[282] After days of tensions within the Democratic Party, on 28 August Nicola Zingaretti, the new PD's leader, announced his favorable position regarding a new government with the M5S, with Giuseppe Conte at its head. [54], On 25 October, almost one million people took part in a mass protest in Rome, organised by the CGIL in opposition to the labour reforms of the government. Renzi cited his use of social networks as a contributing factor to his victory in the Democratic Party leadership election in 2013. In 2011, Renzi organised a second public meeting, also in Florence, where he wrote down one hundred topics of discussion. Angela has 6 jobs listed on their profile. [61] The bonus, whose aim was to relaunch expenditures, was heavily criticised by opposition, which labeled it as an "electoral baksheesh" for the 2014 European election. [242][243][244], On 6 March Matteo Renzi presented his electoral programme,[245] in which he expressed his intention to renovate the party, Italy and Europe. I don't tag anything, but if you need [213] On the same day, 20 August 2014, Renzi travelled north to Erbil to meet the President of Iraqi Kurdistan, Mas'ud Barzani, and Prime Minister Nechervan Barzani. Feminist. The alliance between Renzi and Berlusconi was named the Nazareno Pact, from the name of the street in Rome where the headquarters of the Democratic Party are located, where the two leaders met for the first time to discuss the reform. The main tasks of this diplomatic trip was the fight against the Islamic terrorism and the migrant crisis in the Mediterranean Sea;[182] with Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari, Renzi signed an agreement on enhancing co-operation between the Nigerian and Italian Polices. [139][140] Renzi himself said that he considered Obama an example for the policies he wanted to achieve. Obama: "Gravi costi per Russia, "Vertice Asem, a Milano 53 tra Capi di Stato e di Governo per il 10° summit tra Europa e Asia", "G20, obiettivo crescita del 2,1% entro il 2018. La strategia per Palazzo Chigi spiegata al generale Adinolfi", "Letta: siamo finiti nello squallore sul modello di "House of Cards, "Renzi presenta il documentario su Firenze: "Parlo di bellezza, non di congresso e chiacchiericcio politico, "Matteo Renzi: from Florence mayor to Italy PM", "Italy's young leader captures politics of Pope Francis", "Matteo Renzi : 'Italie et la France doivent engager des réformes structurelles, "Matteo Renzi: Italy's a kingdom of beauty, wine & food, but not No. On the following day the two leaders held a joint press conference in front of Michelangelo's David. [333][334][335], Renzi is an avid football fan and supports ACF Fiorentina, the team of his hometown Florence. [203][204][205], The relations between Italy and Egypt dramatically worsened after the murder of Giulio Regeni, an Italian Cambridge University graduate student killed in Cairo following his abduction on 25 January 2016. On 15 March 2014 Renzi met Hollande in Paris, agreeing with him a common economic policy focused not only on the austerity measures imposed by the so-called Troika of the European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund, but also on more flexible policies to promote economic growth in the EU. [111] Errani had been already a Special Commissioner during the earthquake that struck his home region in 2012. Later, on 9 October, Renzi presented his first Finance Bill (Legge di Stabilità), which was approved by the European Commission on 28 October. In the December election, Renzi was elected with 68% of the popular vote, compared to 18% for Gianni Cuperlo and 14% for Giuseppe Civati. Spogli. Although Renzi had expressed support for the amendment, the decision came after the Five Star Movement backed out of an agreement to pass it; moreover, the amendment was opposed by the New Centre-Right. The opening of the Expo on 1 May 2015 was met with protest from anti-austerity activists, black bloc, and anarchists caused criminal damage, resulting in the police using tear gas. On 17 January 2014, while on air at Le invasioni barbariche on La7 TV channel, interviewed about the tensions between him and the Prime Minister Enrico Letta, Renzi tweeted #enricostaisereno ("Enrico don't worry") to reassure his party colleague that he was not plotting anything against him. [135], On 3 February 2015, Renzi received newly elected Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras of the Coalition of the Radical Left in Rome. He also announced an electoral ticket with the Agriculture Minister Maurizio Martina; Martina would become Deputy Secretary and would probably lead the party if Renzi becomes Prime Minister again. [273][274] On 5 March, Renzi announced that the PD will be in opposition during this legislature and he will resign as secretary when a new cabinet is formed. Fat. [102], On 15 December, during a ceremony at the Italian National Olympic Committee, Renzi officially launched the candidacy of Rome for the 2024 Summer Olympics. [153][154] In doing so, Renzi became the first Italian Prime Minister to officially visit Vietnam since 1973, when diplomacy first began between Italy and North Vietnam. [322], In 2014, Renzi was ranked as the third most influential person under 40 in the world by the American magazine Fortune, and in the Top 100 Global Thinkers by Foreign Policy. Alla City: "Italy is back, "Ue: Renzi, Mogherini candidata ufficiale a Lady Pesc", "Ue, lettera di Matteo Renzi a Juncker: "Mogherini candidata Pesc per l'Italia" – Il Fatto Quotidiano", "Vertice Nato su Ucraina e Isis Renzi "sostegno concreto a Kiev, "Tsipras, il tour anti-austerità a Roma. [312] In 2016, Renzi endorsed Hillary Clinton's campaign to be elected President of the United States, in an interview where he also expressed admiration for the policies of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. [106] Participants to the Expo include 145 countries, three international organisations, several civil society organisations, several corporations and non-governmental organisations (NGOs). In August 2016 the newspaper la Repubblica reported that dozens of Italian special forces were operating in Libya, for training and intelligence activities. [137], Renzi met Obama for the first time on 24 March 2014, during the latter's trip to Rome. He studied in Florence at the Classical Lyceum Dante Alighieri, where he passed his final exam with the grade of 60/60 but was nearly expelled because, as the students' representative, he refused to withdraw a school newspaper in which there was harsh criticism of a maths teacher. [185] Following the Russian military intervention in Ukraine, however, relations worsened. [60] He subsequently appointed women to the majority of new positions, making it the first time any woman had served as a chief executive of a state-owned company in Italy. [225] On 13 and 14 April 2016 he became the first Western leader to visit Iran after the international agreement on the nuclear program of Iran. [199][200][201] In making the visit, Renzi became the first Western leader to visit President el-Sisi since his election. The Five Star Movement, Forza Italia and some left-wing Democratic Party members strongly opposed this decision, with some seeking to draw comparisons between Renzi and Benito Mussolini. [235][236] During his premiership, Renzi has also developed close relationship with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto. [208], Due to Regeni's research activities and left-wing political leanings, the security services of el-Sisi's government are strongly suspected of involvement in his murder,[209] although Egypt's media and government deny this and claim secret undercover agents belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood carried out the crime in order to embarrass the Egyptian government and destabilise relations between Italy and Egypt. E Renzi vede Yatseniuk", "Obama a Roma: "Emozionato dal Papa" A Renzi: fiducia nelle riforme italiane", "Obama: "Su Difesa si può risparmiare. [259][260], After the rejection of the constitutional reform, the Parliament had to change the electoral law proposed by Renzi's government; in fact the so-called Italicum regulates only the election of the Chamber of Deputies, and not the one of the Senate, which, if the reform passed, would be indirectly elected by citizens. The proposal was heavily criticised by the largest Italian trade union, the General Confederation of Labour (CGIL) and its leaders Susanna Camusso and Maurizio Landini. Many claimed that Renzi was pressuring Letta to resign in his favour, arguing that as he was now the leader of the Democratic Party he should be given the right to become Prime Minister. On 29 January, during the National Assembly of the Democratic Party, Renzi officially announced that he would endorse Sergio Mattarella, a judge on the Constitutional Court and a former Minister of Defence, as his candidate for the Italian presidential election to replace Napolitano. To approve the new electoral law, which was opposed by the Five Star Movement and a minority of his own Democratic Party, Renzi gained the support of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who was still the leader of Forza Italia, despite having been expelled from the Senate due to his sentence for tax evasion. [283] On same day, Mattarella summoned Conte to the Quirinal Palace for the 29 August to give him the task of forming a new cabinet. He was also the first serving Mayor to become Prime Minister. Agnès Buzyn (born 1 November 1962) is a French hematologist, university professor, medical practitioner and political figure who served as the Minister of Solidarity and Health in the government of Prime Minister Édouard Philippe from 17 May 2017 to 16 February 2020. A key ally of Renzi in the Mediterranean is Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi; the two leaders held many bilateral meetings where they discussed the problem of immigration to Italy and the increasing tensions in the Middle East and North Africa. As a "master of telepolitics," Renzi uses his own skills and accomplishments as evidence of his ability to lead, promotes the Internet as a platform for democracy, and uses heavy emotional appeals along with relatable, persuasive language to advocate for his positions. [262] This electoral law was similar to the one which was applied in Italy from 1993 to 2004. [34], In an earlier speech, Renzi had paid tribute to Letta, saying that he was not intended to put him "on trial". [3] Renzi has served as the leader of Italia Viva since 2019, having been the Secretary of the Democratic Party from 2013 to 2018, with a brief interruption in 2017. In doing so he also became the first G7 leader to meet Cuban President Raúl Castro following the 2015 normalisation of relations between the United States and Cuba. [255] Orlando is often described as the candidate of the social democratic establishment of the party. On 30 April Renzi, together with the Minister for the Public Administration Marianna Madia, presented the guidelines for the reform of the Public Administration, subsequently approved by the Cabinet on 13 June. 2014 saw an increase in the number of migrants rescued at sea being brought to southern Italian ports, with the increase in the number of migrants prompting criticism of Renzi by the anti-immigration Lega Nord, the Five Star Movement and Silvio Berlusconi's Forza Italia party. [315], Renzi was sometimes described as the de facto leader of the Party of European Socialists, in opposition to the European People's Party associated with Angela Merkel; the two leaders were together often referred to as Merkenzi. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 21 août 2020 à 17:56. In the same year he married Agnese Landini, with whom he later had three children. [36], Following Letta's resignation, Renzi formally received the task of forming a new government from President Napolitano on 17 February. [10][11] Renzi grew up in an observant Catholic family in Rignano sull'Arno. [82], Having easily passed the Chamber of Deputies on 11 March 2015, in a first stage, the reforms to the Italian Senate that would see its power greatly diminished and membership drastically changed were finally passed by the Senate on 13 October 2015. [93], On 7 October 2015, Renzi introduced a bill to Parliament that would establish same-sex civil unions and gender-neutral cohabitation agreements. Renzi also held a joint meeting with Obama, Pope Francis and Italian President Giorgio Napolitano. [119] This was in opposition to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, widely considered the de facto leader of the European People's Party and, according to some European Union analysts, the two leaders are together referred to as Merkenzi. [174] Renzi later met with Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos in Luanda. [252], The other two candidates for the leadership election were President of Apulia Michele Emiliano and Minister of Justice Andrea Orlando. [278] On 20 August, following the parliamentary debate at the Senate, in which Conte harshly accused Salvini of being a political opportunist who "had triggered the political crisis only to serve his personal interest" and stated "this government ends here",[279][280] the Prime Minister resigned his post to President Mattarella. In 2014, 170,100 migrants arrived in Italy by sea, a 296% increase compared to 2013. Abe publicly congratulated Renzi for the economic and constitutional reforms being delivered by Renzi's government. [314] For this Renzi was criticised by the participants of the "Family Day", an anti-LGBT rights demonstration which took place three times in Italy; the Prime Minister was accused of having changed his opinion about the recognition of same-sex couples. 2 – Titolo I, "Italian PM Matteo Renzi's electoral reform law clears first hurdle", Renzi: "Abolizione Senato il 10 giugno". [12] During this time he was a Scout in the Association of Catholic Guides and Scouts of Italy (AGESCI). For the surname, see, "la sicurezza di Israele è la sicurezza dell’Europa e anche la mia...", Association of Catholic Guides and Scouts of Italy, List of official trips made by Matteo Renzi, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, 2017 Democratic Party (Italy) leadership election, 2014 European Parliament election in Italy, Association of Italian Catholic Guides and Scouts, "Elezioni Comunali Turno di ballottaggio 21–22 giugno 2009", "Europe holds its breath as Italy heads to the polls for critical referendum", "Italy Prime Minister Mattro Renzi on Senate Reform", "Renzi Gives Italians Lower Taxes, Higher Cash Use to Back Growth", "Italy to swear in new Prime Minister Matteo Renzi", "Matteo Renzi lascia il Pd e fonda nuovo partito: telefona a Conte e annuncia l'addio al Pd, Le ragioni della svolta in una intervista a Repubblica", Conte offre un patto, Renzi ritira le ministre. [288] Renzi called for radical changes to the government's economic recovery plans after the COVID-19 pandemic, and also demanded that Conte cede his mandate over the secret services coordination task. [42] On 25 February Renzi won a vote of confidence in the Italian Parliament, with 169 votes in the Senate and 378 in the Chamber of Deputies. Before the vote Labour Minister Giuliano Poletti was forced to cut his speech short due to the loud protests of the Five Star Movement and Lega Nord oppositions, some of whom threw coins and papers. E un fascicolo sull'uso dei fondi pubblici – Il Fatto Quotidiano", "Benvenuti in casa Renzi: il sostegno online della famiglia", "La maturità delle ministre: il "dramma" della Boschi, l'incubo della Madia", "Matteo story: Renzi, lo scout che studiava da sindaco", "Matteo Renzi e l'aneddoto sull'arbitro di calcio – Giornalettismo", "Met – Notizie dagli Enti della Toscana centrale – quotidiano di informazione della città metropolitana di Firenze", "La Nazione – Firenze – "Assunti senza qualifiche" Renzi condannato dalla Corte dei Conti Il sindaco: "Fantasiosa ricostruzione, "Center-Left Candidate Matteo Renzi holds 47.6% of the Vote to Giovanni Galli's 32% two weeks before ballotaggio", Matteo Renzi Sweeps Away Italy's Old Guard, Pd, una "Carta" da Firenze. Da Brunetta "soccorso azzurro, "Jobs act, sì da direzione Pd. During the conversation, Renzi described Letta as "incapable" and told Adinolfi that he would replace him as Prime Minister, which would happen less than a month later. [214] Renzi later told an American journalist that what he witnessed during his trip to Iraq reminded him of the images of the Srebrenica massacre that had horrified him as a child. Out of the 1,500 cars put up for sale, 170 sold immediately over eBay. Renzi subsequently called a meeting of the Democratic Party leadership for the following evening. [92] In July 2015, several days after the European Parliament passed a motion calling on all members of the European Union to recognise same-sex relationships, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Italy was violating the Convention on Human Rights by not recognising same-sex couples' "right to family life". 1,6 milioni di persone l'hanno ricevuto con il 730, "Italy's Prime Minister Renzi Outlines Budget for 2016", "Matteo Renzi: "Abolizione Tasi e Imu, ridaremo ai Comuni quanto togliamo" – Politica – Libero Quotidiano", "Matteo Renzi, Italian Premier, Pushes for a Place at Europe's Power Table", Governo Italiano – La Costituzione. [53] German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who was visiting Milan and had been among the most vocal politicians regarding Italy's need for speedy economic reforms, said the labour law marked an "important step" to reduce "employment barriers" in the Eurozone's third-largest economy. The two leaders also met in Tokyo in August 2015 and discussed about relations with China and the stability of East Asia. On 11 March 2014, the Chamber of Deputies approved both the plans to overhaul the Senate and the second stage of Renzi's constitutional reforms, a flagship electoral reform law that would see Italy's voting system overhauled. [189][190], Renzi phoned Putin on 28 August, asking him to stop the "intolerable escalation" and to reach a peace agreement with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to stop the pro-Russian conflict in that regions. Just before the meeting took place, Renzi publicly called on Letta to resign and allow him to form a new government. Tsipras, who was notable for refusing to ever wear a tie, thanked Renzi and said he would wear the gift in celebration after Greece had successfully renegotiated the austerity measures. Throughout January and February 2014 there were multiple reports of persistent leadership tensions between Renzi and Prime Minister Letta. "Foreign Policy and the Ideology of Post-ideology: The Case of Matteo Renzi’s Partito Democratico.". [166], On 18 March 2015, after the Bardo Museum attack in Tunis, in which 28 people died and four of whom were Italians, Renzi condemned the terrorist attack and said that Italy is close to the Tunisian government and people. [24], During the subsequent campaign in the 2013 election in March, Renzi backed Bersani by organising large public rallies in his support in Florence, but come the election the Democratic Party only gained 25.5% of the vote, despite opinion polls placing the party at almost 30%. Salvati, Eugenio. "Matteo Renzi: a new leadership style for the Italian Democratic Party and Italian politics. Renzi: partita inizia ora, scrivere progetto Paese - Politica", "Torino, da Padoan a Lotti parata di ministri con Renzi al Lingotto", "Emma Bonino: 'Vado al Lingotto per contaminare Renzi, "Orlando contro Emiliano: "Scorretto e populista, "Segreteria Pd, il ministro Orlando apre la sua campagna a Genova", "I dati definitivi dei congressi di circolo", "Primarie Pd, Renzi vince nettamente: "Al fianco del governo: nuovo inizio, niente rivincite, "I dati definitivi delle primarie: Renzi 70%, Orlando 19,5%, Emiliano 10,49%", "Legge elettorale, il 5 giugno in aula.