PHONE FAX EMAIL Phone: 802-229-9111 Fax: 802-229-2211 NEW! o Approximately $575 million in existing broadband, water and sewer capital appropriations were shifted over to the State CURE Fund to allow for direct use of ARPA funds. Restrictions on the uses of these funds include: Funding must be spent by the end of calendar year 2024. The recordings and presentations for those webinars can be found here. Can cities transfer their allotted funds to counties? Whenever possible, expenditures related to the ARPA funding should be spread over the qualifying period (through December 31, 2024) to enhance budgetary and financial stability. Adequate time should be taken to carefully consider all alternatives for the prudent use of ARPA funding prior to committing the resources to ensure the best use of the temporary funding. The Act also provides that the Secretary shall allocate and pay to each metropolitan city an amount determined for the city “consistent with” the CDBG formula. State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Fact Sheet, Coronavirus State and Local Recovery Funds, Non-entitlement Unit of Local Government checklist for requesting initial payment, Local Allocations in the American Rescue Plan, Using American Rescue Plan Act Funds for Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Infrastructure Projects, Treasury Expands Broadband Eligibility for ARPA in a Win for Cities, How Local Leaders Can Help Residents Access the Emergency Broadband Benefit, Services to Disproportionately Impacted Communities, the payment reduces a liability incurred prior to the start of the COVID-19 public health emergency, and. Rating agencies will evaluate a governmentâs use of the ARPA funds in formulating its credit opinion and, importantly, will consider your governmentâs level of reserves and structural budget balance, or efforts to return to structural balance, as part of their credit analysis. Funding to states, territories, and tribes to provide homeowners struggling to make mortgage payments due to the pandemic with direct assistance for mortgage payments, property taxes, property insurance, utilities, and other housing related costs. Local fire and emergency response teams are eligible to apply. Found insideMarguerite Henry’s beloved story of a wild horse’s gentle colt—winner of a Newbery Honor! The U.S. Treasury rolled out its Interim Final Rule on Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds on May 10. States and territories are also not permitted to offset any debt owed by the Non-entitlement Units of Local Government against the Non-entitlement Units of Local Government’s distribution. Tribal governments will receive $20 billion in payments and U.S. territories will receive $4.5 billion in payments. The Elder Justice Act program is the only dedicated federal funding source available to states and counties to prevent elder fraud and abuse. Public entities (counties) are eligible to apply. The definition of General Revenue draws on the Census definition of General Revenue of Own Sources (excluding utilities). ARPA funds will be issued in two tranches to local governments. Provides funds for states to provide short-term targeted aid (cash assistance or otherwise) to families in crisis. o Familiarize yourself with the separate program categories funded by the ARPA. All Federal financial assistance recipients must register on and renew their SAM registration annually to maintain an active status to be eligible to receive Federal financial assistance. ARPA Funding American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Funds to support community-based mental health services for adults and children. Washington, D.C. (Feb. 12, 2021)—Today, Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, the Chairwoman of the Committee on Oversight and Reform, issued the following statement after the Committee adopted a momentous package of $350 billion in critical assistance to help communities across the country battle coronavirus: “Democrats in the House of Representatives came through for the American people this … Works on plan development, policies and objectives for the ARPA funds. The $1.9 trillion package, based on President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, is intended to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, including the public health and economic impacts. Corollary state prevailing-wage-in-construction laws (commonly known as “baby Davis-Bacon Acts”) may apply to projects. Updated guidance on the interpretation for the 75 percent budget cap calculation was released on June 30, 2021. NEW! Seemingly benign in intent, the act creates false distinctions, argues Sheffield, about who or what is "Indian" or "Indian-made. Extends the recently enacted 15 percent SNAP benefit increase through September 30, 2021 (previously set to expire June 30, 2021). The City of Madison will receive $47.2 million of federal funding through the State and Local Recovery Funds component of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to recover from the negative public health and economic impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.The City has adopted a plan to use ARPA funds to address critical community issues, support an equitable recovery, and continue to … This toolkit includes: Metropolitan cities are provided with $45.57 billion under the Act. NEW! The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) signed into law by President Biden last week > No ARPA funding should be used to conduct sweeps of encampments of unhoused residents in direct violation of Centers for Disease Control guidance. These funds are provided to state educational agencies and lead agencies to help recover from the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and to safely reopen schools and sustain safe operations. 1319) into law. Funding to support state-sponsored or tribal youth suicide early intervention and prevention strategies and provides funding to institutions of higher education to assist students. Provides $5 billion to provide rental assistance, develop affordable housing, provide supportive services and acquire and develop non-congregate shelter units. Provides funding to states and territories to establish and implement nursing home strike teams that will be deployed to a skilled nursing facility with diagnosed or suspected cases of COVID-19 to help with clinical care, infection control or staffing. We’ve organized the frequently asked questions in sections to help guide you. Treasury is encouraging recipients to ensure that these projects use strong labor standards, including labor and community benefit agreements that offer at or above the prevailing rate and include local hire provisions. For the non-entitlement jurisdictions, the amount will not exceed seventy- five percent of their most recent budget as of January 27, 2020. The spreadsheet is organized by recovery category. Registering for a DUNS number is free of charge. Local leaders, with public input, will have discretion over how to spend these allocations. County health departments are eligible applicants of these grants. Counties will receive $65.1 billion in population-adjusted payments based on each county’s share of U.S. population, with additional adjustments for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) recipients. Investment in critical infrastructure is particularly well suited use of ARPA funds because it is a non-recurring expenditure that can be targeted to strategically important long- term assets that provide benefits over many years. Tue, 09/14/2021 - 9:07am. The interim report will include a recipient’s expenditures by category at the summary level from the date of award to July 31, 2021 and, for States and territories, information related to distributions to nonentitlement units. Treasury sought comments on the IRF until July 16, 2021. Based on these consultations, Treasury determined that there are 142 such cities, which are treated as metropolitan cities for the purpose of CLFRF in accordance with the Act. States will receive a total of $195.3 billion in aid, of which $25.5 billion will be split evenly between states and the District of Columbia. “With the national discourse, people are looking for bolder change. Similarly, ARP funding is a major strategic focus of a new collaborative called Prosper Birmingham, which is developing a regional investment agenda … The remaining $19.53 billion, or 30% of funds, will be allocated using a simple per-capita calculation, with total grant size for non-metro cities capped at 75% of the locality’s most recent budget as of January 27, 2020. #NACoBlog: New @Energy reports show growth in land-based wind energy and declines in the cost of wind energy genera…, © 2019 National Association of Counties | 660 North Capitol Street NW | Suite 400 | Washington, DC | 20001 | Phone: 202.393.6226 Provides funding for grants or contracts to state and local governments, among other entities, to run training programs in strategies for reducing and addressing suicide, burnout, mental health conditions and substance use disorders among health care professionals. Where can I find in-depth information on the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)? NLC has identified your frequently asked questions about Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund grants. Be sure to understand what they are planning and augment their efforts; alternatively, creating cooperative spending plans to enhance the structural financial condition of your community. State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funding is subject to the guidance specified in the IRF. The US Department of the Treasury today released a revised Frequently Asked Questions document that provides clarification on eligible expenses and reporting requirements for the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (Recovery Fund). NLC provides a high-level overview of the guidance in a recording of this webinar. Introduction to the American Rescue Plan Act. As noted, the CDBG formula uses six weighted variables.5 This formula reflects an approach taken since the 1970s on how to assess communities’ needs for funds to provide suitable living environments and expanded economic opportunities, particularly for low-income communities. Elected leaders will need to decide how to best use the additional funding consistent with the ARPA requirements, which are very broad. American Rescue Plan Act Funding Breakdown. American Rescue Plan Act: Much needed funding for municipalities; COBRA expansion. For counties, the $65 billion will be allocated based on the countyâs population. States and localities are eligible to apply for the EDA program and can use the funding for economic recovery projects. Lastly,ARPA also includesstimulus checks, assistance for public schools, child care, and unemployment benefits; additionally, it increases … These funds are in the form of formula grants and include additional funding to the national domestic violence hotline and support for survivors of sexual assault. Counties that are CDBG recipients will receive the larger of the population or CDBG-based formula. The IRF gives recipients broad latitude to use funds to provide government services to the extent of the reduction in revenue. Can recovery funds be used to relieve other payroll costs? This includes costs of consultants to ensure effective project management, as well as legal and regulatory compliance. Yes, recipients can use Fund dollars to fund lost revenue. ARPA funding represents an extraordinary opportunity for governments and government leaders to be bold. Found insideThrough consideration of consumer behaviors, tax incentives, business models, incentive programs, and infrastructure needs, this book studies the state of the industry and makes recommendations to further its development and acceptance. Principles for ARPA Funding. A DUNS number is a unique nine-character number used to identify an organization and is issued by Dun & Bradstreet. Within the ARP, the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund provides $350 billion for states, municipalities, counties, tribes, and territories, including $65.1 billion for cities throughout the U.S. © 2021 Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada, Alliance for Excellence in School Budgeting, Accounting, Auditing, & Financial Reporting, Employment Resources for Finance Officers, Imposed Fee and Fine Use by Local Governments, Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting, Intergovernmental Relations and Federal Fiscal Policy, Public Employee Pension and Benefits Administration, Tax-Exempt Financing and the Municipal Bond Market, American Rescue Plan Spending: Recommended Guiding Principles. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone and currently working to apply the relevant accessibility standards to this website. These funds are allocated for critical capital projects directly enabling work, education and health monitoring in response to COVID-19. The federal government uses the DUNS number to track how federal money is allocated. Website built on Drupal by Taoti Creative | Privacy Policy, On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed the, Earlier this week on August 31, counties were required to submit an Interim Report and Recovery. Other set asides include $1.25 billion for summer enrichment, $1.25 billion for afterschool programs, $3 billion for education technology and $800 million for wraparound services to homeless students. How Your City Can Spend ARPA Funds With an Equity Lens. The Georgia Municipal Association recognizes the importance of ensuring our websites are accessible and is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. Cities getting American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds through the Oregon Department of Administrative Services (DAS) should have received an email from DAS with the necessary forms and instructions to request funding. Estimated payments to NEUs can be found here (MML estimates). Recipients must submit their interim report to Treasury by August 31, 2021. The influx of funds will undoubtedly benefit state and local finances, and aid in the recovery from the budgetary, economic, and financial impacts of the pandemic. The Law Library presents the complete text of the Immediate Disaster Assistance Program (US Small Business Administration Regulation) (SBA) (2018 Edition). Each expenditure category has distinct reporting requirements. Funding for grants, contracts, and other agency activities that identify and address disproportionate environmental or public health harms and risks in minority populations or low-income populations. A public benefit corporation involved in the transportation of passengers or cargo, A special-purpose unit of State or local government, Economic Opportunity & Workforce Development. We encourage you to check back to this page frequently for the latest news, information and guidelines regarding implementation of the Act. Found inside – Page 110Finally , the Committee recommends that $ 40 million be provided to ARPA for the Maritech program , consistent with the President's budget request for the Department of Defense . The new promotional legislation for vessel operators will ... Funding should be directed to long-term, quality, accessible housing for unhoused people; > States and municipalities should not apply to FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund for funding for arpa fiscal recovery funds in nh: virtual resources and information fair july 26, 2021 new hampshire fiscal policy institute |100north main street |suite 400 |concord, nh 03301 |603.856.8337 | Recipients retain substantial flexibility to identify those water and sewer infrastructure investments that are of the highest priority for their own communities. Recipients may use funds for maintenance of infrastructure or pay-go spending for building of new infrastructure under general services, but it is capped at the amount of revenue lost due to the public health emergency. Recipients may be subject to the requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act when funds are used on a construction project in conjunction with funds from another federal program that requires the enforcement of the Davis-Bacon Act. Finance officers will play a critical role in highlighting the need to use ARPA funds prudently with an eye towards long-term financial stability and sustainable operating performance. The statute provides that recipients may not use Fiscal Recovery Funds for “deposit into any pension fund.” For the reasons discussed below, Treasury interprets “deposit” in this context to refer to an extraordinary payment into a pension fund for the purpose of reducing an accrued, unfunded liability. Metropolitan cities will need an active SAM registration to receive funds, and ALL cities will need an active SAM registration to submit reports through the Treasury reporting portal. Municipalities under 50,000 population will receive their ARPA payment from the State of Missouri. The Act provides that the Secretary shall substitute “all metropolitan cities” for “all metropolitan areas” in each place it appears. Treasury also indicated in reporting guidance that recipients must document wages and labor standards for projects over $10 million, and these requirements can be met with certifications that the project is in compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act. ARPA fiscal recovery funds ($5.3 billion to the state and $3.4 to municipalities) could also support transportation needs, such as cutting or eliminating transit fares or quick construction projects. For many jurisdictions, the funding provided under ARPA is substantial and could be transformational for states and local governments in their pandemic rescue and recovery efforts. Use other dedicated grants and programs first whenever possible and save ARPA funds for priorities not eligible for other federal and state assistance programs. 1319) into law. The statute provides four categories in which a city can transfer funds. Metropolitan cities can now request their funds through this Treasury Department portal. HRSA releases info sheet on program. Responsible for a $23 million dollar budget. Funding for county behavioral health authorities to serve vulnerable, low-income populations, such as those with HIV/AIDS, pregnant and parenting women, youth and others by ensuring access to substance abuse services. When considering how to best advise elected officials and plan for the prudent use of ARPA funds, we offer the following outline of Guiding Principles for the use of ARPA funds: Temporary Nature of ARPA Funds. Revenue replacement for the provision of government services to the extent of the reduction in revenue due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, relative to revenues collected in the most recent fiscal year prior to the emergency. Visit the NACo COVID-19 Recovery Clearinghouse for the latest on how counties are using federal funding to drive recovery in our communities. Increases the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for childless workers by up to $1,000 and expands the minimum and maximum age for claiming the credit. 5306) for fiscal year 2021.”, To identify cities that have relinquished or deferred their status as a metropolitan city in the CDBG program, Treasury consulted with HUD staff. Treasury is launching this much-needed relief to: 1. Although the bill has been approved and funding has been authorized, we are still several weeks away from seeing any funds in municipal budgets. NEUs who have not previously registered with may do so after receipt of the award, but before the submission of mandatory reporting. According to Treasury, the link to access the reporting portal was sent to recipient points of contact based on the contact information provided during the funding process. NEUs should expect to receive Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund payments through their state governments. Learn how to provide exemplary service to incarcerated individuals in prisons, jails, and youth detention centers. COLORADO SPRINGS - The City of Colorado Springs has received an allocation of $76,039,132 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds to support COVID-19 pandemic response and recovery efforts in the city. Funds allocated for grant program that aims to improve treatment and services for children and adolescents who have experienced traumatic events and to increase access to these treatments and services throughout the United States. Use of ARPA funds to cover operating deficits caused by COVID-19 should be considered temporary and additional budget restraint may be necessary to achieve/maintain structural balance in future budgets. Non-Entitlement Units of Local Government will receive their money as late as 90 days after the signing of the law (March 11, 2021). The funds are Title II community based (CBCAP) grants, which will be available through Sep. 30, 2023. What will I need to report to the Treasury? But applying the formula solely by substituting “all metropolitan cities” for “all metropolitan areas” has the effect of changing the relative importance of the variables: in particular, it alters the weight normally assigned to “population growth lag.”. The local government section of the bill contains no prohibition on lowering taxes. These four uses are split into 7 summary expenditure categories: All SLFRF award funds must be used in compliance with these requirements. Find your county's allocation, NACo's legislative analysis and more. 40 U.S.C. The Department of Local Affairs has compiled a comprehensive list of state and federal funding opportunities for municipalities. The funding provided under ARPA provides a unique opportunity for state and local governments to make strategic investments in long-lived assets, rebuild reserves to enhance financial stability, and cover temporary operating shortfalls until economic conditions and operations normalize. For further information on eligible uses, recipients should refer to the Compliance and Reporting Guidance. These funds are allocated to states as Title I Grants to states. Grants awarded to each state agency with 75 percent of the funds allocated based on the share of each state of households that participate in SNAP and 25 percent based on the increase in the number of households that participate in SNAP. Counties that own public libraries may be eligible to apply for this competitive grant. Finance officers play a critical role in advising elected leaders on the prudent spending of moneys received under ARPA. Finance officers are best positioned to help ensure the long-term value of investments and financial stability of its government using this one-time infusion of resources. The Act designates Metropolitan cities will receive their funds directly from the U.S. Department of Treasury. Fiscal Recovery Funding, State by State (May 10, 2021) County by County Funding in Maine and the US (May 10, 2021) Links & Resources: American Rescue Plan: Considerations for Municipalities - MMA Legal Services (June 11, 2021) U.S. Treasury ARPA FAQ (June 8, 2021) U.S. Treasury ARPA FAQ (Non-entitlement Units of Local Government) (June 8, 2021) As with previous COVID-19 relief packages, implementation will be an extensive process as new or updated guidance and FAQs are developed and released by the U.S. Treasury. The template for the Interim Report is contained within the reporting portal. American Rescue Plan Act: Much needed funding for municipalities; COBRA expansion. NEUs include cities, villages, towns, townships, or other types of local governments. 2021 American Rescue Plan Act Resources. Let us know in this feedback form. Counties contribute funds to K-12 schools in six states and to community colleges across several states but will not receive funding directly. Provides funding for the CCBHC Expansion Grants program, which aims to increase access to, and improve the quality of community mental and substance use disorder treatment through the expansion of CCBHCs. It was signed into law by President Joe Biden on March 11, 2021. This funding includes $750 million for senior nutrition programs, $460 million for home-and-community-based support services, $45 million for disease prevention, $10 million for the long-term care ombudsman program and $145 million in assistance for grandparents caring for grandchildren. Found inside – Page 208PO un apa government otropolitan Mundoipal government Kotropolitan Municipal government Metropolitan District of ... Detroit area Application for section par grants applican Metropolitan fund , Detroit arpa , tion for support of annual ... If a recipient has received funding as of July 15, 2021 but has not established projects as of the end … 1319 – the “ARPA”) was signed into law by President Biden on March 11, 2021. Found inside – Page 235It is funded by resources from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development via the German Development Bank (KfW), WWF and the Brazilian Amazon Fund (Chapter 4). ARPA was ... What infrastructure projects can funds be used on? Additional funds for the EIDL, a program that helps stabilize county economies by keeping small businesses afloat. These are not competitive grants and local governments will NOT have to submit an application or certification to justify their needs in advance. Cities will need a valid DUNS number to meet the reporting requirements for the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund. City Staff Give Third Presentation on $76M of ARPA Funding to City Council. Provides funding available through FY 2024 through Airport Improvement Program (AIP) formulas at 100 percent federal share. Regional Meetings for ARPA Local Government Funding. Municipalities do need to take certain steps to make sure they receive their grants, however. And over the last 18 months as we have responded to the coronavirus pandemic, our collective voice has never been stronger. Found inside – Page 93COSTA MESA - GENERAL FUND 19-063 COSTA MESA ELOSA ANX 12 - JOND IGR FUND 13-063 NEWPORT MANIOR HS - CM ELESA U ANX 92 ... ORANGE CO MUN - ORIGINAL ARPA 19-064 ORANGE CO MUNICIPAL WATER DIST - ORIGINAL AREA 15-064 ORANGE CO SANITATION DI ... Reveals lesser-known aspects of the stimulus bill while explaining how the Obama administration's progressive steps have prevented an imminent depression while supporting clean energy, health care, education reform, and other positive ... Provides funding for the National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program, the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program and state loan repayment programs, with respect to the health workforce. Signed into law on March 11, 2021, The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (âARPAâ) provides $350 billion in additional funding for state and local governments. Please click here for GFOAâs analysis of ARPA. Local nonprofit, faith-based and governmental entities that have provided, or will provide, humanitarian relief to individuals and families at the southern border with shelter, food and supportive services are eligible to apply. This reference book on North Carolina county and municipal government provides a comprehensive treatment of the legal foundations, organization, and the administration of the state's counties and cities. The application period for the Environmental Justice Grants is now open. Works closely with County Administration and Commissioners to help identify, score and make recommendations for award of projects. The trainings must be for health care students, residents, professionals, paraprofessionals, training and public safety officers and their employers. On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (H.R. In addition to Treasury’s resources, NLC has created a resource with information on how to calculate lost revenue and eligible uses: Lost Revenue: What Municipalities Need to Know. Click here for a list of state allocations. MRSC. Within ARPA, the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund provides $350 billion for states, municipalities, counties, tribes, and territories, including $130.2 billion for local governments split evenly between municipalities and counties. Information regarding states with no eligible counties do not appear in this guidance document but additional instructions for those states/cities will be provided in the near future. The plan included $350 billion in emergency funding for state, local and territorial and tribal governments, known as the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds. Non-entitlement units of local government (NEUs), defined in section 603(g)(5) of the Social Security Act, as added by section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, are local governments typically serving populations of less than 50,000. The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (H.R. Assistance to individuals needing rural housing assistance. Note that this funding will be distributed to states and local jurisdictions through existing cooperative agreements. The local funding portion is approximately $130 billion, equally divided between cities and counties. Provides funding for grants to state, local, Tribal and territorial governments and other entities to address increased community behavioral health needs worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic. Copyright ©2021 National League of Cities. As of May 10th, The Treasury Department released the final allocations for Metropolitan cities. There is no charge to register or maintain your entity SAM registration. Found inside – Page 109Entities such as the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) provide capital and support to advance innovations that are still too nascent for private sector investment. ARPA-E funding typically averages $500,000 to $10 ... The $1.9 trillion package, based on President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, is intended to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, including the public health and economic impacts. Found inside – Page 30Arpa Piemonte offers the financing necessary for the services mentioned above; the Municipality or the agency ... Furthermore, the Agency provides, with its own funds, the continuous installation of measurement instruments where they ... Cities getting American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds through the Oregon Department of Administrative Services (DAS) should have received an email from DAS with the necessary forms and instructions to request funding. 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