Cases of repression in the country against German, Spanish, Peruvian, and Jewish people were also reported. [23] The National Security Archive reported, "Founded by the Pinochet regime in November 1975, Operation Condor was the codename for a formal Southern Cone collaboration that included transnational secret intelligence activities, kidnapping, torture, disappearance and assassination, according to the National Security Archive's documentary evidence from U.S., Paraguayan, Argentine, and Chilean files. Ex. Kissinger left Paris that evening, and Loire's inquiries were directed to the U.S. State Department. They realized that "Operation Condor" was the code name given for intelligence collection on "leftists", Communists, Peronists or Marxists in the Southern Cone Area. To check on the information, the two journalists went to the given address: an apartment in Porto Alegre. General Carlos Prats and his wife, Sofía Cuthbert were killed by a car bomb on 30 September 1974, in Buenos Aires, where they lived in exile. These prosecutions were enabled by massive releases of formerly classified documents to the national Security Archive which were then used as evidence against the accused. Regarding the ongoing human rights abuses by the Argentine junta, professor Ruth Blakeley writes that Kissinger "explicitly expressed his support for the repression of political opponents. Whether if we had gone in, we might have prevented this, I don't know", he stated in reference to the Letelier-Moffitt bombing. In 1975 the FBI searched in the US for individuals wanted by DINA. He revealed that Uruguayan military officials threatened to assassinate U.S. [147], Besides this "French connection," he has also accused former head of state Isabel Perón and former ministers Carlos Ruckauf and Antonio Cafiero, who had signed the "anti-subversion decrees" before Videla's 1976 coup d'état. The assassinations of former Bolivian president Juan José Torres and former Uruguayan deputies Héctor Gutiérrez and Zelmar Michelini in Buenos Aires in 1976 were also part of Condor. The public companies thus became the fundamental lever for the denationalization of the State, and the loss of national sovereignty. There were also hundreds of cases of babies and children being taken from mothers in prison who had been kidnapped and later disappeared; the children were given in illegal adoptions to families and associates of the regime. "Sucesso de investigação", In: Fernando Molica (ed.). In November 2015 the Chilean government acknowledged that Pablo Neruda might have been murdered by members of Pinochet's regime.[79]. Landau (1988: 119); (whose? In December 2004, Francisco Letelier, the son of Orlando Letelier, wrote in an OpEd column in the Los Angeles Times that his father's assassination was part of Operation Condor, which he described as "an intelligence-sharing network used by six South American dictators of that era to eliminate dissidents."[82]. Il s'agit de la suite de Armour of God , connu en France sous le … The intention was for the agencies to act in a coordinated fashion against subversives within member countries in Europe.[151]. According to ESMA survivor Graciela Daleo, this tactic tries to claim that the crimes were legitimised by Isabel Perón's "anti-subversion decrees." Most of the loans granted to the Argentine dictatorship came from the private banks of the U.S. "Holding these officials accountable for the multinational crimes of Condor," he said, "cannot help but set a precedent for more recent abuses of a similar nature. Schaue jetzt "Extraction - Operation Condor" online mit unseren Partner-Angeboten. Opération Condor realisé par Jackie Chan et Frankie Chan avec Jackie Chan en DVD. "[28], Marie-Monique Robin also showed ties between the French far right and Argentina since the 1930s, in particular through the Roman Catholic fundamentalist organization Cité catholique created by Jean Ousset, a former secretary of Charles Maurras (founder of the royalist Action Française movement). It was the assumption of the Shlaudeman's briefing that the countries in the Southern Cone perceived themselves as "the last bastion of Christian civilization" and thus they consider the efforts against communism as justified as the "Israeli actions against Palestinians terrorist". When his son learns there is no plan for his father to be saved, he launches his own rescue operation. Ustashe émigrés and descendants), Italian neofascists and the Shah's SAVAK to locate and assassinate dissidents in exile. They assassinated Chilean General Carlos Prats, former Uruguayan MPs Zelmar Michelini and Héctor Gutiérrez Ruiz, as well as the ex-president of Bolivia, Juan José Torres, in Buenos Aires. [98][99][100][101] Stroessner demanded the tapes of detainees screaming in pain to be played to their family members. [95][96] Stroessner's secret police, headed by Pastor Coronel, bathed their captives in tubs of human vomit and excrement[97] and shocked them in the rectum with electric cattle prods. [81] a failed assassination attempt on October 6, 1975. The leaders of DINA, including chief Manuel Contreras, ex-chief of operations and retired general Raúl Itturiaga Neuman, his brother Roger Itturiaga, and ex-brigadiers Pedro Espinoza Bravo and José Zara, were charged in Chile with this assassination. An undetermined number of foreigners were also arrested and tortured, including citizens of Spain, the UK, France and the United States. It took testimony from hundreds of witnesses about victims of the regime and known abuses, documenting hundreds of secret prisons and detention centers, and identifying leaders of the torture and death squads. Paraguay’s government was listed only as utilizing the local press, "Patria", as its main propaganda producer. jackie chan operation condor. [108] Dan Mitrione, the best-known example of such cooperation, had trained civilian police in counterinsurgency at the School of the Americas in Panama, known as the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation after 2000. "Torturador ganhou um Nobel". The scam unraveled)". Shlaudeman warns Kissinger that in the long term the "Third World War" would put those six countries in an ambiguous position because they are trapped on either side by "international Marxism and its terrorist exponents," and on the other by "the hostility of uncomprehending industrial democracies misled by the Marxist propaganda. [104], In July 2019, the Italian courts sentenced Morales Bermudez to life imprisonment, together with Prime Minister Pedro Richter Prada and General Germán Ruíz Figueroa, for the disappearance of Italian citizens. [60] When they arrived, the journalists were at first taken to be other political opposition members by the armed men who had arrested Celiberti, and they were arrested in turn. Inhaltsangabe: Als eine Gruppe von international gesuchten Terroristen (u.a. With Bruce Willis, Kellan Lutz, Gina Carano, D.B. The United States documentation shows that the United States provided key organizational, financial and technical assistance to the operation into the 1980s. Fourteen of the remaining 16 defendants got eight to 25 years. Kornbluh and Dinges suggest that the decision not to send Kissinger's order was due to Assistant Secretary Harry Shlaudeman's sending a cable to his deputy in D.C which states "you can simply instruct the Ambassadors to take no further action, noting that there have been no reports in some weeks indicating an intention to activate the Condor scheme. A French priest there said to Marie-Monique Robin: "to save the soul of a Communist priest, one must kill him." "[155], A Prominent victim of Operation Condor included former Bolivian president, Juan Torres, who was murdered in Buenos Aires. : Mulan, S.O.S. [92], Interviewed in the early 21st century by Dinges, Koch said that George H. W. Bush, then CIA director, informed him in October 1976 that "his sponsorship of legislation to cut off U.S. military assistance to Uruguay on human rights grounds had provoked secret police officials to 'put a contract out for you'. Operation Condor, also known as Operation D (D for desperado), was the name of the French intelligence agency SDECE's special service GCMA secret operation against the Viet Minh supply column. Il s'agit de la suite de Armour of God , connu en France sous le nom de Mister Dynamite et sorti en 1986. Operation Condor was a secret agreement between the military dictatorships of the Southern Cone in the 1970s, with the knowledge of the CIA. White cabled Vance that "it would seem advisable to review this arrangement to insure that its continuation is in US interest. [1] Jedburgh veteran Captain Jean Sassi led the GCMA Malo - Servan commando unit consisting of Mèo partisans through the jungle, they dropped then walked all day to join Dien Bien Phu. He had been the spiritual guide of the Organisation armée secrète (OAS), a pro-French Algeria terrorist movement founded in Franquist Spain. They had travelled from Chile to Argentina on 11 August 1976 and "cooperated in the torture and assassination of the two Cuban diplomats." In late 1976, Colonel Fons and Major Gavazzo were assigned to prominent diplomatic posts in Washington, D.C. [39][40], According to these archives, other countries, such as Peru, cooperated by providing intelligence information in response to requests from the security services of the Southern Cone nations. Your Ambassador can apprise you. According to Dinges' book Los años del Cóndor (The Years of the Condor), Chilean MIR prisoners in the Orletti center told José Luis Bertazzo that they had seen two Cuban diplomats, 22-year-old Jesús Cejas Arias and 26-year-old Crescencio Galañega, tortured by Gordon's group. Shlaudeman and his two deputies, William Luers and Hewson Ryan, recommended action. It happened during the First Indochina War's climactic Battle of Dien Bien Phu from April, 28th to May, 10th 1954. Eventually, Dien Bien Phu surrendered on May 7, 1954, though Sassi's emergency column found rare Dien Bien Phu survivors who had escaped through the jungle, approximatively 150. An ideological fear of its neighbors compelled them to protect its sovereignty. These governments to shared information and violently repressed suspected left-wing subversives. The Society of Pius-X has four monasteries in Argentina, the largest in La Reja. "[124] McSherry adds, "According to [U.S. N.p., 8 Mar. He has admitted being a former member of the OAS, and having escaped for Argentina after the March 1962 Évian Accords that ended the Algerian War (1954–62). The report also noted that a large volume of U.S. currency was seized during the combined operation. [41] Brazil signed the agreement later (June 1976), but refused to engage in actions outside Latin America.[39]. [26] In 2007, McSherry also confirmed the abduction and torture during this period of Chilean and Uruguayan refugees who were living in Buenos Aires, based on newly declassified CIA documents dated June 1976. There they kidnapped Universindo Rodriguez and Lilian Celiberti, an activist Uruguayan couple of the political opposition, along with her two children, Camilo and Francesca, five and three years old. Jackie is hired to help the UN find Nazi gold hidden in Sahara. Of the 171 Condor victims cited in the indictments, approximately forty-two survived and one hundred twenty others were killed and/or disappeared. Prosecutors are basing their case in part on U.S. documents declassified in the 1990s and later, and obtained by the non-governmental organization, the National Security Archive, based at George Washington University in Washington, DC. The agencies sent representatives to the Condor organisation secretariat in Buenos Aires in September 1977 in order to discuss how to establish an "anti-subversion organization similar to Condor" in which the agencies would pool their resources into a single organisation. Web. [83][84] According to the Miami Herald, Luis Posada Carriles was at this meeting, which decided on Letelier's death and also the Cubana Flight 455 bombing. McSherry added that "some 200 persons passed through Automotores Orletti, the key Condor detention center in Argentina," and cautioned that "these figures are likely underestimates".[12]:p. DINA civil agent Enrique Arancibia Clavel, who was prosecuted in Argentina for crimes against humanity in 2004, was sentenced to life imprisonment for his part in the murder of General Prats. ?, ??? He also stated that there is declassified documentation of the CIA and cable information disseminated by WikiLeaks, which account for the links of the Morales Bermudez government with Operation Condor. [66] Captain Glauco Yanonne, was personally responsible for torturing Universindo Rodriquez in the DOPS headquarters in Porto Alegre. [142], The key figure of the Cité catholique was priest Georges Grasset, who became Videla's personal confessor. [107] Prior to the 1973 coup d'état, the CIA had acted as a consultant to the law enforcement agencies in the country. ", In late 1977, due to unusual storms, numerous corpses washed up on beaches south of Buenos Aires, producing evidence of some of the government's victims. [142], Argentine Admiral Luis María Mendía, who had theorized the practice of "death flights", testified in January 2007 before Argentine judges that a French intelligence "agent", Bertrand de Perseval, had participated in the abduction of two French nuns, Léonie Duquet and Alice Domon, who were later murdered. This event confirmed the direct involvement of the Brazilian government in the Condor Operation. What is not understood in the United States is that you have a civil war. The Chief also specifically stated that "they" (whether he is referring to the CIA or the future military government in Argentina, or both) will face resistance if they were to begin assassinating and executing individuals. Chilean Enrique Arancibia Clavel was convicted and sentenced in Argentina for the assassination of Carlos Prats and of his wife; in a 2011 court verdict, life terms were handed down to Alfredo Astiz, Jorge Acosta, Antonio Pernias and Ricardo Cavallo;[152] In 2016 Reynaldo Bignone, Santiago Riveros, Manuel Cordero and 14 others were convicted.[153][154]. Porto Alegre: L&PM, 2008. One of the lawyers seeking his extradition said there had been an attempt to assassinate Carlos Altamirano, leader of the Chilean Socialist Party. ¹è¨ˆåŠƒ Fei ying gai wak) est un film hongkongais réalisé par Jackie Chan , sorti en 1991 . He quotes a cable sent from Buenos Aires by FBI agent Robert Scherrer on 22 September 1976, in which he mentioned that Michael Townley, later convicted for the assassination of former Chilean minister Orlando Letelier in Washington, D.C., had taken part in the interrogations of the two Cubans. [72][73] In July 2008, a special commission of the Legislative Assembly of Rio Grande do Sul, Goulart's home state, concluded that "the evidence that Jango was willfully assassinated, with knowledge of the Geisel government, is strong. [62], In 1980, Brazilian courts convicted two inspectors of DOPS (Department of Political and Social Order, an official police branch in charge of the political repression during the military regime) for having arrested the journalists in Lilian's apartment in Porto Alegre. [92], The United States backed Alfredo Stroessner's anti-communist military dictatorship[3] and played a "critical supporting role" in the domestic affairs of Stroessner's Paraguay. [118] Contreras was retained as a paid CIA contact until 1977, even as his involvement in the Letelier-Moffit assassination was being revealed. He believed that there was justification to some of their fears, yet he felt that by reacting too strongly these countries could engender a strong terrorist counter reaction similar to the PLO in Israel. On 22 December 1999, the former head of the DINA confirmed to Argentine federal judge María Servini de Cubría in Santiago de Chile that Michael Townley and Cuban Guillermo Novo Sampoll were present in the Orletti center. CUNHA, Luiz Cláudio, Operação Condor. While many sources combine these numbers into a single death toll attributable to Operation Condor, killings directly linked to Condor's cross-borders military and intelligence cooperation between South American dictatorships are, by definition, only a small subset of this total. According to Sassi, the heading commandos were only a few dozens of kilometers from Éliane. Score: 7.3 (IMDb | AlloCine) (1 Voted) HD STREAMING TRAILER. [116] Members of SIDE were also operating with Uruguayan military Intelligence officers in an operation carried out against the Uruguayan terrorist organization, the OPR-33. Jackie Chan Operation Condor. Sous-série : Argentine, n° 74. The SIDE also assisted Bolivian general Luis García Meza Tejada's Cocaine Coup in Bolivia, with the help of the Italian Gladio operative Stefano Delle Chiaie and Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie (see also Operation Charly).Recently, since the opening of confidential archives, it has been discovered that there were operative units composed of Italians, used at ESMA for the repression of groups of Italian Montoneros. Shlaudeman's judgments adopted a tone of paternalism, but was correct in noting that Paraguay's “backwardness” was leading it toward the fate of its neighbors. The DIA noted that Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile were already fervently conducting operations, mainly in Argentina, against leftist targets. Police officer Pedro Seelig, the head of the DOPS at the time of the kidnapping, was identified by the Uruguayan couple as the man in charge of the operation in Porto Alegre. The third phase of Operation Condor included plans to assassinate and take other measures against opponents of the military dictatorships in other countries, such as France, Portugal, the United States, Italy and Mexico, which were carried out in cases such as the murder of Orlando Letelier and Ronni Karpen Moffitt in the United States. According to the official statement, the Italian government "could not confirm nor deny that Argentine, Brazilian, Paraguayan and Chilean militaries [military officers] will be submitted to a trial. [141] It was located in the offices of the chief of staff of the Argentine Army. [117], The third point of the report demonstrates the United States' understanding of Operation Condor's more nefarious operations. "We knew fairly early on that the governments of the Southern Cone countries were planning, or at least talking about, some assassinations abroad in the summer of 1976. According to Jean-Guy Allard, after consultations with the terrorist organization CORU's leadership, including Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch, those elected to carry out the murder were Cuban-Americans José Dionisio Suárez, Virgilio Paz Romero, Alvin Ross Díaz, and brothers Guillermo and Ignacio Novo Sampoll. "[129] A summary of material declassified in 2004 states that, The declassified record shows that Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was briefed on Condor and its "murder operations" on August 5, 1976, in a 14-page report from [Harry] Shlaudeman [Assistant Secretary of State]. The series was created by Todd Katzberg, Jason Smilovic, and Ken Robinson and premiered on June 6, 2018 on Audience. Two were found not guilty. Iturriaga was also wanted in Argentina for the assassination of General Prats.[156]. Weiner (1999). "[124], A CIA document described Condor as "a counter-terrorism organization" and noted that the Condor countries had a specialized telecommunications system called "CONDORTEL. Extraction - Operation Condor ein Film von Steven C. Miller mit Bruce Willis, Kellan Lutz. 19 Favorites . These centers were managed by the Grupo de Tareas 18, headed by former police officer and intelligence agent Aníbal Gordon, earlier convicted of armed robbery, who reported directly to General Commandant of the SIDE, Otto Paladino.[112]. Achieved, this operation would have brought a great confusion among the enemy line.[1][2]. Former military officers from Argentina and Uruguay went on trial in 2013 in Buenos Aires for their human rights abuses in Operation Condor. Document dated 22 September 1976, sent by, Schlaudeman, Harry. ), but the governments broadened their attacks against all kinds of political opponents, including their families and others, as reported by the Valech Commission. Finde 20 Ähnliche Filme zum Film Extraction - Operation Condor von Steven C. Miller mit Bruce Willis, Kellan Lutz, wie . (His execution by the Chilean military after the coup was dramatized in the 1982 Costa-Gavras film, Missing.) [117] The State Department briefing for Kissinger mentioned awareness of Operation Condor's plans to conduct possible operations in France and Portugal - a matter that would be prove to be extremely controversial later in Condor's history.[117]. )[112], According to Dinges, the FBI and the CIA were informed of their arrest. The only ones who managed to survive are Lilian, her children, and Universindo.[69]. "The military-controlled governments of the Southern Cone," the document read, "all consider themselves targets of international Marxism." A former CIA operative is kidnapped by a group of terrorists. In 1957, Argentine officers, among them Alcides Lopez Aufranc, went to Paris to attend two-year courses at the École de Guerre military school, two years before the Cuban Revolution, and before the rise of anti-government guerrilla movements in Argentina. [75] As a result of the story, the Human Rights Commission of the Chamber of Deputies decided to investigate Jango's death. After being overthrown, João "Jango" Goulart was the first Brazilian president to die in exile. One propaganda piece created by Chile entitled, "Chile after Allende," was distributed amongst the governments acting under Condor. Townley confessed that he had hired five anti-Castro Cuban exiles to booby-trap Letelier's car. The 1985 Trial of the Juntas convicted top officers who ran the military governments for acts of state terrorism. We read about human rights problems but not the context. Barreiro also said that the order to assassinate Goulart came from Sérgio Paranhos Fleury, head of the Departamento de Ordem Política e Social (Department of Political and Social Order) and the licence to kill came from president Ernesto Geisel. ¹è¨ˆåŠƒ; also known as Operation Condor in the United States and as Superfly in the Philippines) is a 1991 Hong Kong action-comedy film written and directed by Jackie Chan, who also starred in the film.It is the sequel to 1986's Armour of God.. "The documents are very useful in establishing a comprehensive analytical framework of what Operation Condor was," said Pablo Enrique Ouvina, the lead prosecutor in the case. In 1993, he said to the Brazilian press: All the Uruguayans kidnapped abroad, around 180 people, are missing to this day. At the end of the 1950s, the Cité catholique established groups in Argentina and set up cells in the Army. The exposure of the operation is believed to have prevented the murder of the couple and their two young children, as the news of the political kidnapping of Uruguayan nationals in Brazil made headlines in the Brazilian press. According to the Rettig Report, Jecar Neghme's death had been carried out by Chilean intelligence agents. Berríos was found dead in El Pinar, near Montevideo (Uruguay), in 1995. While Seelig stood trial in Brazil, Universindo and Lílian remained in prison in Uruguay and prevented from testifying. Condor's key members were Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Brazil, later joined by Ecuador and Peru. General Navarre approved the mission on April 27 and it was launched on April 30. The State Department forced the Uruguayan government to withdraw their appointments, with the public explanation that "Fons and Gavazzo could be the objects of unpleasant publicity. [61], When their identities were made clear, the journalists had exposed the secret operation by their presence. Ecuador and Peru later joined the operation in more peripheral roles.[17][18]. [144] Deputy Roland Blum, in charge of the Commission, refused to allow Marie-Monique Robin to testify. The film features Chan's kung fu, comedy and stunts, with an Indiana Jones-style theme. [80] In 1999, the secretary of the National Security Council (NSC), Glyn T. Davies, declared that the declassified documents established the responsibility of Pinochet government in carrying out the assassination of Bernardo Leighton, as well as Orlando Letelier and General Carlos Prats. [36] Southern Cone Operation Condor resulted in up to 50,000 killed; 30,000 "disappeared"; and 400,000 arrested and imprisoned. It was greatly expanded during the government of General Juan Carlos Onganía, in particular in 1969. The Goulart family has not yet identified who could be the "B Agent," as he is referred to in the documents. In 1968, U.S. General Robert W. Porter stated that "in order to facilitate the coordinated employment of internal security forces within and among Latin American countries, we are... endeavoring to foster inter-service and regional cooperation by assisting in the organization of integrated command and control centers; the establishment of common operating procedures; and the conduct of joint and c… [142] "In practice", said Robin to Página/12, "the arrival of the French in Argentina led to a massive extension of intelligence services and of the use of torture as the primary weapon of anti-subversive war in the concept of modern warfare. [44] Short-term financial speculation flourished, while chronic tax evasion and budget deficits remained high. [111], According to reports in 2006, resulting from trials of top officials in Argentina, Operation Condor was at its peak in 1976 when Chilean exiles in Argentina were threatened; many went underground or into exile again in other countries. [135], On 3 August 2007, General Raúl Iturriaga, former head of DINA, was captured in the Chilean town of Viña del Mar on the Pacific coast. [112] Decades later, President Jorge Batlle ordered an investigation and finally, Macarena Gelman was found and recovered her identity. correspondence with J. Patrick McSherry, 13 February 1999. The amnesty laws (Ley de Obediencia Debida and Ley de Punto Final) of 1985–1986 stopped the trials until 2003, when the Congress repealed them, and in 2005 the Argentine Supreme Court ruled they were unconstitutional. The Argentine SIDE cooperated with the Chilean DINA in numerous cases of desaparecidos. [133], Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State in the Nixon and Ford administrations, was well aware of the Condor plan and was closely involved diplomatically with the Southern Cone governments, going so far as to be Jorge Videla's personal guest to the 1978 World Cup in Argentina.