Luckily, Thunderbolt arrives (having hitched a lift with Lars) and apologizes to Patch, saying he is not a hero, but can act like one. De Vil • Cecil B. Distributor The Radcliffes finally become aware that he is missing as Cruella posts bail for her former cronies, Jasper and Horace, and sends them to the farm to steal the remaining 98 puppies by locking them in a stolen Kanine Krunchies truck. Pongo et Perdita partent alors à leur recherche, aidés par les chiens de la région. Jasper and Horace then lock Thunderbolt and Patch in a cage, then Lightning sneaks in and reveals that Thunderbolt is a fraud. A veritable reference book to Thunderbolt's many adventures, Patch provides the perfect guide for him in his attempts at real-life heroics. Whenever Patch barked, he is either laughed at and/or referred to as a "squeaky toy" by Thunderbolt. 101 Dalmatiner, auch: 101 Dalmatiner Diesmal sind die Hunde echt, ist eine US-amerikanische Familienkomödie von Stephen Herek im Verleih von Walt Disney Productions aus dem Jahr 1996. 101 Dalmatians: Herbert • Alonzo • Mr. Skinner • Jewel • Dipstick • Fidget • Two-Tone • Whizzer • Kipper Syndicated Episodes: "You Slipped a Disk" • "Chow About That?" She is not so strict with the pups and likes to test her limits on her fun ideas with the other pups, eventhough it can sometimes be dangerous which causes Dylan to worry. Qualifizierte Bestellungen werden kostenlos geliefert. • "Tic Track Toe" • "Lucky All Star" • "Shake, Rattle, and Woof" • "Cadpig Behind Bars" • "Leisure Lawsuit" • "Purred It Through the Grapevine" • "Our Own Digs" • "Goose Pimples (Goose Pamples)" • "Two Faces of Anita" • "The Fungus Among Us" • "Market Mayhem" • "Lucky to be Alone" • "Four Stories Up" • "It's a Swamp Thing" • "Roll Out the Pork Barrel" • "Alive N' Chicken" • "Prima Doggy" • "You Say It's Your Birthday" • "Oozy Does It" • "Barnboozled" • "Citizen Canine" • "Full Metal Pullet" • "Dough the Right Thing" • "Frisky Business" • "Cadet of the Month" • "Valentine Daze" • "Close But No Cigar" • "Invasion of the Doggy Snatchers" • "Smoke Detectors" • "Lobster Tale" • "Double Dog Dare" • "Mooove It On Over" • "Shipwrecked" • "Mall Pups" • "Shrewzle Watch" • "The Life You Save" • "Spots and Shots" • "On the Lamb" • "Treasure of Swamp Island" • "Lord of the Termites" • "Fountain of Youth" • "Walk a Mile in My Tracks" • "Cruella World" • "Hail to the Chief" • "Food for Thought" • "The Maltese Chicken" • "Film Fatale" • "My Fair Chicken" • "Snow Bounders" • "Gnaw or Never" • "Poison Ivy" • "Twelve Angry Pups" • "The Good-bye Chick" • "Robo-Rolly" • "Splishing and Splashing" • "Virtual Lucky" • "Cupid Pups" • "The Artist Formerly Known as Spot" • "The Nose Knows" • "K is for Kibble" • "Humanitarian of the Year" • "Beauty Pageant Pandemonium" • "Hog-Tied" • "Coup DeVil" • "Every Little Crooked Nanny" • "Cone Head" • "Channels" • "Un-Lucky" • "The Making of..." • "Best of Show" • "Walk on the Wild Side" • "Horace and Jasper's Big Career Move" • "DeVil-Age Elder" • "Jurassic Bark" • "My Fair Moochie" • "Dog Food Day Afternoon" • "Spot's Fairy God-Chicken" • "Good Neighbor Cruella" • "Animal House Party" • "Dalmatian Vacation, Part I - Road Warriors" • "Dalmatian Vacation, Part II - Cross-Country Calamity" • "Dalmatian Vacation, Part III - Dearly Beloved", 101 Dalmatian Street The feistiest puppy, Patch, feels lost in a sea of spots and longs to be a one-of-a-kind wonder dog like his TV hero, Thunderbolt. Thunderbolt confesses that he is just an actor, but Patch is "a real, one-of-a-kind wonder dog." Deleted: Don't Buy a Parrot from a Sailor • March of the One Hundred and One • Cheerio, Good-Bye, Toodle-oo, Hip Hip! Barry Bostwick (Les 101 Dalmatiens 2 : Sur la trace des héros), Frank Welker (Les 101 Dalmatiens, la série) Voix française: Emmanuel Jacomy (Les 101 Dalmatiens 2 : Sur la trace des héros) Ouragan est un berger allemand, héros de la série télévisée préférée des quinze chiots dalmatiens de Pongo et Perdita, dans le Grand Classique Les 101 Dalmatiens (1961). Disney Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. The series debuted in syndication on September 13, 1997, running new episodes five days a week. 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure is a direct-to-video adventure film, a sequel to the animated Disney comedy film, One Hundred and One Dalmatians, starring the voices of Martin Short, Jason Alexander, and Barry Bostwick. Lars becomes enamored with them and is inspired to paint, but Cruella announces that he going to make a masterpiece out of puppy fur. Die Handlung basiert auf Dodie Smiths gleichnamigem Roman und dem Zeichentrickfilm 101 Dalmatiner, wobei darauf geachtet wurde, die Figuren ähnlich den Zeichentrickfiguren zu besetzen. Une comédie pleine d'humour et de gags dont les héros sont 101 dalmatiens en chair et en os. - Kaufen Sie Les 101 dalmatiens 2 - Edition exclusive günstig ein. Ages 6-12. Halloween: Disney's Maleficious Halloween Party • Happy Hallowishes • Hocus Pocus Villain Spelltacular • It's Good to be Bad with the Disney Villains • Let's Get Wicked • Mickey's Boo-to-You Halloween Parade • Re-Villains! 5) Nach dem Ende der Republik Venedig infolge der Besetzung Venedigs durch … Studio(s) Man, I am not a big fan of Disney sequels of the old classics, but today I watched the DVD feature of this "101 Dalmatians 2: Patch's London Adventure", and I was amazed! 102 Dalmatians: Chloe Simon • Kevin Shepherd • Jean-Pierre Le Pelt • Dottie • Little Dipper • Domino • Oddball • Fluffy • Drooler • Chomp • Digger • Waddlesworth • Ewan, ABC Episodes: "Home is Where the Bark Is" • "He Followed Me Home" • "Love 'Em and Flea 'Em" • "Howl Noon" • "Easy on the Lies" • "Two for the Show" • "An Officer and a Gentledog" • "Bad to the Bone" • "Southern Fried Cruella" • "Swine Song" • "Watch for Falling Idols" • "The High Price of Fame" • "The Great Cat Invasion" • "No Train, No Gain" • "Rolly's Egg-Celent Adventure" • "Wild Chick Chase" • "The Dogs of DeVil" • "Dog's Best Friend" • "A Christmas Cruella" • "Out to Launch" • "Prophet and Loss" 101 Dalmatians 2: Patch's London Adventure (Video 2002) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. In the original film, Patch's siblings, including Lucky, have black (and white) ears. Alors vous allez adorer ce film. 101 Dalmatian Street: Dylan • Dolly • Dawkins • Doug • Delilah • Triple-D • Dante • D.J. Disney re-released it on September 16, 2008. Two weeks later, the show came to ABC's One Saturday Morning lineup, airing original episodes that could only be seen on the network. Source • Deepak • Diesel • Dorothy • Da Vinci • Delgado • Dizzy & Dee Dee • Dimitri Trio • Portia Poodle • Fergus Fox • Hansel • Roxy • Snowball • Clarissa • Pearl • Hunter De Vil • Spike • Constantin Interprétée brillamment par Glenn Glose, Cruella d'Enfer est encore plus diabolique dans la réalité. When he's accidentally left behind on moving day, he meets his idol, Thunderbolt, who enlists him on a … Written by When Patch runs up to Thunderbolt, Cruella spots him, shows him the newspaper photo of him and Thunderbolt, then picks him up as she explains that if it wasn't for him, she never would've found his brothers and sisters and is glad that she now has them all, then gives an evil laugh. Books: Disney Wonderful World of Reading • Classic Storybook • Golden Sound Story • Disney Princess Beginnings, Entertainment: Disney Classics: The Music & The Magic • The Golden Mickeys • Villains Tonight! Patch had no trouble barking in the first film; in fact, he barked more than any other pup (though none of the other puppies appear to have paid much regard to his barking on-screen then). Now is his opportunity as Thunderbolt thinks he will be replaced when it is just a plan by his sidekick Lil' Lightning to make him quit once and for all and make a jealous Lightning the star. While watching the The Thunderbolt Adventure Hour he hears about a chance to appear … Carolyn BatesLeslie Hough With Barry Bostwick, Jason Alexander, Martin Short, Bobby Lockwood. 74 minutes TV Series: 1-0-1 • Dalmatian Vacation • Surf Puppies • I Got My Pups with Me • It's a Dog's Life • In the House • Dolly's Rap • Dogs are Out for Summer Sun • It's a Prank • We're Sending You Love In order to save his job, he decides he will go into the real world and perform an act of true heroism to prove himself. Audio is available in French. Directed by Stephen Herek. 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure However, using a newspaper picture of Patch at the audition, she reads their new address off his ID tag. 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure: Thunderbolt • Lil' Lightning • Lars Walt Disney Television AnimationWalt Disney Animation (Japan), Inc.Characters Builders, Inc.Yozwa AnimationJade Animation Production 105. Also in the original film, Patch's right ear is black, but in the sequel, his left ear is black. The show spanned two seasons, with the first episode airing on September 1, 1997, and the last episode airing on March 4, 1998. During the "Twilight Bark" scene, the man walking the two Great Danes bears a similar resemblance to one of the band players in the ", Despite Roger having a different voice artist in this film, when his song plays in. List of recycled animation in Disney movies. Meanwhile, Thunderbolt makes several attempts at "heroism", telling Patch he is giving him a "Junior Deputy Test" and will let him be on the show if he can pass. Concrete and funny facts makes it easy to understand and enjoy. Richard Gibbs Alors vous allez adorer ce film. (Titre original - 101 Dalmatians) © 1996 WALT DISNEY PICTURES Das Königreich Dalmatien an der Adria war von 1797 bis zum Zerfall der Habsburgermonarchie im Jahre 1918, abgesehen von einer Unterbrechung 1805–1814/1815, ein österreichisches Kronland. Shorts: "Merry Pups" • "Muddy Pups" • "Prank Pups" • "Ransom Pups" • "Target Pups" • "Yoga Pups" • "Jurassic Pups" "Space Pups" • "Disco Pups" • "Diva Pups" Editor(s) Watch Queue Queue. Fed up with being second best, he cons the producer, who is both desperate and frantic over Thunderbolt going missing, into recasting him as the hero. Rotten Tomatoes rating for the film is currently 67% "fresh," based on 6 reviews and with a 4.8 rating, but without a consensus. With Glenn Close, Jeff Daniels, Joely Richardson, Joan Plowright. It includes the behind-the-scenes footage "Making of Dog-umentary". Vous avez aimé le dessin animé Les 101 Dalmatiens ? Patch puts the bus into reverse, forcing Cruella, Jasper, Horace, and Lil' Lightning into the Thames River. Die Landeshauptstadt war Zara, das heutige Zadar. Les 101 Dalmatiens (VF) 1961 76 minutes. Music by He convinces Thunderbolt not to use Patch's stealth plan, but to openly attack. Walt Disney Home Entertainment Running time Quelques mois plus tard, Perdita donne naissance à 15 chiots. Unlike several Disney direct-to-video sequels that essentially retell the original film's story (such as The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea), it takes characters from the original film in some new directions. It was released on January 21, 2003 and garnered DVDX awards for best animated feature, best director, best editing, and best musical score. Video game characters: Patches He fakes a heart attack, distracting Cruella (and managing to have her accidentally knock out Jasper and Horace) while the puppies escape before collapsing. Romance. Season One: "Dog's Best Friend" • "Boom Night" • "Power to the Puppies" • "Who The Dog Do You Think You Are?" At the start of the film, the Dalmatians on the back of the moving van closely resembles the climax of the first film. This is the first part of the franchise in which. The film was released direct-to-video on January 21, 2003. Roger and Anita Radcliffe and their canine clan are packing for the big move to Dalmatian Plantation, a home in the country with plenty of room for Pongo, Perdita, and the 99 puppies and far from the clutches of Cruella De Vil. Parade: Disney Cinema Parade Qualifizierte Bestellungen werden kostenlos geliefert. In the film, Patch was accidentally left behind after the Radcliffes moved to Dalmatian Plantation located at Cherry Tree Farm, Little Tichfield, Devon. TV Series: 101 Dalmatians: The Series • 101 Dalmatian Street Video Games: Animated StoryBook: 101 Dalmatians • Math Antics with Disney's 101 Dalmatians • Disney Hotshots: Disney's 101 Dalmatians • 101 Dalmatians: Escape from DeVil Manor • 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue • 102 Dalmatians: Activity Center • 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure • Kingdom Hearts Bobby LockwoodBarry BostwickSamuel WestKath SoucieSusanne BlakesleeJeff BennettMaurice LaMarcheJason AlexanderMartin Short However, Cruella shows up and knocks Thunderbolt unconscious with a can of paint much to Patch's horror. The feistiest puppy, Patch, feels lost in a sea of spots and longs to be a one-of-a-kind wonder dog like his TV hero, Thunderbolt. Puppies, puppies and more puppies are packed into this entertaining and exciting sequel to Disney's classic, 101 Dalmatians. This video is unavailable. She is more adventurous and outgoing than her brother, Dylan. Back at his trailer, Lightning's mean nature is revealed. Halloween Parade • Scream and Shout Halloween Parade • The Disney Villains Halloween Showtime • Villains Mix and Mingle • Villains Night Out! "In their small London flat, Dalmatians Pongo and Perdy, and their human "pets" Roger and Anita, are overjoyed by the arrival of 15 puppies. De Vil • Ivy De Vil • Malevola De Vil • Judge Dimsdale De Vil Vous avez aimé le dessin animé Les 101 Dalmatiens ? Lightning is horrified when he discovers Thunderbolt might actually become a hero and hurries to the warehouse where the puppies are being held. Jasper and Horace confess to Cruella the puppies are missing, but Patch tricks them into going downstairs while the dogs escape via the roof and get onto a double decker bus, which they accidentally start. Cruella soon discovers that Lars, despite his best efforts, is unable to recreate the look she desires. Live-Action Films: 101 Dalmatians • 102 Dalmatians • Cruella 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure (video), 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure,, A video game of the film was made for the PlayStation. 101 Dalmatians: The Series is an American animated television series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation and Jumbo Pictures based on the 1961 Disney animated feature of the same name and its 1996 live-action remake. Meanwhile, he and Thunderbolt bond over their mutual fear of being "just another dog" and Thunderbolt begins teaching him how to bark properly. It was released, This is the last film to be released under the. Great. • "Walkies on the Wild Side" • "May Contain Nuts" • "Winter Funderland" • "Snow Day" • "Perfect Match" • "All Fired Up" • "Poetry Scam" • "Crushed Out" • "Girls' Day Out" • "The Woof Factor" • "The Nose Job" • "My Fair Dolly" • "Flea-Mageddon" • "A Right Royal Rumble" • "Dal-Martians" • "A Date with Destiny... Dallas and Déjà Vu" • The Wow of Miaow • Fear Window • The Dog House • A Summer to Remember • Long Tongue Day • Doggy Da Vinci • London, We Have a Problem • It's My Party • Fox in the Dog House • Fetch • Don't Push Your Luck • The Curse of the Ferrydog • The Walls Are Alive • Diamond Dogs • Ride Along • Poodlewolf • The Longest Night • Balancing Act • Dawkins Strikes Back • Poodlefall! Sie finden Rezensionen und Details zu einer vielseitigen Blu-ray- und DVD-Auswahl – neu und gebraucht. Neither audio nor subtitles are available in your language. He releases his family, but Thunderbolt stays in his open cage. The following is a list of episodes of 101 Dalmatians: The Series. Retrouvez ce chef-d'oeuvre animé de Disney qui a enchanté des générations de spectateurs dans une version entièrement restaurée et remasterisée. While Dolly tends to go behind or against Dylan's wishes, she is still a caring big sister to all their younger siblings and can be sufficiently responsible for watc… He refuses, but she simply ties him up and goes back to her original plan of making a puppy fur coat. Jim KammerudBrian Smith An evil high-fashion designer plots to steal Dalmatian puppies in order to make an extravagant fur coat, but instead creates an extravagant mess. Additionally, his patch is on the same side of his black ear in the original film, but in the sequel, it is on the opposite side. After the show, Lil' Lightning tells Thunderbolt the producers want to replace him with a younger dog. Roger and Anita Radcliffe and their canine clan are packing for the big move to Dalmatian Plantation, a home in the country with plenty of room for Pongo, Perdita, and the 99 puppies and far from the clutches of Cruella De Vil. Dolly is a tomboy that loves to have fun all day long. January 21, 2003 101 Dalmatiens 1961 - En français - Streaming (VF) Vous avez aimé le dessin animé Les 101 Dalmatiens ? Starring When Thunderbolt does his bark to let the puppies know he is on his way, his head is pointed up, but when the scene cuts back to show Patch and Thunderbolt, his head and neck are at an angle. Quelques mois plus tard, Perdita donne naissance à 15 chiots. Pongo and Perdita arrive and tell Patch how proud they are of him. The first quality of the film is its storyline. A post-credits scene shows Thunderbolt, with his new sidekick Patch, in his TV show, with the other puppies serving as extras. Language Robert S. BichardRon Price Patch and Thunderbolt survey the scene, both letting out deep, heroic barks. Une comédie pleine d'humour et de gags dont les héros sont 101 dalmatiens en chair et en os. 101 dalmatieni 2-101 dalmatians 2 qe204090 bf product QE204090 101 DALMATIENI 2-101 DALMATIANS 2 O continuare a productiei Disney clasice originale, 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure este lansat direct pe DVD. He runs away and heads for the audition to meet his hero. A newspaper montage reveals the characters' fates: Lars, using a painting Patch accidentally made by throwing paint at Jasper and Horace, finally receives credit for his "genius"; Jasper and Horace open up a ladies' boutique with the motto: "Fur Bad, Nylon Good"; Roger's new song, "Seeing Spots", becomes a smash hit and Cruella is featured in an issue of "The Institution". Garrett K. SchiffJim KammerudBrian SmithDan RootTemple Mathews Patch becomes heartbroken when he finds out that his favorite wonder dog is just a TV actor. Sie finden Rezensionen und Details zu einer vielseitigen Blu-ray- und DVD-Auswahl – neu und gebraucht. tirée du film "Les 101 Dalmatiens" Véronique Desmadryl: Renaud Marx "Kanina Krunchies" tirée du film "Les 101 Dalmatiens" Camille Donda: Karine Costa "Cruella d'Enfer" tirée du film "Les 101 Dalmatiens" Olivier Constantin "Recommence" Poor Patch begins to cry and is deeply hurt that Thunderbolt would lie, but soon realizes that their current situation was covered in one of the TV episodes and manages to escape. Firework: Wonderful World of Animation Cruella follows in hot pursuit as they race through the streets of London, crashing through the filming of the new "Lil' Lightning" show. Add to Wishlist. Meanwhile, Cruella is back and more obsessed with dalmatians than ever. Directed by Music: Soundtrack The film tells the story of Patch, the loneliest Dalmatian, who felt "lost in a sea of spots" until he met his TV hero Thunderbolt. She finally corners the puppies in an alley. The imprisoned puppies use the Twilight Bark to send an SOS, which is picked up by Patch and Thunderbolt, and they set out to save Patch's family. Released Patch becomes a part of Thunderbolt's TV show and wants to know: is he one of a kind, or just one of 101? Pongo, superbe dalmatien, croise, lors d'une promenade une belle dalmatienne nommée Perdita. Lightning is arrested, along with Jasper and Horace (who confess that Cruella forced them to commit their crimes) while Cruella, who has now driven completely insane, is sent to a mental institute. Amongst Lars' spot artwork is the Mona Lisa with a spot on her lip and a, This is the final film Mary MacLeod worked on before her death in, Tara Strong reprises her role as Two-Tone, from. Thunderbolt's "trusty" sidekick, Lil' Lightning, tries to impress the ladies, but they turn him down as they are not interested in sidekicks. Alors vous allez adorer ce film. This is also the last direct to video film to not use the Disneytoon Studios logo. In order to inspire him, she begins hunting for the dalmatian puppies, but is angry to find Anita's house empty. One Hundred and One Dalmatians Watch Queue Queue Pongo, superbe dalmatien, croise, lors d'une promenade une belle dalmatienne nommée Perdita. The film was also released on Blu-ray in June 2015. - Kaufen Sie Les 101 dalmatiens ; les 101 dalmatiens 2 günstig ein. Preceded by