What is not honorable is the course prescribed by a leader of the SPLC, Mark Potok, who was caught on video proclaiming the organization’s true intentions. It is important to understand this powerful and dangerous near enemy. Has anyone noticed that Trump-inspired concepts of Make America Great Again and America First concepts have been boiled down by political pundits to Nationalism? "PragerU runs headfirst into two insurmountable barriers—the First Amendment and Supreme Court precedent. In a book that’s both accessible and enlightening, Rebecca Friedrichs recounts her thirty-year odyssey as an elementary school teacher who comes face-to-face with the forces dividing and corrupting our schools and culture—state and ... In a close contest involving massive mail-in voting, lawsuits disputing the results are inevitable. With ballot harvesting, you don’t even have to put your ballot in the mailbox; vote harvesters will pick it up for you. Muslims have a perpetual optimism about winning. Sadly, this is not the case. Our schools ignore them and our churches and synagogues take them for granted. But here's a simple test: Who among us can even name all of the Ten Commandments? This could delay final results even longer. SAN JOSE—A California state court judge is poised to reject a conservative content creator's claims that YouTube functions as a public forum, and therefore, must protect free speech rights. Supreme Court Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett arrive for the inauguration of President Joe Biden on the West Front of the US Capitol on Jan. 20, 2021. Now, a brand-new U.S. Supreme Court case may have ramifications for PragerU's legal challenge. Which now days is far removed from Liberalism. Here is the PragerU explanation of the difference between Universal and Absentee Ballots and how the Universal format has already been rife with Dem Party supporter fraud. I will cross post the text of the email less the links to videos and to the PragerU link because I am posting those separately from the email. Kevin Williamson's new book is high on arrogance and short on empathy. @prageru Isn't a supreme court justice supposed to keep his mouth shut and do his job as a judge? http://l.prageru.com/2aoz2y9. Jerusalem and the West Bank, as well as the area known as the Gaza Strip, fell into Israel’s hands. #RoeVWade #SupremeCourt. Dennis Mark Prager ( / ˈpreɪɡər /; born August 2, 1948) is an American conservative radio talk show host and writer. To promote what is true, what is good, what is excellent, and what is noble through digital media. Ten years later, in 1947, the British asked the United Nations to find a new solution to the continuing tensions. Of both parties? That’s not a scenario we want to face. We need new allies to avoid a devastating future. Found insideThis book discusses the revolutionary broadening of concepts of freedom of press and freedom of speech in Great Britain and in America in the late eighteenth century, in the period that produced state declarations of rights and then the ... We then add graphics and animation to create the most persuasive, entertaining, and educational case possible for the values that have made America and the West the source of so much liberty and wealth. Found insideWe affirm the district court's dismissal of PragerU's complaint.113 These decisions show how the approach of the US courts has become stagnant. The silence of the US Supreme Court could be interpreted as the result of the difference ... @_Supreme__Court @HauntedHavasu @ZemosHD720p @prageru I think I'd call being killed by police at a rate 3 times that of white people "inequality". It saw an influx in mail-in votes as a result. Originally founded as a civil-rights law firm in 1971, the SPLC reinvented itself in the mid-‘80s as a political attack group. It’s not intelligence, character or values that determine an individual’s worth; it’s his or her skin color. Help us keep our videos FREE! A federal appeals court in Seattle on Wednesday rejected right-wing media machine Prager University's claim that Google illegally censors its conservative material. . Your generosity is always appreciated – various credit, check. Scalia Dissents is the perfect book for readers who love scintillating prose and penetrating insight on the most important constitutional issues of our time. Please help restore the Supreme Court to acting as a guard of our liberties. VIDEO: Lincoln and Thanksgiving: The Origin of an American Holiday. Election Day is November 3 in the year of our Lord 2020. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/prageru Sounds simple enough: You fill out a ballot, stick it in the mail; somebody counts it on Election Day. Republican Presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George Herbert Walker Bush, his son, George W. Bush were all accused of being racists. Let Jordan deal with the volatile Arabs that call themselves Palestinians in any way the best suits the maintenance of their government. Time will tell if Google is correct in its legal analysis. The Jordanians won that civil war and expelled Arafat and his military cadres. ], VIDEO: How to Steal an Election: Mail-In Ballots, What’s the difference between absentee balloting and universal mail-in balloting? As the Supreme Court has recognized, social media sites like Facebook and Twitter have become important venues for users to exercise free speech rights protected under the First Amendment. JRH 10/28/17. Fireside Chat Ep. Help us keep our videos FREE! As described by SCOTUSblog, the Court held that "Manhattan Community Access Corp., a private nonprofit corporation designated . all rights reserved. On their notorious “Hate Map,” the SPLC lists 917 separate hate groups in the U.S.! For Students: http://l.prageru.com/2aozfkP Nebraska's attorney general is working with other attorneys general to challenge President Joe Biden's new COVID-19 vaccine mandates, Nebraska's governor said Sunday. These pseudo-Palestinians do not have full citizenship benefits in Jordan undoubtedly due to Arafat’s attempt to root out the Hashemite Monarchy. Script: For now, I want to assure you that Trumpian Nationalism is more akin to American Patriotism, American Exceptionalism and love nation and founding heritage. Found insideIn Dark Agenda, New York Times bestselling author David Horwitz exposes not only the progressive war against Christianity, but also a war against America and its founding principles, which are Christian in their origin. Israel won the war, and got on with the business of building a new nation. Jonathan Ernst-Pool/Getty Images These values are Judeo-Christian at their core and include the concepts of freedom of speech, a free press, free markets and a strong military to protect and project those values. Dennis Prager explains. …, “When a private entity provides a forum for speech, the private entity is not ordinarily constrained by the First Amendment because the private entity is not a state actor,” Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote for the majority. Again, a two-state solution was dismissed by the Arabs, making this rejection number three. Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria joined the conflict. Using COVID-fearmongering to perpetuate voter fraud must be stopped! Donate today to PragerU: http://l.prageru.com/2eB2p0h, Read David Brog’s book, “Reclaiming Israel’s History”. Another Court Throws Out PragerU's Preposterous YouTube Lawsuit . Incidentally, the Bipartisan Policy Center according to Influence Watch is Left leaning. Offer Jordan a small portion of Judea and Samaria next to the Jordanian border. The greatest threat to America is that most Americans don’t know what makes America great. The Southern Poverty Law Center bills itself as a watchdog of hate groups. First, find a handful of crazies with barely any followers, no address, and no staff, and blow them up into a dangerous movement— proof that there are neo-Nazis lurking everywhere. Google and YouTube do this not because they have identified video content that violates their guidelines or is otherwise inappropriate for younger viewers, but because PragerU is a conservative nonprofit organization that is associated with and espouses the views of leading conservative speakers and scholars.”, “This is speech discrimination plain and simple, censorship based entirely on unspecified ideological objection to the message or on the perceived identity and political viewpoint of the speaker,” said former California Governor Pete Wilson of Browne George Ross. PragerU is a resource for every American—and every person in the world who values liberty—for understanding and explaining the values we share. In March 2017, Charles Murray was trying to discuss his acclaimed book Coming Apart at Middlebury College when he was violently attacked by protesters inflamed by the SPLC’s labeling of him as a racist. DONATATE PRAGERU. The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Episode 28The agriculturalist Trofim Lysenko should be a household name throughout the world in roughly the sa. Again, the Jews accepted the offer. Mighty White of You. Check out Yoram’s latest book “The Virtue of Nationalism”: https://www.amazon.com/Virtue-Nationalism-Yoram-Hazony/dp/1541645375, Download Pragerpedia on your … READ THE REST, Blog Intro to ‘Why You Should Be a Nationalist’. Donate today to PragerU! There is a near enemy, dhimmi apologists for Islam, and a far enemy, political Islam. The British formed a task force – the Peel Commission – to study the cause of the rebellion. https://optin.mobiniti.com/prageru. How did it evolve into America’s quintessential national holiday? Join Prager United to get new swag every quarter, exclusive early access to our videos, and an annual TownHall phone call with Dennis Prager! So, why is Yoram Hazony, author of The Virtue of Nationalism, unafraid? while the fake Palestinian people will continue to find ways to destroy Israel. PragerU’s mission is to explain and spread what we call “Americanism” through the power of the Internet. "The first book from Ruth Bader Ginsburg since becoming a Supreme Court Justice in 1993--a ... collection of writings and speeches from the woman who has had [an] ... influence on law, women's rights, and popular culture"-- For the last decade, Central American migrant families have arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border in relatively large numbers, many seeking asylum. And those are the mistakes we know about in just one state and in one primary election, when fewer people than in the general election typically bother to cast a vote. as the Supreme Court reiterated last year, the First Amendment simply does not apply to private entities, even if they create . We’ve seen those results as it relates to mail-in balloting already. In Wrong on Race, Bruce Bartlett sets the record straight on a hidden past that many Democrats would rather see swept under the carpet. By lowering admissions standards for blacks (and some other minority students), colleges set many of these students up for failure. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . On November 7, 1947, the UN voted to create two states. The longstanding conservative opposition to Affirmative Action is a good place to start. Communism is often attributed to the theories promoted by Karl Marx. I’m Eric Eggers, investigative reporter for the Government Accountability Institute, for Prager University. The commission concluded that the reason for the violence was that two peoples – Jews and Arabs – wanted to govern the same land. After the breakup of the Ottoman Empire following World War I, Britain took control of most of the Middle East, including the area that constitutes modern Israel. #RoeVWade #SupremeCourt. Rejection number two. Earlier this week, the Supreme Court handed down its ruling in the case of Manhattan Community Access Corp. v. Halleck. Bill Warner PhD: The Near Enemy– Silicon Valley, https://www.prageru.com/courses/political-science/anti-hate-group-hate-group, Bill Warner PhD: What I Admire about Islam, (non-Muslims) since it determines how we are defined and treated. I want to say plainly that our aim in life is to destroy these groups, to completely destroy them.”. Americans are used to knowing who won and who lost within hours of the polls closing on Election Day. A few months later, the Arab League met in Sudan and issued its infamous “Three No’s:” No peace with Israel. The anglicized initials came down to NSDAP derived from the German “Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei”. His initial political work concerned Soviet Jews who were unable to emigrate. Unlearning Liberty: Campus Censorship and the End of American Debate illuminates how intolerance for dissent and debate on today’s campus threatens the freedom of every citizen and makes us all just a little bit dumber. Their censorship is profoundly damaging because Google and YouTube own and control the largest forum for public participation in video-based speech in not only California, but the United States, and the world.”, The total number of people who currently use YouTube exceeds 1.3 billion people. Now, a brand-new U.S. Supreme Court case may have ramifications for PragerU's legal challenge. The policy is no longer necessary. The case is based on Google's censorship of PragerU videos on YouTube. Found insideThe Key to Unhappiness, Prager University https://youtu.be/xxmORnnP3WI 5. Socialism Makes People Selfish, Prager University 6. https://youtu.be/l3GfCmbPDN0 Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia on whether socialism is conducive to the ... REUTERS/Tom Brenner September 13, 2021 By Lawrence Hurley WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Abortion rights advocates on Monday urged the U.S. Supreme Court not to overturn the Roe v. Wade ruling that legalized abortion nationwide… The owner of the community Roland Oliva posted the video on 4/27/17. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) is taking his fight against what he calls the "patently unconstitutional practice" of proxy voting in the U.S. House of Representatives to the Supreme Court. As described by SCOTUSblog, the Court held that “Manhattan Community Access Corp., a private nonprofit corporation designated by New York City to operate the public access channels on the Manhattan cable system owned by Time Warner (now Charter), is not a state actor subject to the First Amendment.” The Court’s case reflected a traditional ideological split: Justice Kavanaugh wrote for a 5-4 majority and was joined by the traditional conservative-leaning bloc of Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Thomas, Gorsuch, and Alito. Half wanted to return the West Bank to Jordan and Gaza to Egypt in exchange for peace. Former Governor Pete Wilson’s Law Firm, Browne, George and Ross; Eric George; Alan Dershowitz; Barak Lurie, Kelly Shackelford, Mat Staver; and additional prominent attorneys. If Israel just allowed the Palestinians to have a state of their own, there would be peace in the Middle East, right? Click here to take a brief survey about this video. A large crowd showed. Shoddy security. Fear of Islam is a reality-based awareness.”. AND LEFTISTS (like Dems) LIE! While it is a heartbreaking book, it is in the end inspiring. No matter what you believe about abortion, this book will educate, astonish, and deeply move you. It may move you to a position different from what you now hold. Clarence Thomas (born June 23, 1948) is an American lawyer who serves as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. To call someone a racist is a very serious charge. Today you will find the story of how that Pilgrim’s Thanksgiving became a national holiday for the United States of America – thanks to PragerU. In my mind the Trumpian concepts are Nationalistic BUT in the sense of Patriotism. Just last year, the Court held that 'merely hosting speech by others is not a traditional, exclusive public function and does not alone transform private entities into state actors subject to First Amendment constraints.'" © 2007-2017 CSPI, LLC. You must get this book. Don't just read it. Master it."--Scott Klusendorf, president, Life Training Institute Why the call to Love Thy Body? Pages Businesses Nonprofit Organization PragerU Videos Candace Owens: The Left Uses Racism to Control Black America The Progressive Woke Machine is waging war against the last free thinkers in the world. Don't Burn This Book is the definitive account of our current political upheaval and your guide to surviving it. Otherwise, vote like you always have: in person. Same great products. LOS ANGELES — Prager University (PragerU) has filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California to stop Google and YouTube from unlawfully censoring its educational videos and discriminating against its right to freedom of speech. Rigorous debate, honest discussion, open exchange of ideas—that’s the American way. In case that happens, PragerU has the same video on their website beyond the reach of Youtube and Leftist censorship. One month later, two elected officials were among four charged with criminal conduct involving mail-in ballots. The essays portray emancipation as a product of many hands, best understood by considering all the actors, the place, and the time. PragerU is on Snapchat! Found inside – Page 174In this context, it is particularly interesting to mention the recent decision in Prager University v. ... the First Amendment PragerU runs headfirst into two insurmountable barriers – the First Amendment and Supreme Court precedent. http://l.prageru.com/2nmj8ez, Get PragerU bonus content for free! On Tuesday August 27, PragerU held a press conference after their hearing at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals during the saga of their lawsuit against Google/Youtube. As Mediapost reports: Google is now telling the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals that the [Manhattan Community Access Corp.] ruling protects companies like itself from lawsuits alleging “censorship.”, “YouTube is a private service provider, not a state actor, and its editorial decisions are not subject to First Amendment scrutiny,” Google writes in new court papers. How important is free speech on a college campus? PRAGER UNIVERSITY IS NOT AN ACCREDITED ACADEMIC INSTITUTION AND DOES NOT OFFER CERTIFICATIONS OR DIPLOMAS. MSNBC host Chris Matthews said this: “The age of Jim Crow managed to find a new habitat in the… 21st-century Republican Party.”, Comedian Seth Meyers told his late-night audience that Republicans traffic “in open racism.”. PragerU is changing the minds of millions worldwide. As Solicitor General, Cruz argued before the Supreme Court of the United States nine times, winning five cases and losing four. No negotiations with Israel. And this returns me to Bill Warner exposing Leftist censorship that is getting Counterjihadists banned and demonetized because they dare to expose Islam or some anti-Conservative value of the Left. Rachel Campos-Duffy is a mother of nine and contributor on the Fox News network where she gives her honest take on politics, culture, and parenting. Gorsuch was born in 1963 in Denver, Colorado, to Anne Gorsuch Burford (née McGill; 1942-2004) and David Ronald Gorsuch (1937-2001). Soon to be Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch: Please help restore the Supreme Court to being an institution that protects our liberties, and does not erode them. 168 — Thoughts on the Current State of Our Nation. But free thinking and speech are threatened today by a group with a sweet-sounding name that conceals a nefarious purpose. To view the script, sources, quiz, and study guides, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/the-left-ruins-everything/. #StandWithPragerU Protect Free Speech! When writing The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx thought he was providing a road to utopia, but everywhere his ideas were tried, they resulted in catastrophe and mass murder. Meet the man behind one of the most important cases being heard by The Supreme Court since Roe v Wade. Instagram: https://instagram.com/prageru/, JOIN PragerFORCE! Take the charity known as the Alliance Defending Freedom. When the Trilogy is sorted, categorized, arranged, rewritten and … READ THE REST, The “Anti-Hate” Group That Is a Hate Group. Found insideIn this book and the accompanying movie, Dennis Prager, Mark Joseph, and Adam Carolla expose the attack on free speech and free thought. Only the political system is of interest to kafirs (non-Muslims) since it determines how we are defined and treated. The four liberal-leaning justices dissented. Early life and education. The American oriented online Merriam-Webster defines Islamophobia thus: “irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against Islam or people who practice Islam”. Streit continues, “It’s clear that someone doesn’t like what we teach and so they intend on stopping us from teaching it. The censorship attack on our free speech by Silicon Valley billionaires is economic warfare, designed to cause a famine by taking myself and others out of the marketplace of ideas. Read the full story on NowThis. Roe v. Wade is a legal travesty and injustice, and it must be overturned. IS NOT AN ACCREDITED ACADEMIC INSTITUTION AND DOES NOT OFFER CERTIFICATIONS OR DIPLOMAS. The enumeration of the Arabs that call themselves Palestinians constant rejection is well presented on the video. Jeff Sessions Official portrait, 2017 84th United States Attorney General In office February 9, 2017 - November 7, 2018 President Donald Trump Deputy Dana Boente (acting) Rod Rosenstein Preceded by Loretta Lynch Succeeded by William Barr United States Senator from Alabama In office January 3, 1997 - February 8, 2017 Preceded by Howell Heflin Succeeded by Luther Strange 44th Attorney . Fight it and proclaim biblical truth case is based on Google & # x27 ; s challenge. Anyone without the benefits of lower standards, a figure that will 350... Project 21 provides some provocative answers Solution to the Jordanian border most any! Institutional legitimacy on which authoritative information depends yet, despite the tiny size their! Homeless man in San Francisco, April 2015 Center, or SPLC //www.prageru.com/bonus-content, have you taken pledge... A daily basis menace is bullying from UN ambassadors, European diplomats and most important Amendment! 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