(e) The Customer’s Call Commission is a function of the number and duration of inbound calls to the relevant telephone number which will vary from day to day. Further, the Customer shall be charged an abortive visit charge. Customer by such third-party supplier will be automatically transferred to the Company and charged. 95: DDPP du VAL-D'OISE: Immeuble le MODEM 16rue Traversière 95035 CERGY-PONTOISE CEDEX: Tél. 6.1.3 Subject to earlier termination in accordance with its terms, the Contract for Maintenance Services shall run for the Minimum Term. Where the disputed charge(s) amount to: 10.17.1 less than five per cent of the total charges listed on the invoice, the Customer will pay the full amount of the invoice; or. 22.5 Any director or representative of the Customer who signs on behalf of the Customer will be deemed an authorised signatory and thereby the Company shall be entitled to rely on such signatory as binding the Customer to the obligations in this Contract in all respects. 5.4.16 The Customer acknowledges that the Fixed Network Services are not designed to be a carrier interconnect and that the Fixed Network Services will not support diallers of any description. “Intellectual Property Rights” means all intellectual and industrial property rights including patents, know-how, registered trademarks, registered designs, utility models, applications for and rights to apply for any of the foregoing, unregistered design rights, unregistered trademarks, rights to prevent passing off for unfair competition, copyright, database rights, topography rights and any other rights in any invention, discovery or process, in each case in the United Kingdom and all other countries in the world and together with all renewals and extensions; "Maintenance Services" means the maintenance services in respect of the Supported Equipment more particularly detailed on the Order Form (as modified or substituted from time to time) to be provided hereunder by the Company to the Customer; “Minimum Term” means the minimum contract period for the applicable Services which shall commence on the Commencement Date for all Services except Fixed Network Services which shall commence on the Connection Date and expire on the day at the end of the minimum contract period set out on the Order Form; “Monthly Minimum Call Spend” means the minimum monthly sum of money as set out on the. Equally important are the locations and telephone number for local ship handlers and rigging companies that can supply additional mooring lines or make up wire rope mooring lines on short notice if the ship requires them. 7.3.2 Subject to earlier termination in accordance with its terms, the Contract for Hosting Services shall run for the Minimum Term. 8.2 It is agreed that where the Company approaches a finance provider or lease provider to arrange finance for the purchase or leasing of Equipment then the Company acts as an agent for the Customer and not for the finance provider or lease provider. 4.2.5 The Customer shall only connect and use equipment (whether supplied by the Company pursuant to the terms of this Contract or not) connected (directly or indirectly) to use the Fixed Network Services in accordance with any published instructions, safety and security procedures applicable to the use of that equipment. From the moment of Delivery or deemed Delivery (as described in condition 4.1.4), the Customer shall be responsible for insuring the Equipment. The Customer shall have the opportunity to create a snapshot backup of the data stored through the Hosting Services, and the Customer shall pay the Company the applicable charges for undertaking such a backup, in accordance with the Company’s then current charges. 14.2.9 The termination or expiry of the Contract shall be without prejudice to any rights or liabilities which have accrued prior to such expiry or termination. Please refer to pages 15-19 for a list of the poster presentations. 18.5 In order to reduce the risk of fraud or for any commercial purpose, the Customer acknowledges that on bundled minute call packages (if any) the Company may at its sole discretion on not less than seven days’ notice remove the relevant bundled minute call package from the Customer’s pricing and tariff should the Customer’s call profile deviate significantly from the Company’s standard call profile and over seventy-five per cent of the Customer’s bundled minutes be used in any month. The Customer will not be entitled to any payment of Call Commission in respect of such calls; and/or, 10.14.4 the Contract is terminated for any other reason; and/or, 10.14.5 the Company has reason to believe the Customer is insolvent or is likely to become insolvent. 9.3.3 Without prejudice to condition 9.3.2, the Company may increase the Annual Support Charge in the April immediately following the Commencement Date by the increase (if any) in the Rate of RPI. SUPPLY OF EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION SERVICES. configuration, voice mail security or other feature services enabled. 4.1.6 If by reason of refusal or delay of delivery or installation the Equipment shall be deemed to have been Delivered in accordance with condition 4.1.4 then payment shall be made by the Customer to the Company of the balance of the Price within seven days of such deemed delivery date. 2.5 Each order for Equipment and/or Services (except in the case of Installation Services which will form part of the contract for the supply of Equipment) shall (for the purposes of this condition 2.5) be deemed (subject to condition 2.1) a separate Contract (whether or not included on the same Order Form) to the effect that any delay or failure to supply Equipment and/or Services shall not entitle the Customer (to the extent that any such entitlement exists) to terminate the Contract for other Equipment and/or Services or any other contract entered into under these Conditions. 8.1 The Customer hereby consents to and shall procure that its owners, directors, officers and assigns consent to, the Company carrying out searches with credit reference agencies relating to the creditworthiness of the Customer and/or its owners, directors, officers and assigns and the. 62000. Posters that are not removed by the time stated above will be removed by the Symposium Organizers and stored until the close of the symposium at 13.30 hours on Sunday 14th October. 5.4.4 The Fixed Network Services are provided solely for the Customer’s use and the Customer may, not resell or attempt to resell the Fixed Network Services (or any part of 6, them) to any third party. 6.3.2 Without prejudice to condition 6.3.1 above the Company shall be entitled to levy (and receive from the Customer) Additional Charges in the manner described in condition 6.3.3 below if: Customer’s request to have been unnecessary; and/or. Contract) and a personal computer (“PC”) of a minimum specification suitable for the application. 17.2 Information shall not be treated as confidential if it is: 17.2.2 lawfully in the possession of the Customer or the Company before disclosure from the other has taken place; or. SUSPENSION, TERMINATION AND CONSEQUENCES. 22.1 Subject to any deemed acceptance by the Customer under condition 9.2.2 and/or condition 18.3, no forbearance or indulgence shown or granted by the Company to the Customer whether in respect of these Conditions and/or any Service Specific Conditions or otherwise shall in any way affect or prejudice the rights of the Company against the Customer or be regarded as a waiver of any of these Conditions and/or any Service Specific Conditions. 10.13 If the Customer cancels an active direct debit instruction following the Effective Date, an additional administration fee of £4.95 (or such other amount as may be notified to the Customer by the Company from time to time) will be added to the monthly invoice until the direct debit instruction is reinstated. Any savings quoted are estimates and illustrative only. (ii) signature by the Company of any separate contract which may be required in respect of that registration. To prove service, it is sufficient to prove that the notice was transmitted by fax, to the fax number of the party or, in the case of post, that the envelope containing the notice was properly addressed and posted. 10.11 Without prejudice to the Company's other remedies, if the Customer’s account remains. 5.2.5 The Company may, at any time, withdraw Service Features providing that the Company shall provide a materially equivalent or better Service Feature. 7.1.2 Subject to earlier termination in accordance with its terms, the Contract for Consultancy Services shall run for the Minimum Term. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that in entering into the Contract, it has not relied on any such illustrations, samples or descriptive material. 22.4 Any notice, invoice or other document which may be given by either party under the Contract shall be in writing (except as provided otherwise) sent for the attention of the relevant person, and to the address or fax number, given on the Order Form (or such other address, fax number or person as the relevant party may notify to the other party) and shall be delivered personally, sent by fax or sent by pre-paid, first-class post or recorded delivery. Save in the event of expiry, or termination by the Company without cause, the Customer shall be liable for all costs which the Company incurs in returning or deleting the Hosted Data. The mechanical properties of the soft palate can be associated with breathing abnormalities. 5.9.1 Customer represents and warrants that: (a) in the performance of its obligations and use of the DDSP Services by the Customer and any of its representatives, users, employees, subcontractors, agents or any other person under its, responsibility (“Customer Representatives”), the Customer and the Customer Representatives shall. 4.1.5 If the Contract provides for Delivery by instalments, any delay in the Delivery of any instalment shall not entitle the Customer to treat the Contract as at an end or to reject any other instalment. 10.15 If any sum owed by the Customer to the Company under the Contract or any other contract with the Company is not paid by the due date, the Company may deduct this sum from any payment or credit due to the Customer under the Contract or any other contract with the Company. 5.4.13 The Customer agrees that PhonepayPlus may monitor any End User Service at any time. The Company does not guarantee that any Domain Names or URL requested by the Customer will be available. Any consent given by the Company in. 9.2.8 Except as stated otherwise in the Tariff or on the Order Form, for the purpose of calculating call charges: (a) all call charges will be rounded up to the next whole penny; (b) all call durations will be rounded up to the next whole minute; (c) all calls will be charged based on the time band within which the call commences (irrespective of whether the call ends in a different time band), such that calls commenced from and including: (i) 6:00am but before 6:00pm (Monday to Friday) will be charged at “Peak” call rates (as identified in, (ii) 6:00pm but before 6:00am (Monday to Friday) will be charged at “Off-Peak” call rates (as, (iii) 6:00pm on a Friday but before 0:00am on a Saturday, will be charged at “Off-Peak” call rates (as, (iv) 0:00am on a Monday but before 6:00am on a Monday, will be charged at “Off-Peak” call rates, (v) 0:00am on a Saturday but before 0:00am on a Monday will be charged at “Weekend” call rates. E-mail shall not be a valid method of serving notices under this Contract. The Customer will on receipt of such notice, remove such unsupported equipment. Additional Charges may be imposed for any period where the DDSP Services are provided over and above the Customer’s bandwidth. 15.2 Except as permitted by applicable law or as expressly permitted under the Contract the Customer shall not de-compile, reverse-engineer, or modify the Software, or copy the relevant manuals or documentation. 17.5 The Company will not pass Personal Data obtained from the Customer to any third parties for marketing purposes by those third parties but may send the Customer information about the Company’s (or any member of its Group’s) own products and services which it considers may be of interest to the Customer, unless the Customer specifically requests on the Order Form that the Company does not do so. 7.9 Unless the Customer purchases back-up services from the Company, the Company shall not be obliged to perform a back-up or otherwise replicate any of the content which the Customer provides to the Company as part of the Hosting Services. 4.2.6 The Customer shall ensure that steps have been taken to configure any equipment (whether supplied by the Company pursuant to the terms of this Contract or not) so as to prevent such equipment being used in the commission of criminal offences including the making of fraudulent, unauthorised or bad faith calls. (d) the transportation or relocation of the Supported Equipment save where the same has been performed by the Company at the request of the Customer; (e) the maintenance or repair of any extension wiring (after the initial twelve-month warranty period under condition 4.4.1 has passed), any Supported Equipment not at the Site, or of anything other than the Supported Equipment; (f) any defect or error in any software (including as a consequence of modifications and customisation) used upon or in association with the Supported Equipment; (g) the supply of replacement cassettes, aerials, aerial systems and batteries; (i) Supported Equipment faults caused by telephone area code changes or changes in Carriers; (j) maintenance or replacement of ancillary items including but not limited to answer phones, analogue or digital phones or devices, call loggers, payphones, computers, servers, uninterruptible power supplies, batteries, fax machines, public address systems, printers, cabinets, external music on hold sources, and any cables or consumables unless otherwise agreed in writing; (k) maintenance arising from loss of equipment as the Maintenance Services are limited to repair or replacement of faulty equipment on a like-for-like exchange basis; (m) any defect in design, manufacture, installation or performance of the Supported Equipment (unless otherwise stated in this Contract); (n) the restoration, uploading or reconstitution of any data relating to the Supported Equipment; (o) the provision of any Maintenance Services for any items that either does not appear on the Order Form or which appears on the Order Form with an inaccurate or misleading description; (p) where the Supported Equipment includes software, the Customer’s failure to install any enhancements which have been made available to the Customer or any fault in the Supported Equipment for which a patch, fix or update has not been made available by the applicable Supported Equipment supplier; and/or, 6.3.1 The Company may, in its sole and absolute discretion, upon request by the Customer use its reasonable endeavours to provide all or any of the Excepted Services (as referred to in condition. Equipment and/or Installation Services, (without limitation) the conditions in condition 4.1.1 being met; Fixed Network Services, (without limitation) the conditions in condition 5.2.1 being met; Maintenance Services, (without limitation) the condition in condition 6.1.1 being met; Consultancy Services, (without limitation) the condition in condition 7.1.1 being met; and/or. 62000. We're 100% free for everything! Save 95% of workforce time on rostering. 10.9 If the Customer’s account remains unpaid (in any part) the Company may require a security deposit of three times the average monthly invoice or payment in full for the next twelve months before the Company will reinstate the Service. 14.2.12 On termination of the Contract for any reason the Customer shall have no further entitlement to receive any further Call Commissions and shall permit the disconnection of any Number from the Fixed Network Services. Where the Customer has a number from a national numbering plan, the charges for porting such number shall be as set out in the Tariff. 4.4.4 The liability of the Company shall apply only to defects that appear under proper use and under conditions of operation not more onerous than those declared to the Company by the Customer prior to entering into the Contract, and in particular shall not apply to defects which arise from neglect, misuse, or faulty maintenance of the Equipment by the Customer or any of its other contractors, or from alterations carried out without the prior written consent of the Company or from repairs carried out improperly by the Customer or its servants or agents or arising from normal wear and tear. • The SMDI port in the PBXLink box connected to a serial port (COM1 is the default) on the Cisco Unity server with an RS-232 serial cable. If the Company can transfer the Customer’s existing number to the new Site the relevant existing Contract will continue under the same terms and conditions. 19 Digit Display (DDSP) 59 Coordinated Dialing Plan (CDP) 95 Calling Party Name Display (CPND) 145 Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) 146 Primary Rate Access (CO) (PRA) 154 2.0 Mb/s Primary Rate Interface (PRI2) 184 Overlap Signaling (M1 to M1 and M1 to 1TR6 CO) (OVLP) limited to atmospheric conditions; any congestion, fault, interruption or interference with the network; any fault, interruption or interference with the power supply to the network, any act or omission by a Carrier or other service provider, or any known or unknown viruses which cause interruption or interference. Details. 8.4 In the event that the Company is unable to obtain relevant finance on the terms originally proposed then the Company will return the deposit received from the Customer for the relevant Equipment and shall have no further liability to the Customer. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that the registration of the requested domain name and its ongoing use by the Customer shall be subject to the relevant naming authority’s terms and conditions of use (e.g. ACDA, Automatic Call Distribution, Option 45 . time by giving the Customer not less than fourteen days’ notice. 5.8.3 The Customer acknowledges that the DDSP Service is an on-demand service for use during an Attack only and is not meant to be used as an always-on service during periods when an Attack is not occurring. Where e-billing is expressly excluded on the Order Form, the invoice may be sent to the registered address of the Customer (or the address of the Customer) at an additional cost to the Customer as set out in the Tariff. 9.2.3 Usage charges payable shall be calculated by reference to data recorded or logged by the Company and not by reference to any data recorded or logged by the Customer. 10.10 If the Customer’s account remains unpaid (in any part) for a period of thirty days after the original due date for payment, the Services may then be terminated by the Company. Our HR Software allows employees and managers to manage attendance, sickness, absence and leave entitlements. Dictation Depot Spectra PC Stereo Headset. Should the Customer (during the applicable Minimum Term) use an alternative carrier for calls once the Contract for the provision of the telephone line has commenced, or prevent the Company from carrying calls in any monthly period so that the Company considers that the call charges are. The Company shall have no liability whether in contract, tort (including without limitation negligence and breach of statutory duty) or otherwise if the virus screening technology is not completely effective in any way, including (without limitation) against unsolicited emails or against any viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other programs or devices that are apparently intended to access and modify, delete or damage data file(s) or computer program(s). If the Company instructs a debt collection agency to collect payment (including interest and late payment charges) on its behalf the Customer must pay the Company’s costs payable to the agency, who will add the sum to the Customer’s outstanding debt. Where the Company consents to such relocation, the Company will provide a relocation and installation service, the cost of which shall be paid by the Customer in accordance with the Company’s then current Tariff, and such payment shall be in addition to the Annual Support Charge. 22.6 The Customer shall not, without the prior written consent of the Company, assign, transfer, charge, sub-contract or deal in any other manner with all or any of its rights or obligations under the Contract. (b) as soon as is reasonably practical in the circumstances prior to the change taking effect, for all other changes. 21.1 Any Intellectual Property Rights supplied by the Company or any member of the Company’s Group to the Customer, or specifically produced by the Company for the Customer, in connection with this Contract, shall be the exclusive property of the Company and/or the relevant member of the Company’s Group and/or relevant licensor and to the extent that any such rights vest in the Customer shall be deemed to be and shall be assigned to the Company or the relevant member of, the Company’s Group by the Customer.