. it does help to have a healer do to his speacial ability. lol Got Ban’thalos, Magria, and, Deth’tilac all in the same day. Once you reach the end of the quest chain, the mobs you’ll have to deal with can be a real challenge for lower level characters. Loque’nahak can spawn in one of seven locations across Sholazar Basin. I’ve been looking for Skoll as well, but not very actively as I’m so happy with Arcturis. During the times that I normally play, I’ve seen him twice – both times at around 9pm PST. I had a feeling gondria would be thier the first time i ever looked for her and she was, i caught her about 19:04, i thought hey why not try my luck in storm peaks i flew to storm peaks and did one circle around the spawns when i spotted skoll on the n of tht village name u all no the one., tht must of been about 19:07, 3 minutes later. The first time I tamed him proved to be very difficult because my gear was crap at the time, and I had to kite him a good ways before I’d damaged him enough to remove Strong Will. Similar to the Lost Spectral Gryphon, there is no strategy required for this tame unless you are an alliance hunter. If you are having trouble with NPC scan not working properly, you missed a rare elite, ect. PS now if you could just give good advise on those rude hunters who come in and stand on you or in front of you when you’ve been there putting in the hours hehe ???? Just nailed skoll! kinda digging the dramatic storm peak soundtrack! This time, however, it’s more an exercise in patience rather than a test of skill. He has been after it a month, i’ve been after since they put it on the game. He only spawns on the riverbank just below the flightmaster in Amberpine Lodge in Grizzly Hills. Sounds like you’ve been fortunate the past few days, so hopefully that trend continues. I have been camping for Arcturis no luck any advise.. ? Loquenahak I Just got Ghostcrawler on Area 52 server at 2:24 PM. And pew got week enough to shoot conccusive shot and slow fall potion I’ve been extremely lucky recently; I nabbed Arcturis within an hour of turning 74, and found Loque’nahak within 24 hours of hitting 76. Since 2008, I have looked for Loque’nahak whenever I am in Sholazar, and those two places have been far and away the most popular spots – for me, anyway. I hunt Loque since WotLK Still don’t have it but I have the spirit beast from WoD. Second time I found him it was around 6pm on a medium pop server and I managed to tame him. There is one tameable creature with this look. . How eva ya spell it..:) happy hunting all! an hours time today! Spirit Elderhorn - Pet Look | Petopia - Hunter Pets in the World of Warcraft not easy being a hunter really , Which is why it’s that much sweeter when you finally do tame him. Went to do dailies in Firelands and accidently discovered Deth’Tilac and succeeded in the tame. Unlocked (hopefully) the correct MH phase, hunters asking in chat about the beasts. Spirit Beasts - Pet Family | Petopia - Hunter Pets … This can be really tricky because I’d found that sometimes it seemed he would finish casting Barbed Needle even if I’d returned within the dead zone, when the cast timer was almost up. So 13 hours ago I only had one spirit beast, Arcturis. © 2004-2021 - About Petopia Although my favourite looking pet is Nuramoc, best looking pet in the game imo, I get loads of /w asking where I got him etc etc. A Murder of Crows – Some extra deeps you can cast on the run. Almost had Loque’nahak too at exactly 3 PM but someone else was already camping him. Glaives are obviously a good idea as well. Today morning i logged again as i was camping near Skyreach Pillar and started my usual flying round goin left from there… Then as i was flying and passed Lifebloom pillar and underneath the white monkeys showed up , there he was among them! Ban’thalos Ankha has a Spirit Claw attack which scales off enemy armor, so be sure to remove any and all pieces of gear that provide armor. Skoll was a bit of an exception though; the guy made me pay 5000g, but I would have regretted it if I didn’t. Ban’thalos was introduced as one of the ‘Taming Challenge‘ pets in Patch 4.2, which means he most definitely requires a taming strategy. All you need to do is simple math. Skimming the comments I didn’t see anything about one…The key thing about Spirit Beasts is patience. i have gondria but Skoll is hard as well. Just starting my spirit beast journey. I cursed him out and ill still be looking for him. I just went to gondria and tamed him like it was whateves. Hello! Such a shame. While not as difficult for alliance as the Lost Spectral Gryphon is for horde, this is still going to be a bit of a taming challenge due to the spawn timer. I know the cunning type is better and I already have spider to fight with me but I want to hear some other opinions. HOWEVER, I have yet to see Karoma. I began on Tuesday right after reset and used the 6-7 hour time as my religion for all the northrend pets except gondria. A Murder of Crows – Open with this spell for some extra DPS since you won’t have a pet out. And, I checked this site for Gondria spawn points, this is on Dawnbringer realm if you’d like to know. I also got Elm The Wise about 2 weeks ago as I have hade no luck with Ban’Thalos Changes to Hunter Pets in Shadowlands Try and lay an Ice Trap whenever it’s off cooldown, and use Concussive Shot on him as much as possible. Tamed Loque awhile ago. Yesterday morning i logged my Hunter which was camping / flying upon Brunnhildar Village and there is was the blue dog walking around there all alone. Rehoming pets <3 The only thing left after you've filled your stables. I decided to stay up there several days checking and logging off and logging back on at random times. I have been patrolling the area where ghostcrawler is for a few days and know hits. Drop a Freezing Trap, start taming, Skoll pounces and gets frozen, tame completes…you have a shiny new Spirit Beast! Step 2 : Go in stormwind in 71,72. If anything, they should increase the DoT by a small amount, or better yet, make it so that it can crit! Ankha – 7:11 P.M. – Coords (27.28 – 51.15) Get the rare spirit beast carry service to acquire the most desired hunter pet in the game. The warrior was going for this: http://www.wowhead.com/achievement=2257, yeah for one achievement i was going to keep that thing for as long as I play the game… grrrrr. Just wanted to send out status of spawn timer… Tamed Ankha at around 610 US server time for anyone looking. I know the exact times and locations of all the Spirit Beasts. I got both the Arcturis and Nuramoc in 1 day in less than a hour, made my day, :). That’s why they were forced to have Vyragosa. this post will show you how to get both NPCScan and Silver Dragon up and running, use Disengage just before you hit the ground, http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1372.snc4/164482_482369669665_856449665_5538445_2318607_n.jpg, Spirit Beasts: Where to Find Them and Tips on Taming. Sambas I completed Mount Hyjal the other day and just found your website today. Or non-spirit beast. minimum of 8 hours and a maximum of 10 hours for Skoll Loque and Skoll is all I need now. lol i will as i allways have lol thanks . Yes thats right i managed to get both in just under and hour. I found Skoll around 10:30pm then the next day around 9:50 I found Gondria, about 5 mins later I got Magria due to a extremely nice Warlock who posted a group for a hunter who wanted to tame Magria. I used your prior version to tame my beasties and I am happy to see you making it more concise to help the hunters out there deciding to go after these gems. I am curious if this is true, however I do not wish to mislead people, its hard enough finding one let alone taming one without faction or greedy interferance. First time he was dead, broke my heart. Glaive Toss – The extra ranged slow and DPS is a huge asset. So i begin taming again and he pops out of stealth just to kill me again.. Fire Concussive Shot at him whenever it’s off cooldown. Place some traps in front of where he’s sitting (Ice/Explosive/Snake). Like the Spirit Beasts introduced in Cataclysm, Hutia is another in the tradition of Spirit Beast taming Challenges; however, Hutia is the easiest to tame of the 3 new SBs in MoP. Character name is what I'm posting under. loque the same spririt mend spirit walk roar of courage these are the only ones that i recieved with either of them . As long as Silencing Shot is off cooldown, just stay at max range and keep on with the slows and pew-pew. My in game character name is Srhunter – Lvl 90 Grizzly Hills Alliance… Give me GOLD and I will get you All Spirit BEASTS!!! I just hit 85 yesterday and went looking for my first SB. Have patience. Make sure you’ve got the Glyph of Tame Beast in order to speed up the cast time. skoll is so elusive – i saw him 3 days ago but was only 78 and watched anothe hunter tame him. I have a friend that was able to log on and get Skoll. The best I can say is that they tend to appear in 6 hour intervals. Whootz!!! Skoll I tamed @ 12:30am midnight Realm Time (California) Cenarius I’ve seen him do it 3 times now in the last 2 days. hey i was just wondering if this is also on wrath of the lich king??? Right you are that Gondria also spawns at the left of the stairs nears altar of Harkoa. For anyone searching for this awesome kitty. The kiting area is sloped and near a cliff wall, and there are a few spots with huge boulders you have to navigate around. ive been looking for the SB’s since nov 2009 for three of them to come in one week has made it all worth it i just wish loquenahawk will spawn as soon as i maximise my screen from writing this. I remember when world came out I was one of the first to tame Arcturis and I would always go there with him use eyes of the beast and fool all the hunters there, even getting some hordes to get flagged. The trickiest parts are when you’ll likely need to turn around at the monastery to head back the way you came, along with the moment when you actually go to tame him. [/b] General Information. My only question is I am taking my son around to tame his spirit beasts and every thing still works except the tame of Ban’thalos. Tamed Hutia using a guildies help. Karoma can be found in one of a half dozen places in the Twilight Highlands. It is not reachable by any spells directly from the ground therefore it is considered to be a tricky tame hunter pet… Just Tamed Tsul’Kalu the Spirit Gorilla released in patch 4.0.6 found him wangering in North Stranglethorn cords 48:30 didnt even know there was a spirit gorilla till i stumbled onto him . . Found at second spawn point I searched, noone in the area, tamed. I didn’t even needed Gondria but I went to see for the lulz and there she was. /tar Loque’nahak I SPENT 3 MOTHERFUCKING DAYS SEARCHING FOR IT Unfortunately, killing Loque’nahak is part of an achievement. Great work! Anyway i logged off and occassionally log in to check ..Nothing.. I agree with him. hth, Finished my collection just now. If you step outside of the dead zone and see him starting to cast Barbed Needle, quickly run back towards him. I’m in the Burnig Crusade. I don’t have a problem sitting still for an hour. Not many hunters on Khadgar have all 4 now due to them wanting pets that will be untamable in Cataclysm. Ankha and Magria are identical in every way apart from their looks. cplnorris@gmail.com is my email. Taming Hunter Pets in WoW Classic. Gondria He hits way harder than the other two porcupines, plus he dazes you – making it harder to get away from him once he closes. , ok i’m trying to tame Loque’nahak but i cant fricking find him and i have a app on my phone that lets me know whare thay spawn but i looked every ware he spawns but i knt find him can you help me, Started a tame on Arcturis last night and a competing hunter, killed him for me, gee thanks friend, at 7:15 pm…..got up this mornign for work and flew to spawn point at 5:30, no spawn, 6:15 no spawn, off to work, at 7:00, fired up wow on my work comp and kept it minimized, checking sporadically, Horde hunte camped at 7:30, no spawn, opened wow at 8:20 and there Arcturis was, target, hit tame and got him just as 4 other hunters , including the Horde, landed from who knows where……times are server times on Blackhand server….glad to have him…have wanted him since BC….now on to others, have Skoll, and Now Arcturis…..(-8, Anyone know we’re I can find Loque & how long dose he spown. Taming Gara requires no special techniques; it just requires a relatively lengthy scavenger hunt quest. Lightning Paw spawns within the bushes with the glowing eyes. Otherwise when you find him, you’ll have to waste a few seconds dismissing your pet before starting the tame. It took me 2 weeks of on off searching and I found him twice. He spawned. Right after I had tamed Arcturis, a fellow hunter friend of mine took over the spot. Most depressing point in my WoW life needless to say. He’s the only Chimaera with his particular look – sort of like Prince meets HR Giger. It’s my assumption that they’re all on 6 hour spawn timers, however I’ve read many statements to the contrary. This Spirit Beast is also found patrolling within The Regrowth of Mount Hyjal. This post offers an overview of NPCScan, and this post will show you how to get both NPCScan and Silver Dragon up and running. Spirit Beasts are exotic pets – available only to Beast Mastery hunters with the Beast Mastery talent. Because of their healing spell and self-dispel, Spirit Beasts make outstanding pets for PvP and solo content, and they also have the distinction of being the only exotic pet with more than 2 special abilities. And a few more i cant think of, Good luck Hunters!! I had help from my wife. But in the past month, I’ve just stumbled across Karoma and now Ankha. I also found doubles and tipples of some of these beasts. I spent my whole time trying too get all the spirit beast and boom ina few weaks i Ask my 85 mage pal too check for the 2 spirit beast skoll and gondria and there they were.i Also got The spirit wolf and spirit crab with my lvl 85 hunter.I spent alleast 4 days wakeing up too see if they spawned in the morning.In luck i got the spirit bear.TOok me a few hours too get them but it was not half bad.i did dung runs and battlegrounds. THANX ! I imediatly, hit guild chat, to tell them that Loque is up and to Post it in Trade, as i had aready had Him. Welcome to the Hunter Pet Series! From the sounds of it, some people got lucky “Right place, right time.” I will say that standing on the hill a little ways is the best point to wait. I started searching for Skoll… Took me days, weeks scanning the Stormpeaks spawning areas but nothing.. I tamed Lightning Paw just SE of Addle’s Stead and my son tamed him west of Raven Hill. It might be a good idea to clear a few of the nearby neutral porcupines out so that you don’t make them angry with your Glaives or AoE trap, distracting you from the business at hand. Welcome to the Hunter Pet Series! I can not, nor will I make any claims to spawn timers. He just Ghostcrawler is immune to all crowd control spells, so you must withstand his attacks while taming. I was looking for skoll for two days, he spawned and I panicked and couldn’t find any buttons (had just replaced everything with macros) and killed him by mistake I d/c’d and raged at myself!!!! , http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs021.snc6/165164_490141884665_856449665_5677106_3526149_n.jpg. I always liked to collect things in wow. These things can make the kiting a bit more of a challenge by screwing with your camera angle, not to mention the obstacles you have to skirt around. /tar Skoll I decided to go straight for the Cata SBs on my Hunter, since I jusy hit 85. Here’s a Draenor map infographic I put together which shows all of the locations and steps involved in the Gara taming quest. I however did use this for Arcturis, Skoll, and Loque. Thanks again for the detailed guide, or I would have never caught him! My lcuky day. As of 5.4 binding shot can be used making it easy to tame Guti and Hutia . guys i’d like to say that i was taming Ban’thalos but he despawned, as soon as he did that i went to the regrowth and Ankha had just spawned..it might just be a coincidence but check it out if you see Ban’thalos killed/tamed and you might get lucky with Ankha, Anyone know the range of NPC scan or Silver Dragon? The following guide lists all of the Spirit Beasts that can currently be found in Azeroth, maps on where to find them, what strategies to use for taming them, along with a few other bits of information to aid in your taming adventures. The Spirit Elderhorn is a hunter pet appearance in the Spirit Beast family. It’s much easier to monitor the distance when you have less terrain issues to deal with. I got Ban’thalos last evening and it was just as you had said. As of April 30th, 2010, On the Maelstrom Server, Arcturis was tamed. Took weeks to finally get him. Right now (3.3.2), BM isn’t quite up to snuff as SV or MM, and so heroic-raid-competitive hunters aren’t bringing BM to ICC. Karoma’s respawn rate seems to be around 6-8 hours. Gondria Wanted to try my luck in depth and went to Scholazar Basin wher I (yes indeed” came immediatly out on Loque’Nahak and tamed him. Even though it’s an old post, take a look at Ghostcrawler’s comments on the philosophy of the Spirit Beast implementation (point #4). They are the go to pet for raids, mythic+ and generally recommended for almost any situation. Only made 3 or 4 circuits around Sholazar. Take off all of your armor, then begin taming. Spirit Beast Guide for Wrath of the Lich King Realms Hellow fellow Hunters! I shall name him Garwulf :p <3 Think I’m just gonna stay in BM all the time now! I have now tamed gondria no more then 5 minutes ago alarming is the fact there is not spirit strike which has pissed me off after all that camping any one know why this might be or is there a roll on what abilities they get upon taming ? I practiced laying freeze trap, mounting and ascending, then dismounting and simulate shooting, falling back and re gaining health. It must have been hotfixed after 4.3. it took me only 30mins and i have my first ever spirit beast! took 4-5 hours and only took 1 spot to farm at<3. No, at least that time, those others didn’t spawned. oh well… just Got Magria for about 20 mins ago when i logged back on after being away all day:-) so 4 spiritbeasts in one day…not too bad , Didn’t work for me, just tamed Ban’thalos and tried to look for Ankha or Magria without luck. Flew in to check because I was making my rounds and nearly had a heart attack when I saw NPC Scan go off. Magria – 12/14/15 @ 11:13pm. I’m pretty sure this mob is there by design, because if you happen to try kiting Degu through this area while the cat is out, it will jam you up because it will hit you with a slow, allowing Degu to roll up on you and eat you. I popped back on and let everyone know that skolls timer had been reset. i found the loque nahak but i could not tame him why 5/2/12 at 9:18 on the west side, I must be very lucky – In my first two days of being a BM Hunter (lvl 80) I tamed both Loque’nahak and Gondria . I have a feeling that if there more legitimate spots, they’d be pinned on there by now. Check my armory at Taloz 85 hunter Maive. This is the way of Spirit Beasts, the way they decide when to become yours…, crab is the easiest..look on the map and you will see an out cropping on the lower left side of the map..look for him in the clearing about halfway into the outcropping..he is hard to see though..more like seeing a blue haze than a crab, Yes i just tamed Karoma 1:35pm server time aman’thul server thats 5 spirit beasts in my collection and just the ghost crab and samba left on my wanted list . Happy hunting guys! I”ve tamed Gummi and I can honestly say, take a healer and a buddy who doesn’t mind dying with you. I have been flying around trying to find the rest for over a week and just couldn’t find any. Ankha patrols throughout The Regrowth in Mount Hyjal. The silver dragon and npcscan addons are great additions for the hunt. For a more detailed look at this strategy – complete with pretty pictures – please refer to my Ban’thalos taming guide. That was it got my tame today. Rare and unique…. Interesting…, but so far I haven’t seen any other confirmed spawn locations apart from the ones I’ve listed. Gondria nabbed at 3:25 realm time in Baelgun, finally after getting skoll quickly this was a pain to search…. Best way to go about this is to keep going around and around the log, hitting Hutia with Concussive Shot, Glaive Toss, an occasional Ice Trap, etc… I recommend using Aspect of the Hawk for this fight (as opposed to Cheetah) for the added DPS, since Hutia is not particularly fast, plus you can maintain slows on him. Thanks for the heads up with NPC scan. Day three no luck… no body no nothing other hunters and people aren’t very curtious. This is similar to how hunters used to have to handle warriors back when they had Intercept, and Charge was not usable in combat. My heart beat so fast and kept beating for the next 10min!!! Easy tame, killed a Griz Bear just to get out of the way, and that would be that. I tamed loque around 6:30 realm time and local time, tamed gondria around 6:40 realm and local time. Type ... Gon is a Spirit Beast and can only be used by Beast Mastery specialization. Ban'thalos is an owl Spirit Beast located in Mount Hyjal. I didn’t use deterrence, just hit him with glaive shot to aggro him, dropped the trap, easy tame! I could not believe the odds I beat. Exhilaration – If he does manage to get close and bite you -and you can manage to escape death- this heal could make the difference between success and failure. As you can see, they can spawn under the 6 hour timer and did so multiple times. -Tarren mill Zaniy the huntard :3, If you’re seeing the fire mobs then you need to complete the prerequisite quests first so you can unlock the area. I’ve had many more pets over the years I’ve been playing since B4 Burning Crusade even came out but have never had this much luck within a 24 hour period of getting 4 spirit beasts, plus several others within the last 2 weeks & a same repeat spirit beast (2 times) GhostCrawler within less then 48 hrs for my BF’s toon.