidad de sonido No, the system does not support adding bass modules. Stream wireless audio to a second S1 Pro system or any compatible Bose Bluetooth speaker. Sound great anywhere with the ultra-portable Bose S1 Pro Multi-Position PA system. Adjust the master level of the ToneMatch mixer to at least 50% and adjust the S1 Pro input volume knob to the desired level. To interact with other S1 Pro system users and members of the product team, obtain more in depth product support, or share your experiences, please visit Faites-vous entendre à votre mieux avec le système de sonorisation S1 Pro à positions multiples de Bose. Frequency Response (+/-3 dB) Tilt-Back Place one or two S1 Pro systems on speaker stands (sold separately) for general-purpose sound reinforcement. The S1 Pro multi-position PA system produces horizontal coverage that is comparable to that of L1 systems. Rated 5 out of 5 by Fingerpicker from Great buy Bought this a while back to replace an AER Compact 60., having heard one a friend had. Es un PA todo en uno, monitor de piso y amplificador que … 62 Hz – 17 kHz, Make sure you have the latest firmware so your S1 Pro will work with the Bose Connect App. The S1 Pro has a universal power supply that allows it to operate in regions ranging from 100V – 240V. Designed for musicians, DJs and general PA use, the S1 Pro is the ultimate all in one PA, floor monitor and practice amplifier that's ready to be your go anywhere Bluetooth® music system for nearly any occasion. Livraison Offerte* - Retrait 1h en Magasin* - Retrait Drive* - Garantie 2 ans* - SAV 7j/7 Mise à jour de votre navigateur Internet Votre navigateur n'est plus supporté, nous ne pouvons vous garantir This allows the S1 Pro multi-position PA system to be extremely efficient and maximize its acoustical output while maintaining its small profile. And with a 3-channel mixer, reverb, Bluetooth® streaming and ToneMatch processing onboard, the S1 Pro is ready to be your go-anywhere PA. When making announcements, simply plug a dynamic handheld microphone into one of the microphone/instrument channels. BOSE S1 Pro – The Ultimate Portable Bluetooth Speaker Portable speakers are the most convenient type of speakers you can find in the market these days. If using a guitar or microphone, set the ToneMatch switch to the appropriate setting. Yes. For optimal sound for both the audience and performer, position the system directly behind – or behind and slightly off to one side of – the performer. Bose S1 Proで、お気に入りのプレイリストと一緒に、最高峰のサウンドも持ち運ぶ。Bluetooth®スピーカーとしても、PAシステムとしても使用可能。パーティや野外の集まりを迫力サウンドで盛り上げよ … Elevated Surface Stream wireless audio to a second S1 Pro system or any compatible Bose Bluetooth speaker. Multiple positions, supported by Auto EQ, ensure that you always sound your best. To use the T4S/T8S ToneMatch mixer with the S1 Pro multi-position PA system, connect a master output of the ToneMatch mixer to input 1 or 2 on the S1 Pro system. System placement requirements for the S1 Pro multi-position PA system are flexible. Wireless Bluetooth® streaming from your mobile device, with one-touch pairing. Once placed into a new position, the system applies the optimal equalization curve to maximize the quality of sound. Longer line arrays, such as those found in these systems, can project sound further with less drop-off of sound levels than the smaller array found in the S1 Pro. The S1 Pro is the ultimate all-in-one PA, floor monitor, practice amplifier and primary music system. The versatile S1 Pro system operates in four unique modes and can be set up differently based on the application. Auto EQ provides optimal performance by sensing the orientation of the S1 Pro multi-position PA system using internal sensors. Bose S1 Pro Multi-Position PA systemは超小型でポータブル。いつでも、どこでも最高の音質を提供します。ミュージシャン、DJのためのスピーカーとしてはもちろん、PA機材としても設計されたS1 Proは、フロアモニターやアンプ、メインミュージックシステムとしても使える究極のオールインワ … By continuing to use this site, you accept our use of cookies and other online technology to send you targeted advertisements, for social media, for data analytics and to better understand your use of our website. Két S1 Pro rendszer ajánlott a DJ-k általi használathoz a sztereóhangzás visszaadása érdekében. Multiple positions with Auto EQ ensure that you always sound your best, regardless of placement orientation. Additionally, a single S1 Pro system can be conveniently used as a satellite system for larger DJ events. Designed for musicians, DJs, and general PA use, the S1 Pro is the ultimate all-in-one PA, floor monitor, practice amplifier and primary music system. Yes. The Bose Connect app lets you bring even more to the event, like Party Mode. Stream wireless audio to a second S1 Pro system or any compatible Bose Bluetooth speaker. Ce système de sonorisation intégré (façade et retour de scène) vous permet de jouer pendant des heures. 超便携的 Bose S1 Pro 多功能音乐系统,随时奉上出色的声音。S1 Pro 为音乐家、DJ 而设计,还可作为常规扩声系统使用,将 PA 系统、返听扬声器、乐器练习音箱和主音乐系统融为一体。多种放置位置下均衡可自动调整,确保您的声音始终卓越动听。S1 Pro 配备三通道混音器、混响、蓝牙无线传输和内置 ToneMatch® 处理技术,是适合您的便携多功能音乐系统。, 内置三通道混音器,其中两个通道提供独立的 ToneMatch®、混响和均衡控制,另一通道专用于有线(3.5 毫米)或无线音源。, 确保您有最新的固件,以便您的 S1 Pro 能够与 Bose Connect 应用程序配合使用。请访问 Bose Device Updater(仅限 Windows 和 macOS 系统), S1 Pro 是超级一体化扩声系统、返听扬声器、乐器练习音箱和主要的音乐系统。多种放置位置下均衡可自动调整,确保您的声音始终卓越动听。S1 Pro 配备三通道混音器、混响、蓝牙无线传输和内置 ToneMatch® 处理技术,是适合您的便携多功能音乐系统。, 1.)根据应用需求选择系统摆放方式。2.)插入交流电源线或使用电池3. Il s'agit d'un système de sonorisation tout-en-un avec moniteur de sol et amplificateur qui vous permet de vous produire pendant des heures. Plug in the AC power cord or use battery Sono - Jeux de lumière Bose S1 PRO au meilleur rapport qualité/prix ! Sound is dispersed not just through the front of the enclosure, but the sides as well, for room-filling sound from a single unit. Connect audio source. Made from durable nylon, it features the Bose logo embroidered on the front and a top opening for accessing the S1 Pro carry handle for effortless transport. This custom-fit cover easily slips onto your S1 Pro, providing scratch protection while carrying, travelling in a car or storing. The S1 Pro features best-in-class Bluetooth® streaming with one-button pairing. The S1 Pro is the ultimate all-in-one PA, floor monitor, practice amplifier and primary music system. Best Subwoofer for Bose S1 Pro Behringer B1200D The Behringer B1200D features two “output” options that is a “pass through” with which the whole signal range passes through the sub and to the output and another that comes at 100hz. Yes. Great care was taken in the design process to ensure that all the speakers and electronics perform as one integrated system. For best results, the performer should stand or sit to one side of the loudspeaker to avoid blocking sound from the audience. Turn the power on and turn up the volume controls. Multiple positions, supported by Auto EQ, ensure that you always sound your best. And with a 3-channel mixer, reverb, Bluetooth® streaming and ToneMatch® processing onboard, the S1 Pro is ready to be your go-anywhere PA. High-output sound from a small, convenient system that is ready to perform whenever and wherever you are. 超便携的 Bose S1 Pro 多功能音乐系统,随时奉上出色的声音。S1 Pro 为音乐家、DJ 而设计,还可作为常规扩声系统使用,将 PA 系统、返听扬声器、乐器练习音箱和主音乐系统融为一体。多种放置位置下均衡可自动调整,确保您的声音始终卓越动听。 Yes. 2.) The S1 Pro multi-position PA system has a balanced line output to send the master mix out to another S1 Pro or to an audio console. Whether you’re using an acoustic guitar or a handheld dynamic microphone, ToneMatch allows you to match the sound of the source by maximizing the sonic properties through equalization. By continuing to use this site, you accept our use of cookies and other online technology to send you targeted advertisements, for social media, for data analytics and to better understand your use of our website. Right out the bat, you’ll notice that the drivers are not just focused on outputting sound at the front. Click here for more information on the types of cookies we use and how to change your cookie settings. And with a 3-channel mixer, reverb, Bluetooth® streaming and ToneMatch processing onboard, the S1 Pro is ready to be your go-anywhere PA. Speaker stand compatible with standard 35 mm pole mounts. 1.) Speaker Stand Moniasentoinen Bose S1 Pro -PA-järjestelmä toistaa äänet parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla. Instead, the grates are slightly angled at the sides, which allow for a wider coverage around the room for a much more efficient sound dispersion. This projects sound clearly and evenly throughout the audience, and ensures that audience members enjoy the full frequency range of the system. Onboard 3-channel mixer offers independent ToneMatch®, reverb, and EQ controls on two channels, with a dedicated channel for either wired (3.5 mm) or wireless music sources. The S1 Pro carton contains an S1 Pro system and one AC power cord: Optional Accessories S1 Pro Backpack S1 Slip Cover S1 Battery Pack For a complete list of optional equipment and accessories, please visit Yes. BOSE S1 PRO ≫Envio Gratis. Emellett kényelmesen lehet szatellit rendszerként használni egyetlen S1 Pro rendszert a nagyobb szabású DJ-s eseményeken. Visit Bose Device Updater (Windows and macOS only). To use the S1 Pro as a personal floor monitor, place it on the ground horizontally, in front of and pointing toward the performer. The proper power cord for the specific region in which the system was purchased is included in the product carton. The L1 Compact and L1 Model II systems have longer line arrays than the S1 Pro and can project sound further with less drop-off of sound levels than the smaller array found on the S1 Pro. Na większych imprezach z udziałem DJ-ów pojedynczy system S1 Pro może również pełnić rolę głośnika satelitarnego.