Could this be due to contaminated food. Anemia of chronic disease (ACD) can cause fatigue, pale skin, weakness, dizziness, headache and more. Anemia, a lack of red blood cells, can cause fatigue, pale skin, weakness, dizziness, headache and more. Appendicitis can also cause . Hepatitis B is an inflammation of the liver that may cause yellowing of the skin and eyes, tiredness, and more. Colon cancer is often asymptomatic, but it can cause constipation, bowel obstruction, bloody stool and more. A cough that occurs without a fever may be due to a simple irritation in the throat, or inhalation of a foreign object. He denies diarrhea, hematochezia, persistent vomiting, hematuria, or dysuria but reports malaise and loss of appetite. Chronic fatigue syndrome is a condition that causes extreme tiredness that doesn't get better with rest. An abdominal aortic aneurysm is swelling of the main abdominal artery and can cause sudden chest pain. Sickle cell disease symptoms include repeated infections, yellow skin, fatigue, dizziness, pain, and more. The links below will provide you with more detailed information on these medical conditions from the WebMD Symptom Checker and help provide a better understanding of causes and treatment of these related conditions. ©2005-2015 WebMD, LLC. Hypothyroidism in children can cause delayed growth, weight gain, a puffy face, a large tongue, and more. Swimmer's itch, cercarial dermatitis, caused by various parasites. Histoplasmosis is a fungal infection of the lungs causing muscle aches, fever, chest pain, cough, and more. Lead poisoning causes sudden pain on either side of the lower back, urinary issues, nausea, fever, and chills. Coxsackie virus infection can cause many cold-like symptoms as well as blisters on the mouth hands and feet. Though most people survive the stomach flu and recover from the worst of its symptoms in a few days, if excessive vomiting or diarrhea occurs, especially with fever, this can lead to dehydration, and the risk is greater for the very young, the very old, or the medically vulnerable. Symptoms, which usually begin four to six days after infection and last for up to 10 days, may include. Images, GIFs and videos featured seven times a day. Vomiting and one or more of the following additional symptoms: one or more episodes of loose stools in a 24-hour period, abdominal cramps, headache, muscle aches, or fever (temperature of 100.4°F [38°C] or greater); Diarrhea defined as above and the diarrhea is frequent and severe enough that WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms body aches or pains, diarrhea and pain or discomfort including Viral syndrome, Food poisoning, and Irritable bowel syndrome. Ulcerative colitis causes swelling in the large intestine and can lead to cramping, diarrhea, and more. Restless leg syndrome causes intense discomfort in your legs and an overpowering urge to move them. Hospitalization may be needed for clients who experience severe dehydration as a result of the vomiting and . Rectal cancer appears in the rectum and causes bloody stool and constipation. Lead poisoning causes sudden pain on either side of the lower back, urinary issues, nausea, fever, and chills. Depression is a painful sadness that interferes with daily life and includes hopelessness, anxiety, and more. Anemia, a lack of red blood cells, can cause fatigue, pale skin, weakness, dizziness, headache and more. An abdominal aortic dissection is a medical emergency and causes sudden abdominal or back pain. Swallowing is difficult and, in a few cases, the tonsils enlarge enough to cause difficulty breathing. Found inside â Page 165There is a severe headache and other body aches as well . The fever , rash , and headache constitute the " dengue triad " which distinguish this disease from others . The illness lasts for weeks , but has no mortality rate ( it won't ... The treatment is symptomatic, although in cases of bacterial and parasitic infections require antibiotic therapy. 1. Ricin is a dangerous poison in castor beans, and causes trouble breathing, nausea, fever and sweating. I've got no history of GERD or anything else, nor is it that time of the month. Thalassemia is a rare group of genetic blood disorders effecting red blood cells and leading to anemia. Found insideNo one knows whether the disease was bubonic plague, typhus, smallpox, measles, or something else entirely. Symptoms included high fever, diarrhea, head and body aches, and pustular rash. Virtually all of Athens caught the plague. 2. Symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis include dry mouth, excessive thirst and urination, and more. Found inside â Page 48There is no vaccine for dengue fever, nor is there any treatment beyond supportive therapy. ... is transmitted by direct contact with the body fluids of infected individuals, causing acute fever, diarrhea that can be bloody, vomiting, ... Low blood pressure, or hypotension, can make you feel lightheaded and dizzy. According to the Mayo Clinic, “The most common way to develop viral gastroenteritis — often called stomach flu — is through contact with an infected person or by ingesting contaminated food or water.”. Dehydration, or not getting enough fluid, causes dry and sticky mouth, tearless crying, and more in children. Is it the flu? Aortic regurgitation, when the aortic valve doesn't close completely, can cause severe heart symptoms. It seems like i'm presenting with much the same symptoms. Glomerulonephritis is a type of kidney disease and causes swelling, abnormal urine, fever, achiness, and more. Got my daughter some white castle in the evening and by morning the next day we were at the Emergency Room because she was puking and had diarrhea. Dementia resulting from a head injury may cause memory problems, difficulty speaking, and personality changes. If you ever feel that things go beyond "reasonably normal" it is important to seek evaluation from a doctor. Salmonella are a type of bacteria that can infect the body and cause diarrhea, cramps, and fever. C During waking hours drink at least 1 8-ounce glass of fluid every hour for the next 2 days D Measure the urine output . A patient has developed a . It is probably norovirus, a common virus that is not related to the flu. Hepatitis B is an inflammation of the liver that may cause yellowing of the skin and eyes, tiredness, and more. Typhoid fever is a life-threatening illness and causes fever, general aches and pains, headache, and weakness. REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Negative for any decrease in urine output, neck stiffness, fever, rash, difficulty with speech, swallowing or gait, diarrhea, obstipation, constipation, weight loss, weight gain, chest pain, shortness of breath or cough. The big day is coming! Campylobacter is an intestinal infection causing abdominal pain and cramping, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Bacteria and viruses in the saliva or blood of one person can be spread to another person by kissing. Gastroenteritis is an intestinal infection marked by nausea or vomiting, abdominal cramps, watery diarrhea, and sometimes fever. Hepatitis A is an inflammation of the liver. Constipation is having less than three bowel movements a week, causing hard stools, abdominal pain and more. In children, E. coli could cause kidney failure. Pseudohypoparathyroidism is a rare inherited condition that can lead to cramps, muscle spasms, and more. Alzheimer's disease is type of dementia that causes memory loss, as well as thinking and behavior problems. Viral gastroenteritis, otherwise known as the stomach flu, can be caused by a number of different types of … Chest pain can be life-threatening requires immediate attention and is of the highest priority for the nurse. Small intestine cancer is rare and often has no symptoms, but can cause symptoms in its advanced stages. Found inside â Page 48There is no vaccine for dengue fever , nor is there any treatment beyond supportive therapy . ... a viral disease , is transmitted by direct contact with the body fluids of infected individuals , causing acute fever , diarrhea that can ... Mumps is a contagious viral disease that causes painful swelling of the glands that produce saliva. Enter the shape, color, or imprint of your prescription or OTC drug. Symptoms started with a headache, sore throat, tiredness and aches and proceeded over a couple of days to GI symptoms (nausea and diarrhea) and low grade fever … Pseudohypoparathyroidism is a rare inherited condition that can lead to cramps, muscle spasms, and more. However, if diarrhea or other gastrointestinal problems accompany any of the below symptoms, a person should self-isolate and contact a doctor or healthcare provider. All rights reserved. Norovirus is the most common cause of vomiting and diarrhea, and foodborne illness. Hydronephrosis is a condition of the kidneys and causes aching or pain, urinary symptoms, fever, and nausea. Hypothyroidism your body functions slow down, making you gain weight and feel tired all the time. Abdominal migraine is recurring stomach pain and vomiting that typically shows up in children between the ages of 3 and 10, although it can also occur in adults. Our pill identification tool will display pictures that you can compare to your pill. A fever is defined as a temperature 1° or more above the normal 98.6°. Symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis include dry mouth, excessive thirst and urination, and more. Stress can cause … Carbon monoxide poisoning can be fatal, symptoms include headache, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. Watered-down juice: Straight juice, no matter how nutritious, is too concentrated to drink in any quantity when you have a fever and may cause diarrhea. Found insideThe homeopathic drug provings published here are the result of his investigation of the research methods associated with homeopathic drug provings and contemporary research methodology. FastMed’s services address a wide spectrum of urgent care, family, and sports medicine needs. Diverticulosis is a condition of the colon and causes pain, cramping, infection, bleeding, and other symptoms. In adults, symptoms of gastroenteritis typically include mild diarrhea (fewer than 10 watery stools daily), abdominal pain and cramps, low-grade fever (below … Abdominal pain in children is a common problem. If an adult's body temperature is 100.4°F (38°C) or higher, they have a fever. Helicobacter, bacteria in the digestive tract, causes peptic ulcers and their associated pain and burning. Hearst Television participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on purchases made through our links to retailer sites. Viral syndrome is an unidentified cause of typical virus symptoms sore throat, stuffy nose, aches and more. A drug overdose can be fatal and causes sleepiness, confusion, coma, vomiting, and other symptoms. Patients present with shock, fever, diffuse erythroderma and multiorgan failure. Some common bacterial food poisonings include: Botulism. Found inside â Page 457... fever, headache (particularly behind the eyes), body aches, prostration, rash Prevention: eradication of mosquitoes, insect repellants, testing experimental vaccine Treatment: no specific treatment, relief of symptoms with drugs ... Diarrhea is a common digestive symptom of a wide variety of mild to serious diseases, disorders and conditions. Acute kidney failure is sudden and can cause swelling, frequent dark urination, fatigue, nausea and more. Found inside â Page 189Possible symptoms - fever (usually high), headache, sore throat, cough, runny nose, body aches, weakness, diarrhea or puking (more ... Currently there is no vaccine available but there are some antiviral drugs available for treatment. Gastroenteritis. Cocaine withdrawal may cause feelings ranging from anxiety, irritability and sleepiness to suicidal thoughts. Lactose intolerance, or the inability to digest lactose, leads to gas, bloating, and other symptoms. There are several conditions that can lead to gastroenteritis, including food poisoning, norovirus, and rotavirus. See what your medical symptoms could mean, and learn about possible conditions. Asthma. Hemolytic anemia occurs when there aren't enough red blood cells in the blood. Irritable bowel syndrome is a common condition that causes painful spasms and cramping in the large intestine. Hypopituitarism is a rare disorder of the pituitary glands, which can cause many different symptoms. Diarrhea occurs in all age groups and populations. itchy skin nodules, de/pigmentations, enlarged lymph nodes. Indigestion is pain and burning in the upper abdomen, an feeling of fullness after a meal, belching, and gas. Hypopituitarism is a rare disorder of the pituitary glands, which can cause many . Irritable bowel syndrome is a common condition that causes painful spasms and cramping in the large intestine. Found inside â Page 434Signs and symptoms of narcotic withdrawal Abdominal cramps Body aches Diaphoresis Diarrhea Fever Gooseflesh Irritability Loss of appetite Nausea/vomiting ... It then diminishes until no overt signs remain 7â10 days after the last. Appendicitis is an infection of the appendix causing abdominal pain that begins near the belly button. Hyperparathyroidism can cause fatigue and weakness, increased thirst, impaired thinking, and bone fractures. Why You Should Rethink That Drink Before Dinner, New Clues Why Mosquitoes Find You Irresistible, Popular Heartburn Meds Can Have Health Risks. Non-small cell lung cancer is the most common type of lung cancer and can cause a cough, chest pain, and more. All rights reserved. Enter the shape, color, or imprint of your prescription or OTC drug. Hepatitis B is an inflammation of the liver that may cause fever, fatigue, dark urine, jaundice, and more. Continued vomiting or diarrhea for more than half a day should be reported in medically vulnerable patients, and . Hepatitis A is an inflammation of the liver. Tuberculosis usually infects the lungs, causing a bad cough with blood, chest pain, fever, chills, and fatigue. Salmonella are a type of bacteria that can infect the body and cause diarrhea, cramps, and fever. Traveler's diarrhea causes watery diarrhea and cramps, sometimes with a low-grade fever. Lyme disease is a bacterial infection spread through tick bites; symptoms include rash, fever chills, and more. Gilbert's syndrome (GS) is a mild liver disorder in which the liver does not properly process bilirubin. As with all … It is a common symptom of coronary heart disease, which occurs when vessels that carry blood to the heart become narrowed and blocked due to atherosclerosis.Angina feels like a pressing or squeezing pain, usually in the chest under the breast bone, but sometimes in the shoulders . Checking the clients peripheral pulses C. Checking the most recent potassium level D. Checking the clients intake-and-output record for the last 24 . Blue or purple tinge to tongue or gums. The incubation period being is 2-4 days. Supraventricular tachycardia is fast heart rhythm starting in one of the upper chambers of the heart. Low blood sugar, or low glucose levels, causes shakiness, anxiety, clammy skin, irritability, hunger, and more. Human poop can spread the disease, too, which is why handwashing is so important after you go to the bathroom. Symptoms usually appear within 2 days of exposure to rotavirus and include: Fever. Bird flu is spread to people from birds and causes fever, cough, sore throat and muscle aches. Renal cell cancer is a type of kidney cancer that can cause bloody urine and persistent pain in the side. Symptoms of human salmonellosis include fever, diarrhoea and abdominal cramps. Stressful Events. In addition to providing immediate walk-in attention for an injury or illness, FastMed provides routine services including vaccines, labs & X-rays, occupational medicine, and school or sports physicals. Found inside â Page 151When there is no apparent cause, fever may be due to pneumonia, abscess, or other internal infection. When associated with joint aches, perhaps nausea and vomiting as well as diarrhea, a fever is likely due to a flu illness. Exercise is vital for good health, but overdoing it can lead to muscle aches, dehydration, headache, and more. Found inside â Page 77Diarrhea REMEDY KEYNOTE Aconite Sudden diarrhea after exposure to cold or fright. ... Bryonia Diarrhea with fever and body aches. ... or lingering diarrhea. No appetite, but when taking a small amount of food, appetite becomes present. Found inside â Page 1314... coinciding with detection of Signs and symptoms included vomiting , diarrhea , body aches , toxin - producing dinoflagellates in shellfish beds ( 2,4 ) . In fever , and chills ; no neurologic symptoms were described . Diabetes can make you feel hungry, tired, or thirsty; you may urinate more than normal and have blurry vision. belly cramps. Renal Calculi - Pain: Flank pain → Kidney or Ureter (if pain radiates → stones in ureter or bladder) Performing Ear Irrigation: Sterile technique, warm meds, pull up & back, tilt toward affected ear Thrombolytic Therapy (Stroke): Reteplase recombinant (rTPA - clot buster) w/ in 4.5 hours of initial symptoms Trach care: Dressing ∆, inner cannula ½ hydrogen peroxide, & stoma knot Head . Complaints of abdominal pain are more common in children younger than 11 years and are often caused by changes in eating and bowel habits. Young children with encopresis soil their underwear or clothing with unintentional bowel movements. Malnutrition occurs when the body isn't getting enough nutrients; sometimes the condition is life-threatening. Symptoms include diarrhea, fever, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, cramping, and back pain. More about dust and skin mites and itchy skin in general. Antibiotic-associated diarrhea is frequent, watery bowel movements that happen after taking antibiotics. Mononucleosis is a viral infection causing extreme fatigue, sore throat, fever, rash, muscle aches, and more. As hormone levels change at the conclusion of the reproductive system. Young children with encopresis soil their underwear or clothing with unintentional bowel movements. Dermatomyositis is a condition that causes muscle swelling and weakness, and a rash on the face and joints. Symptoms of Legionnaires' disease include cough, chills, fever and sometimes muscle … Stomach Bug, COVID-19, Flu, or Serious GI Issue? They also might have a cough and runny nose. Small cell lung cancer is the least common type of lung cancer and can cause a cough, chest pain, and more. Shigellosis is irritation of the stomach and intestine and causes bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever. Loss of appetite. Pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas, causes abdominal pain and swelling, nausea, and rapid pulse. Read expert perspectives on popular health topics. Allergic reaction causes sneezing, runny nose and hives and can lead to anaphylaxis, a whole body reaction. Severe . He had to miss work two days because of … Gastroenteritis (stomach flu) is a viral condition that causes diarrhea and vomiting. worldwide. Get organized and track baby's weekly development. Colon cancer is often asymptomatic, but it can cause constipation, bowel obstruction, bloody stool and more. Rotavirus is an inflammation of the stomach and intestines leading to diarrhea and vomiting. Campylobacter is an intestinal infection causing abdominal pain and cramping, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. If you are experiencing stress, you can have hot flashes. The nurse practitioner is accurate when she tells the patient that cigarette smoking is associated with: A.a macrosomic fetus. should i go to er? THE ESSENTIAL WORK IN TRAVEL MEDICINE -- NOW COMPLETELY UPDATED FOR 2018 As unprecedented numbers of travelers cross international borders each day, the need for up-to-date, practical information about the health challenges posed by travel ... . People with congestive heart failure can have shortness of breath, fatigue, irregular heartbeat and more. Read expert perspectives on popular health topics. Norovirus is one of the most common causes of viral gastroenteritis. Ulcerative colitis causes swelling in the large intestine and can lead to cramping, diarrhea, and more. There is a low grade fever with vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Found insideFinland <27 5 Nausea, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, fever 1/2b 10 5 70 1997 Northern Italy Cold-smoked rainbow trout ... salad of corn and tuna 4b 10 7 277 2001 Los Angeles, CA RTE corned beef and ham 1/2 1.8 à 10 NA 16 Body aches, fever ... Symptoms include fever, fatigue, yellowing of the skin, and more. With enterotoxigenic E.coli the incubation period is from 1 to 3 days and the illness lasts for around 3 to 5 days. Throat cancer can cause symptoms including difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, and chronic cough. Peptic ulcers, sores in the lining of the stomach or upper intestine, cause abdominal pain, gas, and more. The big day is coming! Bloody diarrhea from IBD can last for a while if you don't treat it. Nursing Care Plans. Listeriosis. C.a small-for-gestational age fetus. Found inside â Page 379Fever and abdominal cramps within 16-48 hours, without diarrhea Bloody diarrhea without fever within 72-120 hours ... Watery diarrhea, anorexia, weight loss, abdominal cramps, nausea, and body aches; vomiting and low-grade fever may be ... Found insideAs I recall the history of the contagion in myself, I recall having diarrhea in the third week of January. I had a head cold in second week of January. In early March, I had diarrhea; vomiting, body aches, fever and chills, ... Salmonellosis. It may also cause skin problems, arthritis, fever, rectal bleeding and abdominal pain. 29. Severe headaches. Found inside â Page 249TIME TO ONSET INVASIVE TOXIN FEVER TYPICAL FOOD IMPLICATED AGENT OF SYMPTOMS ± MEDIATED ± ± SYMPTOMS Listeria monocytogenes 3-4 wk after ingestion + + + Fever, muscle aches, and occasionally, GI symptoms, such as nausea or diarrhea ... Small intestine cancer is rare and often has no symptoms, but can cause symptoms in its advanced stages. Muscle strain occurs when muscles are stressed, overworked, or injured due to physical activity or labor. Scarlet fever. A patient with diarrhea a productive cough and/or a low-grade fever is not of the highest priority. Found inside â Page 130... stomach ulcers, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, trembling, weakness Muscle aches and pain, bruises, sprains, ... high fever with chills but no thirst, arthritis, colic, measles, mumps, sunstroke, toothaches, painful menstrual ... blackfly bite. Found inside â Page 2QUARANTINE MEASURES Immunization Information for International Travel No changes reported Table 2. ... The symptoms consisted of nausea , vomiting , diarrhea , body aches , headache , dizziness , and fever up to 102 ° F . The only food ... Fight allergies with daily forecasts, local alerts, and personalized tips. Traveler's diarrhea causes watery diarrhea and cramps, sometimes with a low-grade fever. Found inside â Page 440... causes jaundice, fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, severe loss of appetite, muscle aches, and general discomfort Poliomyelitis Poliovirus Virus Early symptoms include sore throat, fever, diarrhea, and aching in limbs and back; ... Fever, muscle aches, a loss of taste or smell, nausea, and diarrhea are associated with COVID-19 and not allergies. Oct 25, 2017 3,102 Tampa, FL. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Noncommunicable diseases … These diseases are caused by germs which are in the form of either bacteria or virus. Food poisoning can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, and weakness. Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease that causes the body to produce abnormally thick and sticky mucus. Emphysema is a chronic lung condition that causes shortness of breath, a chronic cough, wheezing, and more. Antibiotic-associated diarrhea is frequent, watery bowel movements that happen after taking antibiotics. the pain is high & comes in waves of pain. Porphyria is a condition that can affect the nerves and skin, making the skin extremely sensitive to sunlight. All rights reserved. Dr. Martin Raff … Exercise is vital for good health, but overdoing it can … There are 125 conditions associated with body aches or pains, decreased appetite, diarrhea and fatigue. Sleep deprivation occurs when the lack of restful sleep is severe enough to compromise basic body functions. fresh or marine coastal water. I am suffering from diarrhea since 4 days and have occasional stomach ache. Most common forms of spread include … While these result in more serious afflictions, even the common cold is an infectious disease. Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease marked by swollen painful joints, a rash, swollen lymph nodes, and more. Set goals and get tips with our app. Body aches or pains, Diarrhea, Fatigue and Joint aches. Inflammation of the appendix usually presents as pain starting at the navel and traveling to the lower right side of the abdomen and sometimes as far as the lower back. Set goals and get tips with our app. Medication side effects include nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, weakness, dizziness, seizures, and more. Multiple sclerosis is a disease of the nervous system causing difficulties with balance, speech, and movement. HESI EXIT EXAM VI - QUESTION AND ANSWERS 1. Occasionally a slight yellowish color of the skin or whites of the eyes may occur. Very swollen and, as in strep throat, runny nose, headache dizziness... Pain in the middle of the sinuses, causes sinus pain and inflammation of abdominal lymph causing!, itching, rashes, fever, body aches and pains, headache,,! Place the various policies that are important for our patients to understand, pain! 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