Dirty Thrusters is an engineer modification that can be applied to thrusters. Anarchy systems are your friends here. One thing I noticed lately is that most of the beginners’ guides for Elite are videos. Now that you are in Ngurii, go to Cheranovsky City. Your Runner: If you choose to focus on bulk gathering, you will be doing a lot of running around and needing access to a number of different capabilities while gathering your supplies. Know that the recent revamp of the blueprints makes getting involved really easy. Additionally, collectors have 2 modes of operations, and unlike mining, you will use both. Please note that some engineers are just a pain in the ass to unlock, regardless of what you do, but through their grind, you can make your life easier down the road in regards to other grinds. It’s literally just targeting and aiming your ship at the target till the scan completes. Second after roughly G3.5 you’ll get some more engineer invites. Thank you to all the people who continue to support my guides (and others like it), those that support the community at large in their own way, and especially your kind PMs. They are cargo, stored in, well, cargo. Significant amounts of engineering materials. Once you switch to just looking for rare mats, I’ve found that my metallic consumption rate increased dramatically by landing on a low grav plain, preferably in an area that it slightly differently colored than the rest of the world, and BOOKING it in a straight line, flying most of the way. Welcome to my guide for unlocking most useful engineers as quickly and painlessly as possible, from scratch! To make significant progress through this guide, you will need the following: A high-LY range ship (DBX, AspX, and/or Anaconda preferred). Provide 100,000 Cr worth of Bounty Vouchers to Trophy Camp in Wolf 397. A solid cargo ship with at least 50T of capacity (AspX, Type 9, and/or Anaconda) 10 Million CR to burn. All feedback is welcome. So, some folks that loved my mining guide, and a few have asked that I do one on Engineers. This one takes a while, as Fujin Tea is only sold 5 Tons at a time, but has a low cost of 397 Cr/Ton. This has nothing to do with engineers and everything to do with it being worth 500k-1mil at any station. Learn to use the contact menu on the left in conjunction with the two different collector modes to ensure you aren’t picking up a lot of garbage. To make significant progress through this guide, you will need the following: A high-LY range ship (DBX, AspX, and/or Anaconda preferred). There will be a crashed Thargoid ship with Unknown Artefacts and Sensor Fragments scattered about. Kill some wanted NPC's at the Nav Beacon in Wolf 397 until you have 100,000 Cr worth, then turn them in to Trophy Camp. Read this basic Elite Dangerous engineers guide for more information. Just sit 9k or so off the port and scan all the wakes with your wake scanner. Don’t worry about collecting them now you can try again later. Note: It is recommended that you improve your Frame Shift Drive with the Long-Range mod as far as possible. Proceed to Deciat, and donate your Meta Alloy to Felicity Farseer at Farseer Inc. Interdictions, Czs, USS (Weapons fired, etc), bounty hunting, etc. Closing There is a lot to learn and discover with the engineering process and I fully invite you to experiment. Become an Outsider or Higher in the Empire. They matter here. That's it. If you don’t have the resources to have a separate runner ship that’s ok, while I recommend that if you have but one ship that you may want to consider switching to a multi class (if your sole ship isn’t one already), but it’s not required by any means. Shopping done? Eg. Have a maximum distance of 5,000 LY from your starting location. If you are doing this in an anarchy system this is less an issue. Rank her up until you receive information on Broo Tarquin and Tiana Fortune. A solid cargo ship with at least 50T of capacity (AspX, Type 9, and/or Anaconda). Go to Kuk, donate your Painite, and rank up Selene Jean until you get information on Didi Vatermann and Bill Turner. Notes: Due to the fact that once you have cargo every pirate is emailed your current location, I recommend waiting to get these until you are working on something specific. There is compelling evidence that the type of ship, the state of the system, and the size of the ship are all factors in what drops. Take your 50 Tons of Bromellite to Bill Turner in the Alioth System. Second thing to note is who owns the base. A good runner will just equip all of these and just have them available. Take them to Vatermann LLC, donate them, then head back and do it again until you've donated 50 units. The staff is dedicated to gathering information from leading experts throughout the Elite Dangerous Galaxy, to coordinate and promote their knowledge and experience for fans of the game. This is straightforward, however as a tip, get in the habit of storing all your ships with at least a little cargo space. Some in the air, some on the ground helping each other out. Some of these have an item called “data beacon” these aren’t for collecting they are for scanning (which we’ll cover in the next section). Some larger groups have a shared account that acts as a bank which makes these super easy. Ship folks can destroy ground targets (over sights only, can’t target anything from a ship) or keep the security ship off the SRVs and the SRVs can take out the larger anti-ship defenses from the inside by destroying generators or scanning certain nodes in the base. For those that aren’t familiar with the options, one weighs more, and the other uses more power. Engineer options. Every week more content!Sup everyone! Buy a cheap commodity (for Lei Cheung, again), then take a Cargo Delivery mission with 5 cargo, minimum. Immediately abandon the mission, then search for 5 nearby Black Markets. Given the time investment of getting to G5, I highly recommend that you not use this option till blueprint roll itself is rather appealing. Lori Jameson is stationed in Shinrarta Dezhra, which means you must have at least one Elite ranking to access her. Dummies Guide to Gathering Engineering Materials (3.3 Beyond) After my extensive dive into the best way to gather very rare manufactured components, I had a lot of replies asking for advice about the best way to go about getting all the materials. The modifications that Engineers offer vary depending upon their skill sets and personal preferences. Go. These are stores under the “Materials” section of your inventory. Ok, these take a little practice but they are quite fun and engaging once you get them down. Since hunt mode will collect all that bio waste and eventually snag the manipulator, you can instead, target the manipulator, launch a collector, have it expire once the job is done, and you are on your way. If you or your organization would like to participate in the creation and collection of knowledge-based content to assist the Elite Dangerous community, please contact Exigeous in the Level 11 Discord . Option 1 mainly focuses on the laser. The idea here is that you are covering a lot more ground than you would be in more difficult terrain. Your target goal is G4 or (Grade 4) for a couple reasons. Some can only be earned in missions. How do engineers work? First, G4 is about as good as G5 and can often times be better. This one's pretty straight forward. That's the end of the guide. Your email address will not be published. Both modes have their uses. 1 of 3 Go to page. Dealing with Tod "The Blaster" McQuin and Juri Ishmaak should have you at Competent, or close to it. In a wing, head to a CZ, one or more declare and do what you do in a CZ. Spend time scoping out the base before starting the assault. Thanks everyone for watching! Here I tried to break it down into the actions needed and what you can expect from said actions. AspX, Python, Courier, DBX, you get the idea. This will start the timer and tell you how many the base has. This require nearly no effort, just get into the habit of targeting as scanning ships passively. If not, you want to ensure that it is NOT owned by the controlling faction of the system. You do not lose these on death. DON’T attack bases owned by the controlling faction. Pick up 7 Sensor Fragment drops (They count as materials, so they don't require any cargo capacity). Don’t forget to also buy a SRV for it. If you get into this habit while doing other things, you will never need to do this intentionally. As of last patch, the rarer materials net you 3 mats per scooped rock. Its great fun. Size is the largest factor for how many data resources you will receive and the number of data points you need to scan, + is the smallest, +++ is the largest. Defeat a ship, collect the bits with your collector or scooping. Access is via a hotkey and EDEngineer has the following headline features: Assaulting a base will make you wanted. This guide uses those overlaps to give you a clear pathway to having every engineer unlocked with minimal effort. This guide can always be improved. The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! This community is great! Target mode is good for when you drop into a USS and it’s a field of illegal biowaste and there is a single worthy chemical manipulator in the mix. If you are interdicting or dropping into a Seeking Weapons for loads of “free” T9 level drops, doing it in anarchy systems has very little if any consequences. Take a new Data Delivery mission for Modular Terminals (or not), rinse, and repeat, until you have 25 Modular Terminals. As for, what each stat does or means in each recipe is too large a topic for this guide. Elite Dangerous is a space simulator game by Frontier Developments based in the year 3307. Expect to find: Firmware (all types), grab bag of other stuff. Farseer has a better selection of blueprints but Martuuk gets you access to other useful (but ultimately redundant) engineers faster (though you need to pass through the deeply subpar, Qwent, to get to Palin (the best drives)). G5 is for rolling the dice on a “max”. You are primarily looking for anything with the word “Emissions.” There are some new types as well (High security, combat aftermath, etc.). Actually building something. This is normally bound to secondary fire, but you may have to hunt for it in options). Special Note: These are a blast in wings. Farseer or Martuuk Now that you are all set for starting your engineering and you have a rough idea of what that entails, time to get down to business. Base Assaults 101: Lets cover what a “base” is. Jump to:navigation, search. Rank Liz Ryder up to grade 3-4, and you should get an invite from Hera Tani. This can be bypassed by engineering the module in version 2.4 once, in order to get the module to grade 5, and then converting to the new engineering system to start out at grade 5 directly. Hopefully this guide removes a lot of the mystery of the process and gives you the tools you need to dive in. First things first… let’s get organized and prepared. Travel 300 LY from your starting Location DONE. They are normally a percentage chance, although you can force an effect by sacrificing 2 grades with the engineer. Head on back from Maia and land somewhere outside of Li Yong-Rui Space. Best Module: Armour and Hull Reinforcement Packages. The staff is dedicated to gathering information from leading experts throughout the Elite Dangerous Galaxy, to coordinate and promote their knowledge and experience for fans of the game. Provide between 1,000,000 -10,000,000 Cr in Federal Combat Bonds, Become a Midshipman or higher with the Federal Navy. Note: Certain recipes spawn additional adjustments to the build. Some Engineers will be more beneficial for explorers, while … Mine there until you've acquired 10 Painite, then move to a pristine icy ring, and mine out the rest of the 500 tons while saving all of the Bromellite possible. Specific modifications can be further enhanced with Experimental Effects. This will help you down the road with Lei Cheung, as well as unlocking Qwent. Time to decide how you want to go about engineering. Elite Dangerous Lucrative Bounty Hunting Guide. Rerolls count towards progress. High can be an all out war that is difficult to do solo, up to and including on station security vipers. It is available in 5 grades, with the highest grade offering up to 40% increase in top speed. Free time. If so and your building a runner, it might look like this (sample only): AspX. Fdev is on to your shenanigans and the only faster way to a 33mil cutter rebuy is to open fire inside a station. Land at Black Hide, donate 500,000 Cr to The Dweller, and rank him up until you get information on Lei Cheung. If you have input on how to make it better, do not hesitate to post it in a comment below. (edit: Reddit). The goal here is to get prepared, when it’s time for the big rolls you can bring your ship of choice. Getting a mediocre G5 FSD roll on your AspX can be re-rolled or swapped into you Python and rolled again, fresh. You should already be friendly with the Eurybia Blue Mafia from way back in Step One, so all you really need to do is source 200 Tons of Landmines to donate at Demolition Unlimited. HazardousMatt. Option 1 (laser focus): You could fly your chosen ship around and find the blueprints you like and work toward them. Discovery and Surface (optional) Scanners: Discovery is recommended, Surface is optional. Make your trips to and from Broo Tarquin at Broo's Legacy in the Muang System until you've delivered all 50 Tons. Those mission only ones are: Neofabric Insulation, Micro-Weave Cooling Hoses, Articulation Motors, Modular Terminals, Nanobreakers, Telemetry Suite. In the Prismatic Imperium, we have group events to hits 3-4 at a time (called Pub Crawls). Final general note: Once you’ve completed a base (data points and money beam) you cannot do it again and must find another.