Some like a different color thus different textures – taken care for by the previous mentioned enhancement pack from matthew007800 – while others like more weathering. Within the Interactive Simulation Control System (ISCS) popup window, you choose tab Audio-Visual Settings, and then from the “Engine Type” dropdown box you select AUTO, CFM or IAE. Question … do you need to trim the A319 or A320 Family members? The lower we come, the more work has to be done. The ToLiss 319 is a very complex product and its features cannot be learnt by trial and error. That it isn’t animated, logically, but that there’s no dummy scale indicator modeled, I had hoped it was. I’ve approached my initial altitude of FL120, so time to move on to FL310, but let me first check how the A319 levels off ast FL120, and how smooth this process goes. Whatever you personally will experience, it’s a nice feature. but you won’t have externally a GPU connected to your aircraft. Remember that I wrote a “split system”. Perhaps less realistic, for this LFBO – LFBO test flight to the Pyrenees, it’s handy to create my own plan which is impossible with Online Flight Planner. It’s basically all about how to install the aircraft, how to setup the activation process, and how to use the Interactive Simulation Control System (ISCS). < > Showing 1-8 of 8 comments . I could enter that data already, but everything can change during the flight and environmental conditions too, so we leave it “open” for the moment. Users can manage a virtual fleet and log their flights together with deep integrations from Navigraph and SimBrief. Loading a flight plan from the DB (Data Base) or entering waypoint by waypoint depends on the type of flight, destination and airliner. Open the folder and place the folder "Easyjet (EasyJoe)" into X-Plane 11 > Aircraft > Laminar Research > ToLiss A319 > liveries Bare in mind, this route could change depending on the location of your ToLiss A319. – Descent and Preparations Very nice add-on for free! In the simulations manual page 5 there’s the following regarding the 2D cockpit including the updater; “Note that the aircraft delivered by default contains a 3d cockpit only. I’ve been a technical instructor with KLM Maintenance and Engineering, later for Lufthansa Technical Training and seen many of my colleague Auto Flight instructors doing their job telling ground engineers how modern Airbus Auto Flight systems work. Manuals But what when it comes to frame rates. That has fixed dimensions. I apologize for any offense caused. Preparations Those windy conditions effect the aircraft behavior while flying more or less parallel LFBO and descending from FL100 to 6000 feet. Pressing the BARO knob on the left-hand side for STD won’t do the same on the right-hand side. Although the A319 is normally flown in managed mode, that doesn’t mean you can forget the managed mode. The tutorial describes the following aspects of a flight: When you and I want to have the overall instrument panel in front of you, but feel that the PFD is difficult to read, click on the PFD and a popup PFD appears. And some exclusive screenshots on another flight are coming up. And when I say, they differ a lot I mean with the shape is different, the exhaust looks bigger, the overall IAE model seems longer, but looks for sure less like a balloon which is the CFM cowling. It’s more than that! This is an enhancement to the Toliss A319 BSS sound pack which replaces the default American Airlines recorded sounds with British Airways automated announcements. The object for the panels itself doesn’t allow this flag. By Leighnekuu3437 8 0. Let’s see how it goes. I’m aware that the “eye” wants something, but the flying characteristics are much more important. Another issue is that people too quickly say that “this and that” isn’t correct or isn’t behaving as the real aircraft. Jun 24, 2017 @ 8:23pm Download the FMS file. You can use the tutorial also for this because you also need to enter waypoint by waypoint with the exception that in my LFBOLFBO flight plan there are no airways included. Once you get the idea – for those who are new to the Airbus philosophy – how the “flow” thru the cockpit is and how to follow all the steps, you’re done in no-time, but keep in mind, MCDU programming will take a lot of time, but even that is something you can learn! And by the way, smooth means the interaction between the different systems. – Flight Plan? No sharklets, the you get the old fashioned wingtip fence. Oh yes, you can still use the tutorial since it offers a lot of additional cockpit preparation information, needed for all kind of flights however, those items in the tutorial related to that flight plan and thus what to enter in the MCDU, is different. Since it will be in managed mode, the aircraft altitude will be controlled by the FMGS. All together an informative manual, in particular the thorough description and operation of the ISCS popup window. As expected I would say. One last part for those who don’t prefer to use “ready to go” flight plans. Neither less, the team has taken the time to model a nice and good looking Virtual Cabin. Suppose you decide to enter the LFBOLFBO waypoints manually. I say on purpose “unnecessary animations” since to me the importance goes to the 3D cockpit and then in particular the flight dynamics. With the ToLiss A319 it’s a pleasure to see how things are calculated, re-calcuated if needed and how in managed mode the vertical speed is controlled to reach the correct altitude. Setting up a descent, and all the calculations that belong to this. Very unusual for these days, but it was a flight with an Airbus A310-200 with no ETOPS, except the ETOPS Grandfather rights. Knowing full well that it'll be compared to the recently release FlightFactor A320, the developers have done a fantastic job in nearly all aspects of the aircraft. Informed ToLIss via Skype and send the necessary data as confirmation. After engine start, you set manually the TO C.G. Environmental conditions can, but mostly will change, like the actual weather at LFBO. -NAV lights. Perhaps you hope that this review answers; will it cover the differences between for example Peters Aircraft A319, FF A320 Ultimate or the JARDesign A320Neo? By the way, the official identification of an A319 fitted with CFM engines is A319-111 (-112, -113, -114 or -115) (CFM International, a joint venture between GE Aviation, a division of General Electric and Safran Aircraft Engines (formerly known as Snecma) while the A319 with IAE V2500 Serie engines will be A319-131 (-132 or -133) (AE International Aero Engines, is a Zürich-registered joint venture manufacturing company founded in 1983. Yes, it’s worth it and then in particular the 3D cockxpit lighting. That the text in general and marking on these panels is razor sharp doesn’t surprise me. Whenever you want to fly this once more, or perhaps twice to test your skills or perhaps even more, you can load the saved flight plan via the INIT A page, LSK 1L. When something isn’t correctly modeled or is wrong, then it’s fair to mention it. The frame rates are very nice, and yes, it all depends on your rendering settings, CPU and GPU speed as well as the amount of your GPU memory. I didn‘t look in detail to every livery, if it’s exactly painted as the real A319 airliners livery, but I hope that small errors that are pointed out by simmers and the small errors I’ve seen, are updated quickly. In real, Airbus offers an A319Neo and perhaps, time will learn, it will become a member of the ToLiss A319. That doesn’t mean it’s not possible to program such a plugin, but the outcome will be different and so I could continue with other differences. Let me highlight one thing that’s different; the ToLIss A319 uses the QPAC FBW plugin, which is as far as my aviation knowledge goes, unique in its way. This select the right engine type for that airline and I may assume, also the thrust settings. Just to remind you; as of this writing – March 2018 – we have the following payware small Airbus aircraft: When you go thru the pages of this manual, you’ll noticed that it also offers X-Plane 10 screenshots. Again, that’s a matter of taste. – Climb and Cruise – Freeware | XPFR Toulouse/Blagnac (LFBO) for X-Plane 10.25 and up And yes, for this test flight I used real time tracking and real weather conditions. $79.00 BSS Flight Factor A320 Ultimate Sound Pack. I’m pleased to see that the developer added some additional information in the Simulations Manual (pages 18 and 19) how and what is needed, and not only the way to do it for X-Plane 11, but also for X-Plane 10. Does it matter for the FMS … no, not at all! Does the 3D cockpit have any animations besides the popups of the PFD, ND, ECAM DU’s and MCDUs? Bonjour Ã* tous, SimBrief offre la possibilité de personnaliser les caractéristiques de nos avions. Will the ToLIss 3D cockpit offer you a weathered/used cockpit? Listening to the movie it’s clear to me that the IAE engine has overall a higher tone and yes, in case you bring this up, the movie deals with the Airbus A320 engines, but these sound differences are minimal versus the A319. AIRCRAFT: ENGINE: UNITS: ORIGIN [ICAO]: A319 A320 A321 CFM IAE Metric Imperial METAR. Check out the following shots! There you can see the trim wheels moving, but you can’t interact “command” them. As of this writing – March 2018 – the ToLiss A319 cost you 69.00 USD. At this point the computer start trimming the aircraft based on pitch and speed. In the aircraft Objects folder there’s a specific texture file that has all the text and marking of the panels and thus they are projected on each panel. Many thanks for taking the time to read the review. Ok, instructions ……! Not that you can forget all the other manuals, but the tutorial is written in a way that you can find your way thru the aircraft very easily. The standard numbering system was published by the Air Transport Association on June 1, 1956. I’ve entered/saved a clean flight plan without a SID or STAR. That said, no special sheet is used to keep these “decals/text” also sharp. Ho ho, hold on, one other important thing to keep in mind. Good news I would say. – Virtual Cabin The review should be, not easy by the way, objective and the moment I start with comparing Airbus models with each other, I make in my humble opinion, the biggest mistake. Peters Aircraft are old, and besides many other lower quality textures is has as far as I know, no complex FMGS but they have the QPAC FBW plugin. Following on from the recent previews from LatinVFR, the scenery development team has released Madrid-Barajas Airport for Microsoft Flight Simulator.Madrid-Barajas Airport (LEMD) is the busiest in Spain serving over 60 million passengers each year. Very well done and highly realistic! Hi Angelique, I see you’re getting good frame rates, on the Toliss forum other iMac, and some Windows users, aren’t so lucky. Keep in mind that when you click the ALT knob to descent, that the FMA on the PFD show DES and not OP DES! How does it fly, how does it feel when you fly it manaully? Improvements. Bonjour à tous, je viens d'acquérir pour ma plus grande joie la dernière version 1.2.1 de l'airbus A319 de Toliss. You can decide do it all by yourself and keeping the A/THR and AP connected and enter different values in ther SPD, HDG or ALT window, not linked to the FMS. Feel free to contact me if you’ve got additional questions related to this impression. My settings in XP are mostly medium or the next up with FXAA, so not to high. During climb, with the AP connected or still flying by hand, I play a bit around with – when my speed is not too high – GEAR extension. Much appreciated and I’m happy that you liked the review. This ISCS popup window allows you to make the necessary settings within the simulated model, but also the configuration of the aircraft, controlling ground services and audio-visual issues. Did I try everything, or did I see strange aircraft behavior during climb, cruise, descent or landing? The SimBrief API has been designed to give you full control over the dispatch process by keeping your users on your site. It does not really make sense. It could be that you’re having SkyMAXX Pro, if so, I had it in the past, but besides a couple of other things, I cost me too many FPS so I dumped SkyMAXX Pro. My iMac is a 4 core i7 with a Radeon R9M395X, 4GB card, this handles the Flight Factor A320 Ultimate , the B757 Extended and the JAR busses, plus the IEXG 737 with no real problems. This enhancement was able to be made using this video here I have tried my best to edit out times and destinations etc. I have seen a paint kit which is available via your dedicated ToLIss X-Plane.Org account page, but it’s also distributed via the, it seems, official livery Org page, setup and maintained by Matthew007800. Not only nice, it’s realistic, but there’s always the question…. Our aircraft models come with a complete 3d cockpit with custom lighting and all switches modelled. Our aircraft come with a state-of-the-art external model, including custom particle effects, e.g. As you might know, for creating a flight plan you could use many programs like Routefinder which offers you quickly a flight plan, but this is not in “X-Plane fms” format. It could be that I’ve forgotten parts of the ISCS, but that’s very well and in-depth explained in the manual. Besides many other things, this is a great tool in case you need to create flight plans for the FlightFactor/StepToSky A320 Ultimate since that aircraft uses flight plan format. – Freeware | Enviro+ 1.1 / Cloud package with lua script. According to Marcelo “None of the FBW Airbuses has a trim switch on the sidestick. But to keep my flight plan as planned, I decided after a while to go back to the managed mode which gives me also extra time to look around in the cockpit. AVAILABLE NOW – all new on P3D v4.5HF3, as well as P3D v5.0HF2 / v5.1! Besides your reply I think it’s not good to compare products of the same models but different developers. Do not attempt to load the XP10 aircraft in X-Plane 11. Initial Release: V1.0 on Feb 28th, 2018; Bug fixing update: V1.0.1 on March 6th, 2018; Bug fixing update: V1.0.2 on March 24th, 2018; Update with new features: V1.1 on June 26th, 2018: Addition of Turbine Sound Studio sounds into the base package The screenshot below shows you the OPEN selection, but you can also select besides CLOSED, for AUTO. I leave the STAR and runway for landing as it is for now. INIT page A is always there, but INIT B is only available as long as the engines aren’t started. Although many simmers have moved to X-Plane 11, there are still many simmers out there who are using X-Plane 10. Full FMGS functionality. Oh oh, that brings me back to the good old Martinair Airbus days. That said, the engine start and sounds are so real. As long as these are in the managed mode, the FMGS takes care for it, but you do need to set the first descent altitude as indicated on the MCDU. Place it in your flight plan folder. While writing this, I suddenly think … there’s no electronic and/or interactive checklist included. What is my overall ToLiss A319 impression? 3D Cockpit Important note: This is an Add-on to the ToLiss Airbus A321. On the new A330F (Freighter) and A340-500/-600, this is automatically done by the computer using the information that the pilot inserts via FMS. It shows up on the second counter on the clock, 1 minute in the sim was about 1 minute 20 seconds in the real time. The ToLiss A319 has been updated to v1.3.3. Keeping the waypoints in mind, I select AGN5P. For now, I can only say, I encourage you to either print it or to read the contents on a tablet. the overhead sub panel, is stays razor sharp. Both planes are in avid development and only time will tell. Once you have that, start the simulated A320 and open the "Plan" tab. It feels good. Hello flight friends, Have been playing around all morning trying to import flightplans into the Aerosoft a320 mcdu. – Entering a flight plan from the departure airport to the destination including fuel requirements, standard departures and arrivals, as well as vertical navigation You can read it back in the Simulations Manual pages 16 till and including 18. Oops, almost forgotten. My answer is straight … I don’t want to. If you like a brand new, clean cockpit or a weathered, dirty and used cockpit is a matter of taste. They differ a lot, but you and I know that. What else is highlighted in this manual? Normally I won’t write down anything on how the engine starts or just a brief engine start experience, but this time, I need to! Enter in the scratchpad a name for your entered flight plan e.g. Cockpit illumination is discussed, the use of the mouse wheel is highlighted and a brief explanation of the FCU (Flight Control Unit) operation. Oops, almost forgotten; since the loaded flight plan has no SID and no STAR, I need to enter a SID. The weather conditions at LFBO haven’t changed and this means that we will land on one of the available runways 32, but this time it will be the run way often used by Airbus Industries 32L. A big plus that the aircraft is also made compatible for X-Plane 10! I think it’s important to highlight the following in respect to the 2D cockpit, in case you would like to have in in your ToLiss A319. As of this writing – March 10th, 2018 – I found not many big issues. I had a comparison on my blog once and it was in favor of the FlightFactor version. These are very well modeled, tiny parts are included as well thus the overall if made with great detail. ToLiss is new, but the lead developer behind it is known from the QPAC A320. Enough about this! On the A320, A330 and A340 you still have the trim in case you end up using a mechanical backup. Your iMac is higher spec than mine, but on my iMac I have no problems with the JAR, Flight Factor or IXEG aircraft. I can’t really understand what’s going on. After you’ve finished to enter all the waypoints, click LSK 6R (Line Select Key) on that respective FLT PLN page, identified as SAVE>. This commonality permits greater ease of learning and understanding for pilots, aircraft maintenance technicians, and engineers alike. Only IAE available. It’s a beautiful truck, but quite big for such a small aircraft. What’s personally for me more interesting how realistic does it fly, how real are the flight dynamics implemented. That said, on the screenshot below you can see that I entered 20000, but I didn’t activated it yet! (Source EASA, see link). Available system schematics where no longer complex drawings with resistors, condensers, transistors and so on. I’ve activated the APPR PHASE, so all is set I think and yes, of course, I used the list of everything is done. After take off there is a transition on who’s is controlling the airplane (what laws are working). Then it’s time to takeoff and wow, that engine sound is a great to hear! As I started this “quick ToLiss A319 impression”, at this moment it is not my goal to figure out the contents of every tutorial page, but I can tell you of what I’ve seen, it’s a well-written, highly informative and comprehensive tutorial. – Payware | Aerosoft LFBO version 1.02 Please don’t use the option “engines running”! Use or not Using the Tutorial? An interesting question isn’t it! I see many dedicated files customized for the ToLiss A319 which is good news. The tutorial covers a flight from Hamburg (EDDH) to Stuttgart (EDDS), but hold on, with a go-around procedure at EDDS and a diversion to Munich (EDDM). Time to check out. Does it mean that the ToLIss A319 is perfect? The version number is V1.5.2 and build number 1299. Liveries On the other hand, it comes with a nice controlling tool and it visualizes how and where to pushback too. Ho ho, hold on! Well done. The Flight Factor / StepToSky developers wrote the FBW plugin themselves. – ToLiss A319. We will try to keep his painting/livery list up-to-date, but whenever you see one of his painting not being available via X-Plained.Com, please let us know. The original collaboration involved Pratt & Whitney, Rolls-Royce, Japanese Aero Engine Corporation and MTU Aero Engines. One of the house painters, X-Plane.Org user matthew007800, created the “ToLiss A319 Enhancement Pack 1 1.0.0. So I hope TOLISS would be better…? That is quite useful already. Hi Angelique, thanks for the quick response. Not strange since the whole background and programming knowledge is based on the previous older QPAC A320 models as well as the programmer who’s behind of it. The “S” identifies that the aircraft model and livery comes with sharklets. First of all, the ToLiss A319 comes with a build-in pushback truck. Perhaps a complex story, but it loads the textures at different resolutions into the VRAM. We highly recommend to work through this tutorial first. Descent and Preparations It stores the situation files as qps. It’s a complex aircraft and when you’ve read the other manuals, you’ve understand by now how important it is to read or to use the tutorial for this LFBO test flight? The only thing that surprises me is that for the cockpit panels a special texture sheet had been introduced for text and markings while on the external textures the decals are far from sharp, at some places they are a bit blurry. Please forward to 1:40 for the actual video. It’s in most cases in my opinion not even passible to make a comparison. I hope others reply and can help you with your questions. Worth to know the following: That means that the Auto Flight and it’s famous FBW plugin is from the same developer and that’s already good news, but there’s more, as complete Airbus A319. Simply generate a flight plan and select your files from the FMS Downloads list. Doing my walk-around inspection, as usual, I can’t say anything else then that I’m happy with the overall 3D model and it looks like that everything I expect to be there, is there. The review is based on model version 1.0 build 864. – Peters Aircraft A320 Family, One of our last waypoints is NARAK, and that’s the one we use for our STAR NARAK 6L. If there was no news 2 days ago it is unlikely there is any news now. SimToolkitPro is a flight logging system for both Prepar3D and X-Plane. While writing this and testing the 3D cockpit under different lighting condition on my iMac, I must emphasize that when the lighting conditions change, the blueish look disappears with at the end a normal expected panel color. No unnecessary animations are implemented like animated baggage bins. Connector for ToLiss A3xx to simbrief. Comparing the frame rates under the same airport, environmental and flight conditions, I found the ToLiss A319 a relatively frame rate friendly aircraft. Introduction Some ToLIss A319 Facts – Configurations – High or Standard Definition – Liveries – Manual – AIRAC Cycles First Impressions – 3D Cockpit – Virtual Cabin – External Inspection LFBO Test Flight Preparation – Flight Plan? Once I broke through the cloud the higher I got the better the frames got. I’ve seen pilots using the company’s navigation DB where they only need to enter a Company Route code, but I’ve also seen pilots entering waypoint by waypoint to create a flight plan. In other words, we’re dealing here with an original split system. That said, go for the JARDesign Ground Handling Deluxe add-on. New features includes such things as added sounds, added background lighting on displays, improved autopilot, SmartCopilot improvements, FMGS initialization now possible, and many more. Although it’s payware, it comes with 3 different trucks, ranging from small, medium to large. Coming into EGKK it was low heavy cloud, but strangely frames were all over the place, up to 23, then down to 11. Just follow the instructions on the PFD and ND. For example, static dischargers, detailed landing gears etc. Not so much to say about it … custom means dedicated for the Airbus A319. It should be noted that when you have set at the ISCS window tab “Ground Services – Quick Services – External Power” to a logical “1”, you will have on the overhead panel, section ELEC PWR, a green AVAIL light. This “different behavior” is by the way also applicable for the FWD and AFT cargo temperature selectors. I can import plans that have .flp extension but there does not seem to be software that can create such a .flp plan! Otherwise you just give people false hope (that a new post is a download link being posted) and bury newer requests (and any useful information posted in the thread you are bumping). For NWS (Nose Wheel Steering) you can decide to assign a rotary knob on your joystick or throttle unit. I wrote the ToLiss A319 review and soon, when I’ve got my new iMac Pro, we’ve planned to write a comprehensive review of the Flight Factor Ultimate A320 which has no QPAC FBW Auto Flight plugin but an own developed plugin that should simulate the Auto Flight of the A320. toliss_simbrief. $49.95 Is it really something that should be a part of the modeled aicraft? So no OVERSPEED warning but instead, due to the additional drag, engine thrust corrects automatically. Therefore, it’s much more difficult to see how internal computer control and monitoring loops work which was possible with an analog Auto Pilot, Auto Throttle and so on. Air Explore OM-IEX Livery for Zibo B737-800. As I lined up for take all was looking good until I got into the cloud, thats when frames took a dive. This is very difficult to maneuver and as per Airbus, it’s very unlike to happen! From apron position A23, I taxi via P10 and N1 to runway 32R. You need to register but it’s for free and a wealth of flight planning information becomes available. Oh yes, it was even more worth then just a flight. That’s with the ToLiss A319 not the case! Very nice package I must say! Back to the ToLiss_Custom sound folder and then in particular the IAE sound file (IAE_SpoolupRoar_FromRear_FirstCandidate.wav). Anyway, for the ToLiss it’s much easier, just the well know “fms” extension for a flight plan.