Their only child, a son, was born the following year. Bram Stoker (8. nóvember 1847 – 20. apríl 1912) var írskur rithöfundur sem er frægastur fyrir að hafa samið gotnesku skáldsöguna Drakúla. Em 31 de Dezembro de 1879 nasceu seu único filho, Irving Noel Thornley Stoker. Yaşadığı dönemde ünlü oyuncu Henry Irving’in kişisel asistanı ve Irving sahibi olduğu Lyceum Tiyatrosu'nu yöneticisi olarak tanınmıştır.. Yaşamı. 1875 – The Primrose Path; 1881 – Under the Sunset; 1890 – The Snake's Pass; 1895 – The Shoulder of Shasta; 1895 – The Watter's Mou'; 1897 – Dracula; 1898 – Miss Betty; 1902 – Havets Hemmelighed The collaboration with Irving was very important for Stoker. Stevenson, una infancia de salud enfermiza, entre otras cosas empezó a caminar a los 7 años, lo que indudablemente fomentaría su gusto por los relatos de imaginación, leyendas tradicionales irlandesas y cuentos de miedo, que la madre le explicaba muy a menudo, tales narraciones debieron grabarse hondamente en la mem… Il havet un long amical relation con li actor Henry Irving. Il anc fat mult de sport al Trinity College. ... Stoker successfully impressed her and married her in 1878. Bram Stoker, Irish writer best known as the author of the Gothic horror tale Dracula. Pos su studie il devenit statal functionario, ma il anc laborat quam jurnalist e critico de teatre. Interestingly, it was not always horror that Stoker wrote about but a fair share of his output lay in that area. Although he wrote 12 o… Reproduced by permission of … In 1878 he married Florence Bram Stoker. Cet isolement fait naître également son intérêt pour le folklore irlandais lequel était souvent composé d'histoires de crottes et de vampires. Abraham "Bram" Stoker, född 8 november 1847 i Clontarf norr om Dublin, död 20 april 1912 i London, var en irländsk-brittisk teaterchef och författare, idag mest känd för att ha skrivit skräckromanen Dracula (1897). Although many people only know him for Dracula, this was not his only novel. Věří se, že právě kvůli tomuto sňatku opustil Wilde Irsko. Nacido en el seno del hogar humilde de un funcionario, el pequeño vivió como su ilustre colega R.L. Em 31 de Dezembro de 1879 nasceu seu único filho, Irving Noel Thornley Stoker. Stoker and Irving’s relationship would grow to dominate Stoker’s life, as Irving was a demanding client, yet Irving’s success and fame sustained the Stoker family financially. ... performed managerial, secretarial, and even directorial duties at London, England's Lyceum Theatre. Ez a jelzés csupán a megfogalmazás eredetét jelzi, nem szolgál a cikkben szereplő információk forrásmegjelöléseként. En 1878 contrajo matrimonio con Florence Balcombe, con la que tuvo un hijo, Irving Noel. Á ævi sinni var Stoker þó kunnari sem aðstoðarmaður leikarans Henry Irving og leikhússtjóri Lyceum-leikhússins í London, sem Irving átti.. Æviágrip. Abraham Bram Stoker, (8 Kasım 1847 - 20 Nisan 1912) İrlandalı yazar.. Dünyanın en çok bilinen romanlarından Drakula (1897) ‘nın yazarıdır. [2] Com a mulher, mudou-se para Londres, onde passou a trabalhar na companhia teatral Irving Lyceum, assumindo várias funções e permanecendo nela por 27 anos. Verí sa, že práve pre tento sobáš Wilde opustil Írsko. Em 1878 Stoker casou-se com Florence Balcombe, cujo ex-pretendente foi Oscar Wilde.Com a mulher, mudou-se para Londres, onde passou a trabalhar na companhia teatral Irving Lyceum, assumindo várias funções e permanecendo nela por 27 anos. Az eredeti cikk szerkesztőit annak laptörténete sorolja fel. Bram so svojou ženou sa potom presťahovali do Londýna, kde v roku 1878 odporučil Henry Irving Bramovi prácu hereckého manažéra v London's Lyceum Theatre. Stoker se roku 1878 oženil s Florencí Balcomovou, tehdejší přítelkyní Oscara Wilda. Tam … Bram Stoker studiat in Dublin al Trinity College historie, litteratura, matematica e fisica. He is best known for his 1897 horror novel Dracula, which established the popular modern day legend of the fictional 'vampire of the title. Bram Stoker was a master diction writer who created the popular character Dracula, with his masterpiece of the same name. Abraham Stoker, detto Bram (Clontarf, 8 novembre 1847 – Londra, 20 aprile 1912), è stato uno scrittore irlandese, divenuto celebre come autore di Dracula, uno fra i più conosciuti romanzi gotici del terrore.In vita era conosciuto in particolare per essere l'assistente personale dell'attore Henry Irving e il direttore economico del Lyceum Theatre di Londra, di proprietà dello stesso Irving. En fait, les derniers intérêts de Bram Stoker ont inclus \"l'égyptologie, les traditions babyloniennes, les projections astrales et l'alchi… Abraham 'Bram' Stoker was born 8 November 1847 in Dublin, Ireland to a civil servant father and charity worker and writer mother. Bram Stoker is best known as the author of Dracula (1897), one of the most famous horror novels of all time. Abstract. He was a sickly child and spent lots of time in bed being told horror stories by his mother. Bram Stoker and the Treaty of Berlin (1878) ...Show full title ... Bram Stoker's Oeuvre and ‘Other Knowledges’: The ‘Lost’ Book Review of Norman Macrae's Highland Second-Sight (1909) Paul S. McAlduff , John Edgar Browning . Books such as Lady Athlyne and The Lady of The Shroud showcased his writing style to great effect and ensure he left a fine literary legacy behind. In 1878 Stoker married Florence Balcombe, a celebrated beauty whose former suitor was Oscar Wilde. ... Verkade, Eduard, 1878-1961,. Bram Stoker and the Treaty of Berlin (1878) Matthew Gibson University of Surrey 1 In recent years there has been a marked rise in the interest in Bram Stoker’s status as an Irish writer, and in particular with regard to Dracula as a text referring to the Irish Land League crisis. Although an invalid in early childhood—he could not stand or walk until he was seven—Stoker outgrew his weakness to become an outstanding athlete and football (soccer) player at Trinity College (1864–70) in Drakula.Za života, bio je poznatiji kao lični asistent glumca Henryja Irvinga i poslovni menadžer pozorišta Lyceum Theatre u Londonu, koje se nalazilo u … Bram (Abraham) Stoker (b. November 8, 1847, Clontarf, Dublin, Ireland-d. April 20, 1912, London, England), studied at Dublin's Trinity College. Fordítás. Bram se svou ženou se pak přestěhovali do Londýna, kde v roce 1878 doporučil Henry Irving Bramovi práci hereckého manažera v … Em 1878 Stoker casou-se com Florence Balcombe, cujo ex-pretendente foi Oscar Wilde. 1847'de Dublin'de dünyaya geldi. In December 1878, Henry Irving, who had taken control of London’s Lyceum Theatre, approached Stoker to become his business manager.Stoker resigned his civil service position and married Florence Balcombe before moving to London. He took a civil service job, but found it unsatisfying and moonlighted as an unpaid theatre critic. L'intérêt de Stoker pour le surnaturel et les sciences occultes ce qui deviendra un foyer saillant pour sa dernière fiction peut s'être ancré lors de sa maladie d'enfance non identifiée qui l'a gardé censément cloué au lit jusqu'à l'âge de sept ans. Bram Stoker 1847'de Dublin'de doğdu. In li 1878 … The sequel, "Dracula's Guest," was not published for 17 years after the publication of "Dracula," two years after Stoker's death. Chuaigh siad go Londain.Thosaigh Stoker ag obair ina bhainisteoir ar an Lyceum Theatre sa bhliain 1879, áit a raibh a chara Henry Irving ag aisteoireacht.Bhí an cairdeas seo an-tábhachtach d'Irving, agus chuidigh Irving leis aithne a fháil ar mhaithe agus ar mhóruaisle na príomhchathrach. Ez a szócikk részben vagy egészben a Bram Stoker című angol Wikipédia-szócikk fordításán alapul. Muerte Bram Stoker falleció Bram Stoker falleció pobre y olvidado en Londres el 20 de abril de 1912. Bram Stoker fæddist í Clontard í Dublin. bio je irski pisac, danas poznat po svom gotskom romanu iz 1897. Educated at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, he served there as President of the Philosophical Society and earned Bachelors and Masters degrees in … Author. This biography profiles his childhood, life, career, timeline and accomplishments. On December 4, 1878, Stoker and Balcombe were married in Dublin before following Irving to England to work. Bram Stoker was born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1847, and gained fame for his novel "Dracula" about an aristocratic vampire in Transylvania. Çocukluğunu fiziksel engelli olarak geçirmesine rağmen, gençlik yıllarında Dublin Üniversitesi'nin en önemli atletleri arasına girebilecek kadar güçlü bir iradeye sahip olduğunu gösterdi. Bram Stoker and the Treaty of Berlin (1878) Share. Abraham "Bram" Stoker (Clontarf, 8. novembar 1847.- London, 20. april 1912.) Stoker sa roku 1878 oženil s Florence Balcombeovou, vtedajšou priateľkou Oscara Wilda. Abraham Bram Stoker (Clontarf, Dublin, Irlanda 1847ko azaroaren 8a – Londres, Ingalaterra, 1912ko apirilaren 20a) irlandar nobelagile eta ipuin idazlea izan zen.Gaur egun arte nobelagile viktoriano ezagunenetakoa edo famatua egin zuen bere lan ezagunena: beldurrezko Dracula nobela izan zen.Bizitzan, aldiz, ezagunagoa izan zen Henry Irving aktorearen laguntzailea izateagatik eta Irving … In recent years there has been a marked rise in the interest in Bram Stoker’s status as an Irish writer, and in particular with regard to seeing Dracula as referring to the Irish Land League crisis. Stoker was in fact a fairly proficient writer who had a number of other titles to his name. The couple moved to London, where Stoker became business manager of Irving's Lyceum Theater, a post he held for 27 years. Sa bhliain 1878, phós Stoker Florence Balcome, cailín a bhí ina banchara ag Oscar Wilde roimhe sin. Under sin livstid var han mer känd som manager för skådespelaren Henry Irving och som direktör vid Lyceum Theatre i London. In the 1880s and 1890s, the Lyceum and the Stokers, Irving and his co-star, Ellen Terry, were at the centre of London’s social and cultural life. Bram Stoker ( Abraham Stoker 8. november 1847 – 20. april 1912) var en irsk forfatter, som beskæftigede sig med gotisk fiktion, og især er kendt for romanen Dracula.. Bibliografi.