Quite simply, there are many organizations that do not like modern-day farming practices and would like to see their preferred methods of agriculture be adopted. Corn Belt farm land prices increased 212 percent, even after dipping slightly since 2013, and Northern Plains cropland has increased more than 350 percent. But the banking industry has been on a roller coaster ride since the 2008 financial crisis and risk tolerance among agricultural lenders has been subdued since then. incentive program, however, some farmers had to plow under acres of crops or slaughter hogs—a spectacle many Americans found shocking when so many down-and-out citizens were going hungry. [76] As landowners can predict payments from commodity programs, they can incorporate this steady stream of future income into the value of their land. That is because while their farm income may be low, they help manage risk by relying on off-farm income. Call Datalot for auto . The Federal Sugar Program. [64] Mary Ellen Kustin and Soren Rundquist, “From Sea to Shining Sea: Subsidy Millionaires Are Everywhere,” AgMag Blog, November 1, 2011, http://www.ewg.org/agmag/2013/11/sea-shining-sea-subsidy-millionaires-are-everywhere (accessed March 19, 2016). Lack of Modern Equipment. See U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, “Risk in Agriculture,” December 2014, http://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/farm-practices-management/risk-management/risk-in-agriculture.aspx (accessed March 16, 2016). [33] In a 2015 publication, the Small Business Administration (SBA) indicated exit rates for small businesses had been much higher than this 8 percent since at least 1977 and were about 10 percent in 2012. In comparison, under the 1980 Act producers could receive a 30 percent premium subsidy for coverage levels up to 65 percent. These farms, as the USDA explains, “had sufficient crops and livestock to normally have sales of $1,000 or more.”[25] Further, in 2014, most farms (51 percent) had sales less than $10,000. The following trends indicate that farmers and ranchers are feeling pressure in a strained farm economy: Farmers rely heavily on credit to buy the seeds, fertilizer, machinery, livestock and other inputs that keep their farms running. The average over this period of time has been 15.5 percent, and from 2005–2014 it was 12.2 percent. The average over this period of time has been 18.4 percent, and from 2005–2014 it was almost 14 percent. When farmers do better we all do better; the opposite is also true. As of July 2018, dairy farmers received just $1.39 for a gallon of skim milk that retails for $4.49. The federal crop insurance program was supposed to be a lower-cost alternative to help farmers with disasters. Some crop insurance and status quo proponents assert that, absent government intervention, there would be no crop insurance. In fact, job growth and economic innovation have been shown to lag national trends in rural communities most dependent on federal agricultural subsidies. Unlike most other businesses, however, federal government programs assist agricultural producers in protecting against risk. Unavailability of good quality of Seeds. Rotating crops provides productivity benefits by improving soil nutrient levels and breaking crop pest cycles.” The use of crop rotation is already common. The evidence suggests otherwise: Most agricultural production comes from large farms. Cropland rental rates are bid higher by farmers seeking to capture land-based subsidies, increasing beginning farmers’ operating costs and reducing their ability to save money in order to purchase the now more expensive land. The exit rate is the rate at which businesses go out of business. [133] Mark A. McMinimy, “Sugar Program: The Basics,” Congressional Research Service Report for Congress, R42535, April 1, 2014, http://nationalaglawcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/assets/crs/R42535.pdf (accessed March 21, 2016). In addition, the program has even become a competitor to private risk-management solutions. For example, the harvest price option is in effect a competitor to the use of hedging in the commodities market. Congress, and the laws it enacts, should show favoritism to none. Environmental costs. As explained by the USDA, “Crop rotations are planned sequences of crops over time on the same field. It is not really about protecting producers from disasters, and as the alternative to the costly disaster payment program, federal crop insurance has made that program seem like a bargain in comparison. The very threat of competition has been met with a swift response. In 2016, key regions experienced declines in real estates values, including the Northern Plains and Corn Belt, which declined by 4.3% and 0.9%, respectively. Data adjusted for inflation. [22] Reducing farm risk will also not have a significant effect on the financial status of these farm households. [98] Reduced crop rotation and monocrop production (planting the same crop repeatedly) can also lead to an increased reliance on fertilizer, negatively impacting water quality. USDA ERS. So, duty of agricultural bank is financing of farmers and related industries and participation in activities that private sector can`t invest in it. [128], The Dairy Program. [91] Roland Fumasi and Joe Outlaw, “Farm Program Payments and Rural Economic Development: A Historical Perspective,” Center for North American Studies, January, 2007, http://cnas.tamu.edu/Projects/ImpactsofUSFarmProgramPaymentsonCommunitiesFinal.pdf (accessed March 19, 2016). There is no enrollment fee or deductible charged to participate. [159] Environmental Working Group, “Concentration of Premiums Subsidies in the United States, 2011,” http://farm.ewg.org/cropinsurance.php?fips=00000&summpage=CONC2011&statename= (accessed March 22, 2016). Agriculture has evolved so that off-farm income plays a critical role for farmers, including these small farms. And while production expenses are expected to even off at $350 billion in 2017, a notable drop from 2014’s record $390 billion, they’re not low enough to offset the income crash. The persistence of such policies is primarily due to the misperception that farmers are incapable of managing farming risk or that farmers face unique risks. [116] The election a farm owner or operator makes is made on a per-farm basis[117] and is irrevocable; applying to each year the current farm bill is in effect (currently 2014 through the 2018 crop year). If a company has a great idea for a new product, it must first get the approval of the government to be part of this subsidized program. Five Critical Points About Current Policy. In average, farmers in this region presented medium to low financial performance. Further, the data suggest that most “exits” are intergenerational transfers of land (only 23 percent of land expected to be transferred to new owners was going to be transferred through sales to non-relatives). [172] See e.g. When the MAPA decides that the crop failures are significant enough, farmers are exempt from the financial obligations on their rural credit. Found inside – Page 86continued rapid inflation of land values to provide for the development of an equity base for a young farmer . ... This Conference was called to learn firsthand from these successful young farmers what financial difficulties they ... Ironically, even if agriculture were “special,” such status would be an argument for free enterprise in agriculture, not central planning and government interventionist policies. (Feb 7, 2017) Assests, Debt and Wealth. Since the Doha round of the World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations were launched in 2001, governments have focused on reducing trade distortions caused by agricultural policy. Therefore, there could be very minor differences in the percentages. The following are five that are particularly critical to remember: Questions Policymakers Should Ask Themselves. 1179–1195. The Daily Republic. Instead of working from the status quo, legislators should take a step back and start with the assumption that no agricultural programs exist. USDA ERS (Mar 9, 2017). Adjusting for inflation from 1984 to 2014 dollars converts to $2.155 billion. In 2011, 58 percent of farms consisted of farms designated by the USDA as “retirement farms” (the operator of the farm is retired from farming) and “off-farm occupation farms” (the operator’s primary occupation is a non-farm occupation). Visit the Minnesota Farm and Rural Helpline. The current through the 500-Ω cow will be. [1] The term “subsidies” is frequently used throughout this report as a “catch-all” to cover the wide range of government intervention in Title I programs and the federal crop insurance program. Existing agricultural programs are like “Rube Goldberg” contraptions, overly complicated to address a task. With farm subsidies, moral hazard often results in taxpayers bearing the cost of those actions. Table 2 compares 1933 to 2013 in terms of some of the important (and stark) differences that make it possible for farmers to operate far more effectively than in the past. Farming is not vulnerable to some risks that other businesses face. By having a sound framework to develop agricultural policy, policymakers can make better decisions. For example, the average annual cost of disaster payments was $510 million from 1975–1981. “Crop Insurance” Is Less About Insurance and More About Providing Subsidies to Farmers. An image of farmers struggling to save their small farm and stave off poverty permeates agricultural policy and, to a large extent, the public’s perception of modern-day agriculture. (For a more in-depth discussion of commodity programs and crop insurance, see Sections 3 and 4, respectively.). According to the National Farmers Union, dairy farmers receive just $1.59 for a gallon of skim milk that retails for $4.69. After nearly a decade of prosperity, rural America entered the 1980s with its agricultural base facing a severe financial crisis. 4 mA. FIGURE 25.43 Stray voltage can bankrupt a dairy farm (Passage Problems 83-86) 83. [166] U.S. Department of the Treasury, Federal Insurance Office, The Breadth and Scope of the Global Reinsurance Market and the Critical Role Such Market Plays in Supporting Insurance in the United States, December 2014, p. 6, https://www.treasury.gov/initiatives/fio/reports-and-notices/Documents/FIO%20-%20Reinsurance%20Report.pdf (accessed March 31, 2016). As prices fall below the “break-even” point, farmers in states like Kansas, Oklahoma, Oregon, Washington and Idaho are now reducing wheat acreage and switching over to other crops. Many have advocated for parity pricing for farmers, which helps them recover their cost of production plus a little more so they don’t just break even, but actually make a profit. Farmers should know that these fluctuations will occur and plan accordingly. Teaching financial capability is important because youth are increasingly facing higher levels of debt: The average debt of students when they graduated from college rose from $18,550 (in 2004) to $28,950 (in 2014), an increase of 56 percent. H.R. Vincent Smith is Professor of Economics at Montana State University and a Visiting Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. According to the USDA’s “Structure and Finances of U.S. Farms: Family Farm Report, 2014 Edition,”[109] only 25 percent of all farms received payments from agriculture commodity-related programs. From the financial standpoint, this includes comparing actual versus projected cash flows on a regular basis. It currently publishes more than 6,000 new publications a year, has offices in around fifty countries, and employs more than 5,500 people worldwide. Even with such a generous program, many farmers did not deem this coverage necessary to purchase. Riskier actions and investments can often mean greater rewards. [20] U.S. Department of Agriculture, America’s Diverse Family Farms, p. 9. The federal crop insurance program does not require a disaster or even yield losses to have occurred for farmers to receive indemnities. [125] But cost estimates released in March 2016 cast doubts on taxpayers realizing these savings. The National Farmers Union says financial problems on the farm often lead to mental health concerns. Black-owned cotton farms in the South almost completely disappeared, and in Mississippi from 1950 to 1964, Black farmers lost almost 800,000 acres of land, which translates to a financial loss of more than $3.7 billion in today's dollars, The Atlantic reports. Anything beyond this is exceeding any concept of a safety net. households. Wheat Price Farm Received,” https://ycharts.com/indicators/wheat_price (accessed March 21, 2016); and Whitney McFerron and Phoebe Sedgman, “Corn Caps Biggest Drop Since 1960 as Harvest Rises to Record,” Bloomberg, December 31, 2013, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2013-12-31/corn-set-for-worst-drop-since-60-as-crop-prices-slump-on-output (accessed March 21, 2016). Risk management in farming is not going to play a significant role given their limited scope. Taxpayers should not be forced to subsidize and if necessary save everybody who wants to farm. and Farmers, meanwhile, almost always have an incentive to produce as much as possible to squeeze a profit from their land and build a cushion for the tough times that will inevitably come. It is undisputable that small-scale farmers have always had a problem of access to credit. High prices alone are not the issue; rather, the problem is the government role in driving up prices. derived from) the value of one or more underlying securities, equity indices, debt instruments, commodities, other derivative instruments, or any agreed upon pricing index or arrangement (e.g., the movement over time of the Consumer Price Index or freight rates). Agricultural producers rely heavily on off-farm income to reduce dependence on making money from agricultural operations. Your support connects farmers to the resources they need to stay on the land and thrive. The majority of even the smallest farm households are doing well. Below are some of the policies Farm Aid advocates for in order to reign in corporate power in our food system: Farm Aid started in the midst of the 1980s Farm Crisis, a time when the farm economy contracted severely and pushed hundreds of thousands of family farmers off the land. Through sensible practices, agricultural risk can be greatly reduced and many potential problems connected to risk can be eliminated. Based on the calculation of the inclusive financial development level of 22 provinces and 4 municipalities in China from 2004 to 2017, this paper uses the Kernel density estimation method to further analyze the evolution of the inclusive financial index. [114] U.S. Government Accountability Office, Reducing Subsidies for Highest Income Participants Could Save Federal Dollars with Minimal Effect on the Program, GAO–15–356, March 2015, http://www.gao.gov/assets/670/669062.pdf (accessed March 21, 2016), and Congressional Budget Office, “CBO’s March 2016 Baseline for Farm Programs,” March 24, 2016, https://www.cbo.gov/publication/44202 (accessed July 26, 2016). [74] Regional increases have been even greater. [172] To the extent that businesses are provided any assistance under these various programs, agricultural producers should be treated equally and offered the same type of assistance. It is no secret that ad hoc MFP payments in 2018 and 2019 have propped up farm incomes, but no such program is currently in play for 2020. As has been stated, federally subsidized crop insurance was a means to provide disaster protection for farmers; it was the policy option that Congress chose in 1980. A lot has changed[56] in agriculture since then, as it has for almost every economic sector. Agriculture doesn’t fit neatly into most economic curves. As a result, farmers are discouraged from using the commodities markets to hedge against prices, which they should be doing as opposed to relying on government intervention. Systemic risk is also used to make the market failure argument. To have a smooth transition away from subsidies, and because private risk management has been crowded out and even discouraged due to government intervention, this entire shift should not be done all at once. The net farm value of cattle fell from an all-time high of $3.67 per pound in November 2014 to as low as $2.19 in October 2016. Data Files: U.S. and State-Level Farm Income and Wealth Statistics. Taxpayer programs designed to shield farmers and ranchers from economic risks present an opportunity for increased moral hazard. [67] Gross cash farm income (GCFI) is the sum of the farm’s crop and livestock sales, government payments, and other farm-related income. There is an underlying assumption that agriculture should receive special treatment because it is more important than other sectors of the economy. In fact, as will be shown in the next section, government intervention, and specifically subsidies, create serious harm. There are many other private risk management solutions, from diversification to hedging risk through the commodities markets. For example, the 2014 farm bill was notable because proponents claimed its expansion into new shallow loss and target price programs would reduce federal deficits. The exit rate is the rate at which businesses go out of business. [83] Agricultural subsidies should not be going to anyone. Policymakers, as would be expected, do not hear from them when prices are high and/or revenue is booming. This happened for a number of reasons including a … One common challenge is that farmers only have access to one channel, often an auction, for which to sell their crops. [138] U.S. Department of Agriculture, “The Importance of Federal Crop Insurance Premium Subsidies,” October 20, 2014, http://www.ers.usda.gov/amber-waves/2014-october/the-importance-of-federal-crop-insurance-premium-subsidies.aspx (accessed March 21, 2016). As shown in great detail in Section 1, farmers are not in need of special handouts and do not need to be treated any differently than other business leaders. The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Economic Research Service identifies five different types of farming risk: human and personal risk (such as human health), institutional risk (regarding governmental action), financial risk (such as access to capital), price or market risk, and production risk (such as weather and pests). Payments, whether “coupled” or “de-coupled” to a farmer’s decisions, are inherently problematic. The agricultural sector is well equipped to handle risk and does not need special handouts. When a farm does fail, this does not necessarily mean that there is one less farm in the country or that their land goes out of production. Moving away from subsidies will free up agricultural producers to better use their ingenuity and expertise to achieve even greater success. [62] The top 20 percent of policyholders were the beneficiaries of 73 percent of the total premium subsidies. Stress and Financial Help. Found inside – Page 109AGRICULTURE - APRIL 1977 According to a special survey of 400 bankers in 9 States , by the United States Department of Agriculture , the financial condition of farmers has deteriorated . Income and credit appear to be major problems for ... This means getting rid of programs such as the Agricultural Risk Coverage Program (a shallow loss program), the Price Loss Coverage program, the sugar program, and the dairy program. [60] For a detailed analysis of the federally subsidized crop insurance program, see Section 4: Crop Insurance. The PLC program makes payments to farmers when the national average farm price for a commodity falls below a price set in the farm bill. LIVESTOCK, THE POOR AND THE VULNERABLE. [27] U.S. Department of Agriculture, “Structure and Finances of U.S. Farms.” The University of Minnesota Center for Farm Management, which has a measure for the debt-to-equity ratio discussed in this report, indicates that a “strong” farm debt-to-asset ratio is no more than 30 percent (farms easily meet this measure as well). A “safety net” in various contexts, such as welfare, presumes that someone has “fallen” and is in need of protection from falling to the bottom. “Focus on the Farm Economy.” House Committee on Agriculture. smallholder sunflower farmers in Singida region, Tanzania a case study of sunflower farmers in Singida rural, in partial/fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA)-Corporate Management of Mzumbe University. Current policy creates massive problems through subsidies, such as: discouraging private solutions; harming the environment; stifling innovation, especially innovations to mitigate risks; discouraging development of farmer risk-management skills; and creating obstacles for beginning farmers. _____ Major Supervisor _____ This begs the questions as to why agriculture should be treated differently, especially when there are private means to effectively manage risk. It is a massive wealth transfer, taking in part from those who can least afford it and giving money to those who can best afford it. The idea of parity pricing is analogous to the concept of living wages. The ARC program is problematic for a number of reasons. However, risk management is not going to be a significant issue for most farmers. Increases in land prices were driven primarily by high commodity prices, but income from federal agricultural subsidies are also capitalized into the price of land. Involve States in the Transition Away from Federal Intervention in Agricultural Risk. One of the biggest obstacles faced by an entrepreneur looking to get into farming is access to quality land. The list of problems with subsidies is seemingly endless. Jayson Lusk is Professor of Agricultural Economics and Samuel Roberts Noble Distinguished Fellow at the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs. As explained in Section 1: All businesses have to face risk. [28] U.S. Department of Agriculture, “Assets, Debt, and Wealth,” http://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/farm-economy/farm-sector-income-finances/assets,-debt,-and-wealth (accessed March 16, 2016). For example: Crop Failure Needs To Be Put in Context. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, America’s Diverse Family Farms: 2015 Edition, December 2015, http://www.ers.usda.gov/media/1955981/eib146.pdf (accessed July 27, 2016). [79] The average age of principal farmers has increased, rising from an average of 50.5 years in 1982 to 58.3 years in 2012. Adjusting for inflation from 1978 to 2014 dollars converts to $1.488 billion. As a result, U.S. sugar costs about double the world price. 2642 as identified by the CBO. Found inside – Page 10Farm Debt - Load in Agricultural Heartland Farmers ' financial problems translate to areawide distress , at least in the short run - more for some farming regions , States , and communities than others . The vulnerability of an area to ... Of course, there are certainly many farmers who want subsidies. 11 (March 18, 2008). Farmers are enduring a multiyear slump in crop and livestock prices that is pushing many to the financial brink. [131], The federal sugar program also imposes costs on the federal government. Opportunities Contract farming6: Contract Farming (CF) can address some constraints to small-scale productivity and can be … [106] These programs, which at the time of farm bill passage were projected to cost $44 billion from 2014–2023,[107] include subsidies such as price supports and quotas that are supposed to help farmers, but do so at the expense of taxpayers and consumers. Under FMMOs, companies that package milk or make products from milk are required to purchase milk from dairies at minimum prices. One problem with dictating prices from Washington is that target prices can be much higher than market prices. Subsidies distort markets and undermine the agricultural sector such as by stifling innovation and distorting planting decisions that make agricultural producers less responsive to the market. Properly focus the crop insurance program. minor losses). (These farms had sales of $250,000 or greater.). Multiple peril crop insurance is merely one way to manage risk and only one type of insurance (farmers buy other insurance, such as crop-hail insurance and property insurance). There is no justification for these programs or for any other special treatment for agricultural producers. Crop insurance is a classic example of concentrated benefits and dispersed costs, a problem that runs throughout agricultural programs. The risks in different industries can be significant, just as in agriculture. Data are based on outlays on page 4, with “export,” “other noncommodity,” and “net interest” taken out in order to capture commodity and supplemental disaster assistance programs only. For example, the average annual cost of crop insurance and ad hoc disaster assistance was $1.1 billion from 1981–1988. Taxpayers are often required to subsidize a program to address problems created by government intervention in the first place. Updated 2 minutes ago: Farmers Insurance Group is an American … These farms accounted for less than 1 percent of all sales. 3136, July 11, 2016, http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2016/07/promoting-free-trade-in-agriculture. Current policy covers even minor dips in revenue; it is not about a “safety net” as much as an attempt to shift ordinary business risk to taxpayers. Cattle market heats up as retail beef price cools. In other words, farmers may make planting decisions based on the incentives offered by federal programs rather than on the market. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) notes: Putting Production Risk in Perspective. The concentration of benefits to a small number of producers in a small number of congressional districts provides commodity groups an outsized advantage when it comes to securing and maintaining special treatment from Washington. Many agricultural producers who in principle oppose government intervention may feel caught in a difficult position. Big Picture on the Federal Taxpayer-Funded “Safety Net.” There should be a shift away from government intervention to address risk in agriculture. A report conducted by the USDA’s chief economist in 2003, a time of relatively low commodity prices, reported that “some studies indicate that total government payments in recent years have increased U.S. farmland values 15–25 percent.”. For example, futures contracts with cash settlement are derivatives of the price of a commodity or the value of an index and options on futures are derivatives of futures contracts.” United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission, “CFTC Glossary,” http://www.cftc.gov/ConsumerProtection/EducationCenter/CFTCGlossary/index.htm (accessed March 16, 2016). Wealth Transfer. Financial problem poultry farming system. Editor's note: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has notified CBS News that there are errors in the data used in . Farmers may feel that they need to take subsidies because their competitors are taking subsidies. In the crop insurance program, taxpayers pay 62 percent, on average, of the premium subsidies, with farmers paying only 38 percent. Agricultural producers, similar to other businesses, face significant risk. The minute she sold her macadamias to a nut processor last summer, Kenyan farmer Joyce Kaguru's phone vibrated with … They face two primary hurdles. This misguided approach has meant far more generous subsidies with farmers taking on far too little risk. Instead, trade with foreign nations should strengthen our economy and create jobs, while preserving the environmental, labor, health and safety standards that Americans depend upon. However, it does show that enough financial incentive, not surprisingly, will convince farmers to enroll in something they otherwise would not buy on their own. For the 10-year period 2005–2014, the average and median income for farm households was 35 percent and 19 percent greater than all U.S. households, respectively. This special protection during the move away from subsidies should at most protect from deep yield losses that farmers actually suffer from unforeseen events such as natural disasters and disease. This legislation did several things, including making participation in a program called catastrophic (CAT) coverage mandatory for farmers participating in certain farm programs, and increased premium subsidies, making it more appealing for farmers to buy higher levels of coverage. [35] Another USDA report assumed an exit rate of 4.5 percent during the 1990s (the same time period analyzed by the USDA farm exit study) based on the studies it identified. Farm households have much higher net worth than total U.S. households. Crop insurance converted to $8.933 billion in 2014 dollars. Too often, when discussing agricultural risk, the focus turns to federally subsidized multiple peril crop insurance. Yet despite these advances, the American farmer in the nineteenth century was subject to recurring periods of critical hardship. 3136, July 11, 2016, http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2016/07/promoting-free-trade-in-agriculture. Any myth that commodity programs are supposed to be a safety net as opposed to an income guarantee gets quickly dispelled by this program. Federal agricultural subsidies can, in fact, increase costs for consumers, impose burdens on other federal programs, and present an obstacle to tackling federal deficits and other important public policy priorities. Sound framework to develop new solutions and evolve to remain competitive case interfere... 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Evolved so that this does not need special handouts skim milk that retails for $.! Program was $ 510 million from 1975–1981 can lead to moral hazard bill was. And weather disasters have hurt farmers. [ 105 ] and farmers financial problems prices that is many! Trends in rural areas risk is borne by taxpayers these harms go beyond cost! Consequently, reducing farm risks and avoid environmental problems food sovereignty of farmers, agri-food businesses financial... Guarantees and a greater percentage of farms has consistently been between 97 and 99 percent of sales. A five-year authorization ( FY 2014–FY 2018 ) for most programs will want to monitor production activities, could... Farms participate in the percentages with major commodity programs make costly intrusions into the crop converted.: Background, ” pp 17 ] U.S. Department of agriculture, “ Structure and of... Insurance, See Sections 3 and 4, 2016 ) problem faced by an entrepreneur to. Cited here is the federally subsidized crop insurance program was $ 1.1 billion from 1981–1988 Hoover stubbornly refused to unemployed.
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