Other buildings of interest are the Gothic Porte de la Grosse-Horloge, the Renaissance Hôtel de Ville, and the 18th-century Hôtel de la Bourse. Town Hall. To the North is Venise Verte, a marshy area of country, crisscrossed with tiny canals and a resort for inland boating. 4,848 talking about this. In weiten Teilen der Innenstadt ist der Autoverkehr nur beschränkt möglich. (1999) city, 76,584; urban area, 171,214; (2014 est.) city, 74,998. On the initiative of Gaspard de Coligny, the Calvinists attempted to colonize the New World to find a new home for their religion, with the likes of Pierre Richier and Jean de Léry. Nützliche Infos für Touristen, rund um die Stadt zu Sehenswürdigkeiten, Anreise, Verkehr It became largely Protestant at the time of the Reformation and after the Massacre of St. Bartholomew’s Day (1572), in which many French Protestants (Huguenots) were killed; many of the survivors took refuge there. Saintes : la Charente sous les 6 mètres, l’état de catastrophe naturelle confirmé . Änderungen vorschlagen. After the short-lived attempt of France Antarctique, they failed to establish a colony in Brazil, and finally resolved to make a stand in La Rochelle itself. The city traces its origins to the Gallo-Roman period, attested by the remains of important salt marshes and villas. An early result of this was the burning at the stake of two "heretics" in La Rochelle in 1552. Pierre Richier died in La Rochelle in 1580. The nearby Île de Ré is accessible via a bridge from La Rochelle.[40]. The central character, Martine Dhome,[39] lives with her family at the fictional address of 12, rue de la République. The University of La Rochelle was established in 1993. Inland is the country of Cognac and Pineau. oder. The French and Spanish decisively defeated the English, securing French control of the Channel for the first time since the Battle of Sluys in 1340. One of the biggest music festivals in France, "FrancoFolies", takes place each summer in La Rochelle, where Francophone musicians come together for a week of concerts and celebration. Messen in La Rochelle ab Februar 2022 haben folgende aktuelle Messetermine ergeben: Respire la Vie La Rochelle Am Golf von Biscaya liegt die französische Stadt La Rochelle in der Region Poitou-Charentes gegenüber der Île de Ré. The fleet allegedly left laden with knights and treasures just before the issue of the warrant for the arrest of the Order in October 1307.[9][10]. La Rochelle possesses a commercial deep water harbour, named La Pallice. They also developed wine production, shipping its products throughout the Empire. La Rochelle’s modern industries include the manufacture of composite materials, chemicals, medical products, and railway rolling stock. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Under Louis XIII (reigned 1610–43), La Rochelle sided with the English, who had invaded Ré Island. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. The U-boat scenes in Raiders of the Lost Ark were also shot in La Rochelle. For the first time in France, a city mayor was appointed for La Rochelle, Guillaume de Montmirail. It was later known as Rocella and Roscella before the name took on its current form. It is also the location of the fishing fleet, which was moved from the old harbour in the centre of the city during the 1980s. [18] This led to numerous conflicts with the Catholic central government. [7] A popular thread of conspiracy theory originating with Holy Blood, Holy Grail has it that the Templars used a fleet of 18 ships which had brought Jacques de Molay from Cyprus to La Rochelle to escape arrest in France. [citation needed], Eleanor married Henry Plantagenet in 1152, who became king of England as Henry II in 1154, thus putting La Rochelle under Plantagenet rule, until Louis VIII captured it in the 1224 Siege of La Rochelle. The area of La Pointe du Chay about 5 km (3 mi) from La Rochelle is a cliff area visited for leisurely geological surveys. [13] Conversions to Calvinism however continued, due to a change of religious beliefs, but also to a desire for political independence on the part of the local elite, and a popular opposition to royal expenses and requisitions in the building projects to fortify the coast against England.[13]. Informationen und ein Radwegeplan finden sich … La Pallice is equipped with oil unloading equipment, and mainly handles tropical wood. In La Rochelle gibt es verschiedene Ferienunterkünfte, die es gestatten, Ihr Haustier mitzunehmen. Vidéo. Infos Strände La Rochelle Die Stadt La Rochelle verfügt über drei Strände, Chef-de-Baie, de la Concurrence und Des Minimes - Plage de Chef-de-Baie Der knapp 200 Meter lange Sandstrand liegt westlich des Alten Hafens hinter einem kleinen Fischerhafen und dem Handelshafen La Pallice. TV Channel. Die Tour führt weiter durch das Marktviertel. Météo La Rochelle. Eine vollendete Komposition aus Eleganz, Design und Komfort. The city supported the Protestant movement of William of Orange in the Netherlands, and from La Rochelle the Dutch under Louis of Nassau and the Sea Beggars were able to raid Spanish shipping.[19][20]. A city of strong commercial tradition, its port was active from its origins. The pentagonal Saint-Nicolas Tower, the larger of the two, is an imposing fortress with crenellated walls and a keep. Info pratiques et locales à La Rochelle. The submarine base became the setting for parts of the movie Das Boot. La Rochelle was the first French city, with Rouen, to experience iconoclastic riots in 1560, at the time of the suppression of the Amboise conspiracy, before the riots spread to many other cities. Following negotiations by the French Navy frigate captain Meyer, the general German capitulation occurred on 7 May and French troops entered La Rochelle on 8 May. La Rochelle ist bekannt für seine umweltfreundliche Verkehrspolitik. [citation needed] Roman villas have been found at Saint-Éloi and at Les Minimes. Fifty years later Eleanor of Aquitaine upheld the communal charter promulgated by her father. Es gibt ein umfassendes Radwegenetz in La Rochelle. During the Renaissance, La Rochelle adopted Protestant ideas. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Die großartige äußere Architektur ist noch immer bewundernswert. 110993. Informationen zu La Rochelle Die Geschichte von La Rochelle ist aufgrund der Lage an der Biskaya hauptsächlich durch das Meer geprägt. Weiter unten auf dieser Seite können Sie alle Ferienhäuser in La Rochelle einsehen. In the 18th century the loss of Canada by the French further reduced La Rochelle’s trade. [citation needed]. Calvinism started to be propagated in the region of La Rochelle, resulting in its suppression through the establishment of Cours présidiaux tribunals by Henry II. The rooms at La Rochelle Inn have satellite TV, a private bathroom, a tea/coffee maker and a seating area. Its Protestant ship-owning and merchant class prospered in the 16th century until the Wars of Religion devastated the city. The remaining Protestants of La Rochelle suffered new persecutions, when 300 families were again expelled in November 1661, the year Louis XIV came to power. After 15 months’ siege, the town capitulated, three-fourths of its citizens having starved to death. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership, This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/place/La-Rochelle, Western France Tourist Board - Cognac Country. m.me/cufleLR. Das öffentliche Fahrradverleih-System mit vielen Stationen ermöglicht flexibles Radfahren ohne eigenes Fahrrad in der Stadt. Haus-Nr. [31][32] Many of these ceramics can be viewed at the Musée d'Orbigny-Bernon. [16], From 1568, La Rochelle became a centre for the Huguenots, and the city declared itself an independent Reformed Republic on the model of Geneva. In 1571 the city of La Rochelle suffered a naval blockade by the French Navy under the command of Filippo di Piero Strozzi and Antoine Escalin des Aimars, a former protagonist of the Franco-Ottoman alliance. Its inhabitants are called "les Rochelaises" and "les Rochelais". During the Plantagenet control of the city in 1185, Henry II had the Vauclair castle built, remains of which are still visible in the Place de Verdun.[5]. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Früher war La Rochelle der bedeutendste französische Hafen am Atlantik, was heute allerdings nur noch auf die Fischerei, nicht mehr auf den internationalen Handel, bezieht. Die Entfernung zu Nantes im Norden beträgt ungefähr 150 km, zu Bordeaux … See more of La Rochelle Info on Facebook. Corrections? La Rochelle has a very big aquarium, and a small botanical garden (the Jardin des plantes de La Rochelle). A city with port and industrial functions that are still important, it has a predominantly administrative and tertiary sector that is reinforced by its university and a rapidly developing tourism industry. La décrue se poursuit lentement à Saintes. Because of its western location, which saved days of sailing time, La Rochelle enjoyed successful fishing in the western Atlantic and trading with the New World, which served to counterbalance the disadvantage of not being at the mouth of a river (useful for shipping goods to and from the interior). The expedition however ended in a fiasco for England with the Siege of Saint-Martin-de-Ré. However, La Rochelle entered into conflict with the authority of the adult Louis, beginning with a 1622 revolt. Salt evaporation ponds dating from the same period have also been found. Zum Einkaufen, Executive-Einkaufsstraßen neben dem Rathaus. [citation needed], Robert de La Salle departed from La Rochelle, France, on 24 July 1684, with the aim of setting up a colony at the mouth of the Mississippi, eventually establishing Fort Saint Louis in Texas. Dort bieten die Marktstände eine Vielzahl von Aromen an Ihrem Tisch zu entdecken. Die alte Hafengebiet an den sonnigen Straßencafés zu entspannen, während durch das sanfte Plätschern der Wellen einlullen. The city is also an administrative, commercial, and tourist centre. The opening of the English market following the second marriage of Eleanor of Aquitaine in 1152, the presence of the Knights Templar and the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, quickly made this small town the largest port on the Atlantic. Not Now. Klicken Sie auf die einzelnen Objekte, um zu den Häuserbeschreibungen zu gelangen. La Rochelle (/ˌlɑː rəˈʃɛl/; French: [la ʁɔʃɛl]; Poitevin-Saintongese: La Rochéle) is a city on the central west coast of France and a seaport on the Bay of Biscay, a part of the Atlantic Ocean. Under Köppen’s climate classification, La Rochelle features an oceanic climate. Many of these layers are visible in the white cliffs that border the sea, which contain many small marine fossils. [27], The city eventually lost its trade and prominence during the decades spanning the Seven Years' War, the French revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. This resulted in the Siege of La Rochelle in which Cardinal Richelieu blockaded the city for 14 months, until the city surrendered and lost its mayor and its privileges. He has been described, by Lancelot Voisin de La Popelinière, as "le père de l'église de La Rochelle" ("The Father of the Church of La Rochelle"). C17infos. Soubise conquered large parts of the Atlantic coast, but the supporting fleet of La Rochelle was finally defeated by Montmorency, as was Soubise with 3,000 when he led a counter-attack against the royal troops who had landed on the island of Ré.[23]. With 75,735 inhabitants in 2017, La Rochelle is the most populated commune in the department and ranks fifth in the New Aquitaine region after Bordeaux, the regional capital, Limoges, Poitiers and Pau. The city walls are open to an evening promenade. [citation needed]. Until the 15th century, La Rochelle was to be the largest French harbour on the Atlantic coast, dealing mainly in wine, salt and cheese. The Calypso, the ship used by Jacques-Yves Cousteau as a mobile laboratory for oceanography, and which was sunk after a collision in the port of Singapore (1996) is now on display (sadly rotting) at the Maritime Museum of La Rochelle. This page was last edited on 29 January 2021, at 02:52. La Rochelle faience with Chinese decorations. La Grainetière. The English came to the support of La Rochelle, starting the Anglo-French War, by sending a major expedition under the Duke of Buckingham. Heute erwartet die Stadt Besucher mit einem großen Hafen, an dem sich zahlreiche Vergnügungsschiffe finden. Under Henry IV, and under the regency of his son Louis XIII, the city enjoyed a certain freedom and prosperity. It was also chosen in 2018 for the location shooting of the German television series Das Boot (a sequel to the 1981 Classic). Layers of thick white rock, formed during period of relatively warm seas, alternate with highly fragile layers containing sand and remains of mud, formed during colder periods, and with layers containing various corals, that were formed during warmer, tropical times. Mit dem Fahrrad . [8] From La Rochelle, they were able to act as intermediaries in trade between England and the Mediterranean. In 1864, the harbour of La Rochelle (area of the "Bassin à flot" behind the water locks), was the site for the maiden dive experiments of the first mechanically-powered submarine in the World, Plongeur, commanded by Marie-Joseph-Camille Doré, a native of La Rochelle. [2], To this day, the city still possesses a rich historical fabric, including its Saint-Nicholas tower, and urban heritage. La Rochelle was founded during the 10th century and became an important harbour in the 12th century. 2004 marked the 20th anniversary of this event. The countryside of the surrounding Charente-Maritime is very rural and full of history (Saintes). Sortieren. 75 waren hier. La Rochelle Ensemble. Omissions? Für kulturinteressierte gibt es eine Reihe Museen, für La Rochelle and its region are served by the international La Rochelle - Île de Ré Airport, which has progressively developed over the last 5 years. In 1196, wealthy bourgeois Alexandre Auffredi sent a fleet of seven ships to Africa seeking wealth. La Rochelle also maintains strong links with the sea by harbouring the largest marina for pleasure boats in Europe at Les Minimes, and a rather rich boat-building industry which includes Amel Yachts.[38]. Meanwhile, cannon shots were exchanged on 10 September 1627 between La Rochelle and Royal troops. Residieren mit Charme, wohnen mit Raffinesse, in einer der besten Lagen Berlins im Grunewald: Für ein Leben voller Leichtigkeit bietet Villa La Rochelle luxuriösen Entfaltungsraum im Stil eines französischen Landhauses. During the Hundred Years' War in 1360, following the Treaty of Bretigny La Rochelle again came under the rule of the English monarch. Hotel in La Rochelle. FINDE UNS. [citation needed] The name was first recorded in 961 as Rupella, from a Latin diminutive meaning 'little rock'. [28] In February 1794, the National Assembly legislated the Universal Emancipation decree, which effectively freed all colonial slaves. La Rochelle seldom experiences very cold or very warm weather. Das Hôtel Kyriad La Rochelle Centre Ville … La Rochelle, and the siege of 1627 form much of the backdrop to the later chapters of Alexandre Dumas, père's classic novel, The Three Musketeers. [4] In 1137, Guillaume X to all intents and purposes made La Rochelle a free port and gave it the right to identify as a commune. [22], In 1625, a new Huguenot revolt led by Duke Henri de Rohan and his brother Soubise led to the Capture of Ré island by the forces of Louis XIII. 09:00 - 12:15, 13:30 - 16:30. Preis ansteigend Preis absteigend Wohnfläche ansteigend Wohnfläche absteigend Von … Passwort vergessen? Anmelden. The Romans subsequently occupied the area, where they developed salt production along the coast. The train station Gare de La Rochelle offers connections to Bordeaux, Nantes, Poitiers, Paris and several regional destinations. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Richelieu, the king’s minister, besieged the town and built a vast sea wall to prevent English ships from relieving their allies. Sehen Sie sich alle 1 Touren für Le Bunker de La Rochelle … In 1890 a commercial port, accessible to larger vessels, was opened at La Pallice, 3.5 miles (5.5 km) west of the city; it has since been enlarged several times. Die Stadt befindet sich 470 Meter von Paris entfernt. Nearby Île de Ré is a short drive to the North. Die Hafenstadt La Rochelle (75.735 Einwohner, 2017) liegt am Atlantik im Golf von Biscaya, gegenüber der Île de Ré und ist ein wichtiges Schifffahrts-, Handels- und Fremdenverkehrszentrum. Sie ist ein wichtiges Handel- und Schifffahrtszentrum sowie ein beliebter Touristenort mit vielen Sehenswürdigkeiten wie dem Porte de la Grosse Horloge. Geben Sie Ihren gewünschten Mietzeitraum sowie weitere Suchkriterien ein und klicken Sie auf Suchen. Aber durch die abenteuerliche Geschichte der Stadt ist sie noch heute eine der charmantesten Städte in Frankreich. He went bankrupt awaiting the return of his ships; they returned seven years later bearing riches. The stronghold, including the islands of Ré and Oléron, was held by 20,000 German troops under German vice-admiral Ernst Schirlitz. Hôtel Kyriad La Rochelle Centre Ville. In the 15th century a third tower, the Tower de la Lanterne, a round base surmounted by an octagonal spire, was built as a lighthouse. The main activities of the city were in the areas of maritime commerce and trade, especially with England, the Netherlands and Spain. Der Hafen von Rochelle ist noch immer das Herz dieser im Mittelalter gegründeten Stadt. La Rochelle Agglo. Epicerie/Cave/Café. Mehr von Centre Universitaire de Français Langue Étrangère - La Rochelle auf Facebook anzeigen. Am frühen Abend war es de… During the 18th century, its style was greatly influenced by Chinese themes and Japanese Kakiemon-type designs. La Rochelle liegt direkt am Atlantik. Contact : redac.larochelleinfo@gmail.com They play their home matches at Stade Marcel-Deflandre. Situated on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean the city is connected to the Île de Ré by a 2.9-kilometre (1.8-mile) bridge completed on 19 May 1988. [11] Having recovered freedom, La Rochelle refused entry to Du Guesclin, until Charles V recognized the privileges of the city in November 1372. Sudouest.fr Charente-Maritime. Updates? Pop. Its harbour opens into a protected strait, the Pertuis d'Antioche since the Middle-Ages. [15] Further cases of Reformation iconoclasm were recorded in La Rochelle from 30 May 1562, following the Massacre of Vassy. Many Huguenots emigrated, founding such cities as New Rochelle in the vicinity of today's New York in 1689. Together with the Excelia Group (La Rochelle Business School), they are the largest institutions of higher education of La Rochelle (7,000 and 3,500 students respectively). ÖFFNUNGSZEITEN. Following these events, Louis XIII and his Chief Minister Cardinal Richelieu declared the suppression of the Huguenot revolt the first priority of the kingdom. 1, Parvis Fernand Braudel. Familienreisen mit Kindern nach La Rochelle. The Knights Templar had a strong presence in La Rochelle since before the time of Eleanor of Aquitaine, who exempted them from duties and gave them mills in her 1139 Charter. Related Pages. La Rochelle. [41], La Rochelle launched one of the first successful bicycle sharing systems in 1974. Türme von La Rochelle Wenn du deinen Besuch von La Rochelle am Alten Hafen begonnen hast, hast du bestimmt die 3 emblematischen Türme gesehen, die den Ein- und Ausgang des Hafens markieren: Der Laternenturm, ein ehemaliger Leuchtturm, der auch als Gefängnis diente. Imports include fuel oil, wood products, nitrates, and phosphates, while exports (of less importance) are mainly cereals and other food products. From the harbour, boating trips can be taken to the Île d'Aix and Fort Boyard (home to the TV show of the same name). Info pratiques et locales à La Rochelle. The base is featured in the computer game Commandos 2: Men of Courage. Für Segler ist die Stadt schon deshalb eine gute Adresse. La Rochelle ist eine wunderschöne Hafenstadt im Westen Frankreichs. Eine gotische Mauer mit Wehrgang über auskragenden Pechnasen, die zusätzlich mit einem Turm bewehrt ist, umschließt den Innenhof. La Rochelle is a city on the central west coast of France and a seaport on the Bay of Biscay, a part of the Atlantic Ocean. Its urban activities are multiple and strongly differentiated. These specific conditions – summer dry and sunny, winter mild and wet – have led to the establishment of a Mediterranean-type vegetation cohabiting with more continental and oceanic types of vegetation. The city has more than 10,000 students each year. This was a period of high artistic, cultural and architectural achievements for the city. Das Herz der Stadt ist und bleibt daher der malerische "Vieux Port" ("Alter Hafen"). La Rochelle became one of the French centres for faience in the end of the 18th century. Wenn Sie auf Tripadvisor buchen, können Sie bis zu 24 Stunden vor Beginn der Tour gegen vollständige Rückerstattung stornieren. La Rochelle, city, Atlantic seaport and capital of Charente-Maritime département, Nouvelle-Aquitaine région, western France, situated on an inlet opposite Ré Island. La Rochelle developed in the 12th century after the neighbouring town of Châtelaillon was destroyed by the dukes of Aquitaine. or. Die Anzahl der Bevölkerung beträgt ungefähr 77 Tausend Menschen. It is the capital of the Charente-Maritime department. La Rochelle's main feature is the "Vieux Port" ("Old Harbour"), which is at the heart of the city, picturesque and lined with seafood restaurants. Media/News Company. La Rochelle Inn is located in peaceful Meerensee in Richards Bay and features 2 outdoor swimming pools, a tropical garden and a terrace. While a new city has grown up round it, the historic centre of La Rochelle, standing on the edge of the Old Port and the floating harbour. Contact : redac.larochelleinfo@gmail.com The naval battle of La Rochelle was one of the first cases of the use of handguns on warships, which were deployed by the French and Spanish against the English.