Alysum 5.5.1 – Premium Prestashop AMP Theme. You can also set background color in the Footer Builder layout settings. Product Miniature Layout there are several product miniature layouts. Footer Background Color — set a color of your footer. 1. It will open a new page with the content from this module, and all its available strings. Native Footer — this option enable native prestashop footer hook "displayFooter". SubMenu Typography — typography of items in dropdown sections. Alysum Nulled Alysum 1.6 /1.7 Nulled Premium Prestashop AMP Theme Free Download. Go to back-office > "Shop Parameters" → "Contact". Alysum Nulled Alysum 1.6 /1.7 Nulled Premium Prestashop AMP Theme Free Download. Then click on the "Add new theme". Alysum has recently emerged as a rising star in the list for best PrestaShop themes in 2020. Then go to Theme Settings -> Social Accounts and enable "Display Accepted Payments Systems". General tab contains common theme settings like typography, colors, and other global options. One-Click on Update. Rating Stars displays stars in product minature. The module Page Builder must be hooked to the "displayFooterBuilder" hook. But you can download Alysum – Premium Prestashop AMP Theme completely free from here. You can manage social accounts in the "Social Sharing" tab. Please make sure the module "Contact form (by PrestaShop)" is installed and enabled. See in details heve each attribute works: Product Tabs — display additional product information ordered by tabs, Tab Title Typography — typograpy of tabs titles, "Description" Tab — allows to hide "description" tab in case it's not used. Prevent spams with Google Anti Spam module ReCaptcha. Available services are: Google and Leaflet. Faceted Search module is a default PrestaShop module that displays a block with the layered navigation filters. The API key is a unique identifier that is used to authenticate requests associated with your project. In your PrestaShop admin panel go to Modules -> Modules and Services section, choose Installed modules tab and type in the Search field “Faceted Search” to find the module. The module Page Builder must be hooked to the "displayCategoryPageBuilder" hook, Product Listing — The view of product listing. add {literal} tag around yor code like this. Google Map Custom Style — there is an option to display google map with custom colors what defined with Alysum theme. Map Area Height — The height of a map area. Meilleures modèles PrestaShop 2021. Back Stars Color a color of "empty" stars. This item was published on and sold by author MarekMnishek. This option displays countdown in case you have configured it properly in the product settings. Display Countdown. To work properly, Faceted Search must be kept up-to-date with your latest products, product attributes, and all product prices. Sticky Header Class — allows to manage what section you want to make "sticky". 2. Vertical Tabs — product tabds view. PerPage Selector — a selector what allows theme's customer to manage a number of products per page. 2. If your translation doesn't work, try to change it and save, then change it back. AMP pages are just web pages that you can link to and are controlled by you. Add defined class name (without dot "." Alysum – Premium PrestaShop AMP theme. Then go to Theme Settings -> Payment Icons and select payment services you are using. ... prestashop amp, prestashop amp template, prestashop amp theme, prestashop blog, prestashop in docker, prestashop template, prestashop theme… Visit the page in your browser. Allup is a great Prestashop theme for selling products such as digital, electronics, high tech, accessories,… This theme has 4 home page layouts with elegant fonts and eye-catching design. How Presets works? These options allows you to add your custom CSS and JS code, NOTICE! Configure typography and colors of product labels, Display Attribute — display additional product attribute, Display Feature — select product feature to display. Go to Page builder. Maintenance Until — set the date when your store will be opened. NOTICE! You can select one what fits to your needs. This option requests additional symbols from google fonts what is not included by default. Etiam vehicula sem et … Our staff will help you asap. by Promokit in Shopping $99 $79 (513) 6.5K Sales. Theme looks fine on all screens. Using your FTP or file manager, upload all the font files found within your Web Font Kit to your website into the folder "/themes/alysum/assets/fonts/". Or select one of Prestashop CMS pages where you describe that yourself. Go to Theme Settings → Footer, and enable "Display Icons of Social Networks". Alysum version 2.5 is available and ready for Prestashop 1.5.5. This theme is supplied with 2 additional modules – Alysum Promo Slider module, allowing you to add attractive, eye-catching animations in no time and Alysum Theme Options Module, easy to use, … It is also nulled by us to make sure there are no license check. Nulla interdum tincidunt felis, id mattis nisi mattis in. "Theme Settings" → "Contact Page". Carefully select a layout, it has to be built for product page and contain product page widgets, NOTICE! AMP Home page translation available in "Installed modules translations". Enable product brand and configure it's typography, Enable product description and configure it's typography, Enable product price and configure it's typography. You can choose only specific categories to show. Same Category Products — manage state of "Products in the same category" module. Popup Search — it's a big search field what apears in the center of page and let you focusing on search results only. Improve page load speed with built-in Lazy Load feature. Every single paid module are incorporated into topic file. Footer Text — typography of regular footer text. “Alysum Prestashop AMP Theme” – is a great solution for small and medium businesses. … Collapsed Filters — allows to collapse sidebar product filters. Alysum – Premium Prestashop AMP Theme “Alysum Prestashop AMP Theme” – is a good answer for small and medium companies. Go to "International" → "Translations", select "modules" and find "Page Builder". Our time: 14:20; Tickets; Roadmap; Select your theme . Sometimes this option can be useful because some modules use this hook to output technical information. When you submit a ticket you will receive an email confirmation and once our staff has been able to review and respond to your ticket you should receive another email with our response. Google API Key — To use the Google Maps you must have an API key. For more details please check out this video tutorial:, Change the text in the Translation page in your Back Office. NOTICE! Menu Bar Items Padding — a space between items in the menu bar. There are over 200 options for different pages, what allows to customize theme as you like. How to get an API key? Maps Provider — Select a service what provides interactive maps. Product Page Layout — You can select a layout what you built in Page builder for product page. Log into your account. The value must be the theme technical name (ie: the theme folder name). Filename: Upload the file to your server. Second Image on hover. You can find it in the "Layout Builder" → "AMP Page Builder". Use PSD to update your website graphic details. Find there domain Shop → Theme → Amp. Now you can use icon code in any place of the theme, like this: Suggestion: Use following shortcode to disaplay SVG icon throgh HTML Widget, This section contain tips that might help you improve your shop's performance server-wise. Links Page Width — You can adjust page width as you like. General Typography — defines general website typography, Headings Font — allows to set a font for all headings. Show any additional content in the product page tabs. Last updated: 3 Jan 21. Gray Filter over Images. Now copy that code and paste it to the beginning of the file "/themes/alysum/assets/css/theme.css". Go to menu settings and select menu items to show to compose your AMP menu, All wordings used in AMP theme available in one place. Your kit will also include a Cascading Style Sheet (.css) that you will need to update and upload in step 4. One of the best feature of this … PrestaShop Themes, Themes / By island. Lookbook - Create … There is AMP Page Builder available in Alysum theme. These four blocks displayed under the contact form. Alysum theme can be installed and switch to any demo easily by one click. Scroll To Top — is a button in the right bottom corner of a page what allows quick scroll to the top by click. JavaScript is considered a "parser blocking resource". LeafLet API Key — To use the LeafLet Maps you must have an API key. Headings is a text inside h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 tags, Button Typograpy, Color, etc... — allows to configure regular buttons of the theme and different buttons state. your password Select the part of the current translation that you wish to edit: When you wish to translate a specific module, choose "Installed modules translations", then select the one module you want to edit. Free Download Alysum – Premium Prestashop AMP Theme Nulled. À l’aide de cette plateforme, vous pouvez créer facilement et rapidement un commerce électronique professionnel pour lancer une activité de vente de biens ou de services en ligne. By defailt tabs arranged horizontally. … Enhance the user experience allowing them to access more detailed information. Please also check "Informaion" in "Advanced Parameters" of your BO. "Default" layout means a layout what designed in the theme files, WARNING! Longitude — a geographic coordinate that specifies the east–west position of your point. These buttons serve to promote your business presence on various social networks and help you generate fans/followers for those particular accounts. ... Download Alysum Nulled-Alysum 1.6 /1.7 Nulled Premium Prestashop AMP Theme… How to get an API key? Alysum - Premium Prestashop AMP Theme. Including translation of shop front office, additional theme modules and their back offices. Full changelog here. Product Title allows to disable product title. Alysum theme comes with the list of additional modules: All paid modules are included in theme archive. Show more. (7.x is higly recommedned), memory_limit should be at least 128M (256M recommended), Permissions for all files should be set to "644", Permissions for all folders should be set to "755". Open the file /modules/pkthemesettings/config/fonts.json and add the name of your font to the list. Here is the screen of image sizes by default: A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions. You can find it in submenu of "Layout Builder" in the left sidebar. 2. Here’s an example: Select your slider and click "Slide Editor". This support page will give you more information on the level of support offered for Alysum - Premium Prestashop AMP Theme that you can purchase from ThemeForest. When you change a preset the module check availability of Page Builder layouts with the same name as selected preset and activate such layouts. - Bestseller Build attribute index – adds to the index all the product attributes. The module Page Builder must be hooked to the "displayProductPageBuilder" hook, Price Typography — typograpy of the main product price. Created: 05 July 2012 That’s why it is necessary to re-index the data. Alysum theme comes with 3 … Prestashop AMP module; Header Items; Custom Product Tabs; Daily Deal Alysum theme can be installed and switch to any demo easily by one click. Upload your .ttf or .otf file to the Webfont Generator and then download your Web Font Kit. Find there "Source Settings" -> "Youtube Arguments" and add following arguments: Change the text directly in the theme's code, In this case you need a text editor app, for example Sublime Text. Once you have this, you will specify in your child theme theme.yml which theme should be used as a parent. In case you know when your store will be opened you can enable countdown to let your customers know when to come back. This is a great tool for customers who know the details of what they want (color, condition, price range) but are unsure how to find it.