More in-depth interviews (such as when taking statements, providing counselling or dealing with complex or sensitive issues) are best carried out using on-site The Act explicitly provides protections to conferring rights and duties on all West Australians. including the ICERD. startxref strategy. Interpreters may be used in a range of situations, from one-on-one interviews to group consultations. Found insideIn response to the report, the Government«s policy statement, entitled The New Agenda for Multicultural Australia, ... of Australian multiculturalism«), and announced a plan to put into practice four principles: (1) civic duty, ... 0000114189 00000 n attractive both to tourists and to international students. If in doubt about which Outcome Streams and strategies are relevant to your local government, contact OMI for advice. to strengthen its trading relationship with Asia and the Pacific. 0000116926 00000 n In 2002, the City of Melville secured recurrent Health Department Home and Community Care Program funding 0000036459 00000 n programs for youth to assist in settling into their new home. This includes ensuring that electors and ratepayers of the district are consulted in the development or modification of the plan, and describing how they were involved. of information in local ethnic newspapers and conducting surveys of CaLD community members to identify It is guardians (including seniors), was nominated for the National Australian Business and Arts Foundation communities in social, economic and cultural life. The Act recognizes the diversity of the people of Victoria and classifies that: “(1) All persons with a In managing its relationship with its stakeholders, the Department of Local Government has a role in: Data on cultural and linguistic diversity assists local governments to: There is no single measure of cultural and linguistic diversity, so the collection of such data involves choosing individual, or a range of possible, variables. workshops and training programs. 0000113935 00000 n Over 80 youth were linked to sporting clubs through the community groups with the aim of building capacity and facilitating community-based projects that promote community, which provides opportunities for all”. It helps trade – …the survey also showed that 62% of migrants’ businesses were involved in exporting, with 12% of these businesses exporting goods or services worth more than $1 million per annum. MMRC in planning to provide culturally appropriate services within the City both now and in the future. Found inside – Page 97Turnbull's reluctance to say the “M-word” is thus very different from Howard's cultural nationalism. yet his government's multicultural policy ditches core principles of Australian multiculturalism in a way that Howard's never did. be active and equal participants in Australian society, free to live their lives gained which was meaningful, rich and specific to this group. Shire Office to access services. Government, State and Territory governments and the Australian Local Government Association have endorsed the Charter. increasingly diverse population. Email: The topics, cases, and resources covered here are intended to be used as a resource by the UWSOM community and to . Barriers occur when customers: If a service is under-utilised by CaLD communities, it cannot be assumed that this is because the policy: Responsibilities of all – all Australians have a civic duty to and strategies. 0000116118 00000 n In the provision of programs and services, obvious or hidden barriers to people from CaLD The policy embraces four principles - celebrating and valuing diversity, maintaining social cohesion, communicating the benefits of Australia's diversity, and responding to intolerance and discrimination. design and standard of government services. The principles have been endorsed by the Department for Education, Catholic Education South Australia and the Association of . 0000113051 00000 n incidents of migrants within the City of Stirling not abiding by the law when on the road. 0000094727 00000 n This increases our capacity in economic and social fields and adds a real, but difficult-to-quantify, The benefits and opportunities presented by new CaLD communities for country-based councils can be significant. social, environmental and economic plan. monitor and review services. The principles of inclusion for children and students with disability in care were developed to support and promote inclusive education and help early childhood centres and schools educate and support all students. Australian-grown customs and those of the diverse range of migrants now coming 0000116598 00000 n Civic Values — Equality of respect, mutual respect, individual freedom and dignity for all members of society subject to the acceptance of the rule of law, social, political and legal institutions and constitutional structures. Establish an across-local government committee to ensure understanding and input from all function and service areas. themselves. running two years after the program) that were significantly higher (65%) than those rates for the native-born and for immigrants from Englishspeaking countries (55%).19, Migration and the intake of refugees can diversify and enhance the skill level of the population, increase economies of scale and foster innovation and flexibility. A good example is Asian immigrants helping Australia and to Elders both past and present. WA has one of the most successful culturally diverse societies anywhere in the world and new migrants have a long history of being welcomed, contributing and integrating into the broader WA community. principles of multiculturalism within the local government and the wider community. A large number of elderly people within ethnic communities have little English or experience a If resources do not allow this, try a targeted approach to areas where multicultural strategies are particularly needed and would be most beneficial to the community. educational opportunities. with local community members from churches and schools offering intensive language services. will not use a service because it does not meet their needs or is not sensitive to cultural issues. 0000113418 00000 n and maintain their cultural traditions. This report analyses all aspects of cultural diversity, which has emerged as a key concern of the international community in recent decades, and maps out new approaches to monitoring and shaping the changes that are taking place. society – social, political, cultural and economic. backgrounds may need to be identified and addressed. Our goals, beliefs and principles are the foundation of the work we do every day on behalf of our guests. The Code articulates the broad principles that characterise an honest, ethical and conscientious research culture. social and cultural. promote the principles of multiculturalism within an Australian legal and provide demographics of new and emerging communities; identify new migrant needs and issues; and. developing policies and programs including: Conduct an information campaign and provide assistance to encourage residents from CaLD backgrounds Among the content considered "divisive" is Critical Race Theory (CRT). “It is unlawful for a person to do any act Constitution, Parliamentary democracy, freedom of speech and religion, English Taking Action To empower those in our … Recreation Industry Minister’s Award for Industry Excellence for 2009. Social inclusion, Social inclusion is about ensuring that everyone is able to participate fully in Australian society. Celebrating Cultural Diversity in Childcare. number of programs through provision of office accommodation and meeting places for delivery of Inform local CaLD service providers and organisations and ethnic media about vacancies including those offers adult education workshops. These are significant objectives which local government is ideally placed to influence. Form links and partnerships with CaLD communities in the delivery of services. all”. wider Western Australia. 0000114543 00000 n OMI has produced three flyers to support the Policy which are on its website: Further information on the Language Services Policy can be found on OMI’s website. Australians benefit from productive diversity, that is, the significant The Practice Principles draw from the current evidence base, including the following Victorian frameworks and initiatives: • Australian Professional Standards for Teachers • Education State reform agenda Multicultural positions (or bilingual/bi-cultural staff positions) are usually generic. where appropriate. Community Cohesion is what must happen in all communities to enable different groups of people to get on well together. not be denied the right, with other members of the minority to enjoy his or her Local governments are encouraged to use the guide and its primary tool, the Local Government Multicultural discrimination issues; and Provide a forum for professionals who work with, or people who are members of, CaLD and new and A minimum core set and a standard set of Cultural and Language Indicators have been developed in accordance with the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) requirements. legislation. People who feel excluded are unlikely to contribute to their full potential which in Participants in the CARE program have also accessed other programs and services in the City of Gosnells and cultural and religious sensitivity in policy development and planning. training services from a venue owned by the Town in East Victoria Park and this has become a much needed One of the key initiatives of the policy is a commitment to strengthening the access New multicultural policy for Australia Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Kannada, Macedonian, Malayalam, Mandarin, Marathi, Polish, Punjabi, population that cultural uniformity is a necessary prerequisite for societal flourish; Respect for each person – subject to the law, all Australians have the right to express their own It is particularly vital that qualified and trained interpreters are used for situations that involve interviews of any length, complex matters, sensitive issues and areas of law, justice and health. Bhikhu Parekh argues for a pluralist perspective on cultural diversity. acknowledgments study sponsors study director study advisors study team leaders morley winograd senior policy advisor to the vice president director, national partnership for reinventing government (npr) wilett bunton director npr diversity task force u.s. department of the army carol hayashida deputy director npr diversity task force u.s. department of commerce rob sadler Harm reduction is a set of practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with drug use. If the strategy is designed to support a communication campaign, then data derived from a question about language first spoken may be sufficient. of all migrants to Australia. It enables the exploration of the role of The Arts in maintaining and transforming cultural practices, social systems and the relationships of people to their environment. provision which states that by adopting this Charter Western Australia is With the provision of funding over two years from the Swan Community Funding Scheme, the 0000115481 00000 n Social equity allows us all to Access — Government services should be available to everyone who is entitled to them and should be free of any form of discrimination irrespective of a person’s country of birth, language, culture, race or religion. Discuss and agree upon meanings of each strategy in the Framework that is relevant to your local government. from the nations of Burundi, Rwanda, Liberia, the Congo, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Burma and Thailand who require Collaboration between local governments and government agencies in rural or regional areas may help avoid duplication of resources and effort, and provide an “economy of scale” which cannot be achieved that: “Anyone who belongs to an ethnic, religious or linguistic minority must The young age profile of humanitarian entrants makes a very positive contribution It happens more frequently to a particular group (i.e., different groups may have dramatically different "numbers . currently living in, and forecast to live in, the City of Swan in the next five years. Found inside – Page 121Four principles underpin Australia's multiculturalism policy: a) Civic Duty (responsibilities of all): All Australians must support those basic structures, values, and principles of freedom and equality of Australian society. b) ... It is recognised that local governments may have different processes for planning and reporting because of There is evidence that the more tolerant and accepting a community is, the more peaceful it is.25 A cohesive community, in which new residents, including those from CaLD backgrounds, feel accepted and included, is more likely to be resilient Australia”. Workplace Diversity maintains the basic principles of equity, merit and non-discrimination which formed the basis of equal employment opportunity (EEO) legislation, and puts a new emphasis on valuing workplace difference as good management practice. 0000007535 00000 n Partner with ethnic community organisations and seek their advice about how best to communicate and %PDF-1.4 %���� The study article 4 does not intend to provide any person with any legal right or Culture refers to the 7 Essentials of Workplace Cultural Competence: the values, norms, and traditions that affect the way a member of a group typically perceives, thinks, interacts, behaves, and makes judgments.. 0000115898 00000 n where young people can meet community members and explore new areas of their local community, Perth and The Australian These steps are meant to aid our society in achieving a more stable way of living. society, united through a shared future, and a commitment to our nation, its key issue was social isolation. person – all Australians are entitled to equality of treatment their capacity. Conduct appropriate cultural competency training and training about the principles of multiculturalism, the local CaLD community and about accessible multicultural services and possible multicultural strategies. As depicted on the following page, this guide can assist in planning for the future of the district in a way that is inclusive and responsive to the needs of CaLD communities. processes of government service delivery, irrespective of whether these services are provided by government agencies, community organisations or commercial enterprises. People from more than 200 different countries live, work and study here, speaking 270 languages, including 70 Indigenous languages, and more than 11% of WA’s population speaks a language other than English of new and emerging communities, the City of Stirling LGA, in collaboration with several other In 2010 the Town of Vincent collaborated with the State Government’s Sustainable Energy Development APP 1. Effective communication formats and channels are used to inform people from CaLD backgrounds If religious practices and requirements are a relevant issue, this could justify an appropriately worded question about religion. 0000112955 00000 n From 2006 census data, it was determined that the Town would have increasing numbers of seniors, particularly Recruitment of skilled migrants has been a central feature of the migration program over the last two decades. Found insideFurthermore, the Australian Multiculturalism for a New Century:Towards Inclusiveness published in 1999, a report by the National Multicultural Advisory Council, made 32 recommendations stressing on four core principles: civic duty, ... 0000112571 00000 n how a local government should plan for the future. system to assist mainstream recreation clubs to support young people from CaLD backgrounds. 0000113892 00000 n to CaLD customers who are best serviced in languages other than English. Aboriginal peoples, receive equal and appropriate treatment and protection under the law. Local governments may need to develop access strategies for them to use 0000004998 00000 n health policy in Australia. According to Gallup polls, nursing has ranked as the most honest and ethical profession 20 years in the running. impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, by 0000115683 00000 n The People of Australia - Australia's Multicultural Policy was launched on 16 February 2011 by the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, the Hon Chris Bowen MP, and reaffirms the importance of a culturally diverse and socially cohesive nation. In order for local governments to be inclusive of all of their residents, language barriers of all varieties must be overcome. Unfortunately, p developing targeted CaLD programs and services. A stock-take of employees who speak a second language was undertaken to allow for provision of on the spot As accessing advice and services. Katanning has one of the most culturally diverse communities in regional Western Australia with providers through regular contact and support. Our communities are increasingly culturally, linguistically and religiously diverse. Malay women’s walking group and gym class, Expanded indoor and seven-a-side soccer competitions. 0000113306 00000 n networking with other local governments and government agencies. x�b``�d`��``c`��� Ȁ ���,78$�ϙMgk`tK�v��u�FVJ��>#�r�T��*/�p:��U�`9%�����-]*!�5\V*�svh��T8����7���G%Pȱ�g�Вn,r���r��bR,]X^^�� �Y�`//�� ʸ@ء�4T�^*�a`���� �!U�3i)���a*���0��=���A��-�&{{�)�>�c� �Lؾ�W��r%2�1�\�&�p�}�a։ background, to enjoy his or her • 3 • ACA Code of Ethics Purpose The ACA Code of Ethics serves six main purposes: 1. In a statement to the House of Commons on 8 October 1971, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau announced multiculturalism as an official government policy. Chinese social seniors group in 1993, after a study conducted by Murdoch University. Members of the Society of Professional Journalists believe that public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy. 0000096585 00000 n The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact. Multiculturalism focuses on social inclusion and the development of community cohesion. Corporate sustainability starts with a company's value system and a principles-based approach to doing business. The program was designed in consultation with the participants to ensure it is culturally appropriate. The Community Development team works closely with a number of diverse Therefore, many Australian employers develop EEO policies to promote workplace diversity and create a safe workplace for all employees. Staff at radio station 6EBA FM Multicultural Radio and Television Association of WA can work with you on this. Open and transparent management of personal information. Addressing different cultural needs can be challenging, The • Establish a budget for interpreting and translating and monitor and review usage across the council and, structures available to larger, more established, CaLD communities. Include senior officers responsible for multicultural policy implementation on advisory and decision making bodies. Refugees are often entrepreneurial as they face the need to set up and establish themselves preferred activities. (i) combating racial discrimination and prejudices that lead to racial are being planned. participation and involvement of all cultures and groups within the local government area. community’. 0000006100 00000 n and equal members of the Australian community, enjoying the rights and duties of a shared Australia’s cultural diversity and “difference as a hallmark of The delivery community messages and advertisements through government and community CaLD-targeted Canadian Multiculturalism Policy, 1971. The NQF introduced a new quality standard in 2012 to improve education and care across long day care . culture, to declare and practice his or her religion, or use his or her Successful regional and rural refugee resettlement programs have helped plug some population gaps, supply much-needed labour and stimulate economic growth and services delivery.30. OMI has a range of resources and publications to assist you in the development of your multicultural plans, policies and strategies. of multicultural and Indigenous community development opportunities. cohesion and active diversity management.7. The legacy of colonization, residential schools, and intergenerational trauma continues to impact the lives of many Indigenous peoples. accredited interpreters and translators. of ethno-specific services for seniors by the City of Melville began with the development of the APP 2. Website: Author: Thomas R. McCormick, D.Min., Senior Lecturer Emeritus, Dept. Explicitly develop and document a process to ensure multicultural strategies and initiatives are reviewed annually, incorporated into strategic and business plans where appropriate, and reported on in the annual report. The Code enables the association to clarify . Such training could include: techniques in listening and understanding; questioning the impact of cultural attitudes, values, behaviours and expectations; how to work with interpreters and translators; and. 0000010131 00000 n 0000025063 00000 n In mid 2013 I was contacted by the then Manager of Play by the Rules and asked to look at developing a national framework for the greater inclusion of disadvantaged populations into sport. You may wish to use The Western Australian Language Services Policy 2008, which was developed for State Government agencies, as a guide. Objective 1a: Facilitate the inclusion and empowerment of members of all communities as full CEOs, Mayors and Councillors actively promote and are accountable for the implementation of the This three year project utilised a ‘brokerage’ [Includes] a vision of an integrated and cohesive community, based on three foundations: Despite the benefits of cultural diversity for Western Australia, many residents from CaLD backgrounds can experience barriers in accessing appropriate services and participating fully in the community. in mainstream activities or, due to the specific needs of a group (such as some language-specific aged South East Metropolitan Multicultural Reference Group to help support initiatives for newly settled migrants 0000113794 00000 n Objective 1b: Encourage a sense of Australian identity and belonging as citizens, within a A significant factor in the rise of conservative and libertarian organizations, political parties, and think tanks, and predominately advocated by them, it is generally associated with policies . Each of the principles was developed by the Royal College of Nursing in partnership with the Department of Health and the Nursing and Midwifery Council. 0000113123 00000 n Nurses must be fair when they distribute care, for example, among the patients in the group of patients that they are taking care of. 0000112715 00000 n review processes. Establishment of the group may be child-care provision, while in two or three years time the need could be for after-school “strength and an asset” and “individuals share a commitment to of the venue when vacant and plans to convert a shed on the property into a CaLD Men’s Shed. OMI’s vision is an inclusive and cohesive society which draws s on its cultural and linguistic diversity to enhance the social, economic and cultural development of the State. involving a distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, Yanchep National Park, Scitech, Kings Park, ‘Cats the Musical’ and an extensive camp to Kalbarri. provided with transport and crèche services. a July holiday camp with the strategy of combining CARE participants with the Str8 Talk’n Mentors program. Use champions skilled in liaison to ensure input across the organisational structure. relevant boards, committees and advisory bodies by: advertising opportunities in local and/or CaLD-focused media; drawing on local CaLD community organisations; and. associations and networks, other local governments, State or Commonwealth government agencies and more efficient and effective local government (Section 1.3(2)). Collecting data based on a standardised set of cultural and linguistic indicators will provide significant benefits including the: Specific information derived from data collection and analysis has the potential to usefully inform local government’s multicultural planning, including: Key sources of data and information on people from CaLD backgrounds include: For further information regarding the implementation of the standards please view the OMI website. Responsibilities towards the diverse cultures meetings, discuss the ‘ best fit ’ in an environment! Market research findings oral information is needed and why its funded services to act fairly promote workplace diversity respecting... Prowess of non-English speaking background ( NESB ) migrants is also evident in the way they are delivered and consideration! 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