Léna la mère Mahfouf. “Everybody always asks me with an anxious tone where I see myself in 10 years,” she said after a week during which she had shot three videos and declined a small part in a movie and a position as a TV-show host. Hii et bienvenu dans cet Amino dédié à Léna Situation. Taking a stand: Born in Paris to Algerian parents, Léna was bullied at school and now uses her experiences to help guide her followers. Last fall, her first book topped nonfiction charts in France for six weeks in a row — dislodged only by the appearance of the first volume of Barack Obama’s memoirs. Some suggested that Mr. Beigbeder might feel threatened. It’s a symptom of our times that such people are being carried to the pinnacle. Toujours Plus, which translates as Always More, has sold 62,000 copies since its release three weeks ago and publisher Robert Laffont is printing a further 150,000. Léna Mahfouf, alias Léna Situations, est une vidéaste web, blogueuse, influenceuse française, née le 19 novembre 1997 à Paris Biographie Enfance. I can't believe it's not beef! Marie-Rose Guarniéri, owner of the renowned Abbesses bookshop in Paris, said that YouTube stars were 'false prophets offering false wellbeing'. With a few exceptions, like the young Moroccan-born novelist Leïla Slimani, voices like Ms. Mahfouf’s are rarely heard in the very closed French world of publishing, which is dominated by white men. Louis Vuitton models don huge 3D renderings of Notre-Dame and the New... Internet starlet Léna Mahfouf’s self-help guide has literary Paris at loss for words | World | The Times. Présentation pour ceux qui seraient passés à côté du phénomène. Léna Mahfouf, aka Léna Situations sur les médias sociaux, est une jeune fille de 22 ans qui s’est fait connaître sur Internet d’abord via son blog mode lancé en janvier 2012 puis au travers de sa chaîne Youtube lancée en 2015. An advertisement for Ms. Mahfouf’s book on the Champs-Élysées. “As a gatekeeper, Mr. Beigbeder aims to protect the entrance of the literary field by using a classic disqualification strategy in the world of letters: stigmatizing social media sensations,” said Delphine Naudier, a sociologist at the French National Center for Scientific Research who specializes in gender inequalities in literature. quelle vie je vous jure. 2020 - Découvrez le tableau "Lena Situation" de Valérie Grondin sur Pinterest. “Toujours Plus” has sold fourteen times more than that, and there are plans to translate it into several languages including English. Ms. Mahfouf is one of France’s most prominent fashion influencers, along with Sanaa El Mahalli and Marie Lopez — who have also gained millions of online followers by sharing tips on makeup and outfits, and personal anecdotes about relationships or mental health. En effet, la belle YouTubeuse est en train d’organiser un énorme concours sur son compte Instagram! Her book, a self-help guide for young adults published this fall, has sold over 280,000 copies so far — an unusually high figure for a first-time author in France. Hii et bienvenu dans cet Amino dédié à Léna Situation. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. An assistant and her parents help her deal with an overloaded schedule. (Ms. Mahfouf brushed off Mr. Beigbeder’s column with a widely shared tweet: “Do I owe him money or what?”). On her return to Paris, Léna launched her YouTube channel, where she shares short videos and informative how-to guides in a signature chatty, energetic style. But in the eyes of her followers, Ms. Mahfouf is still accessible and down to earth. On her desk stood a nameplate saying “I am not bossy, I am the boss.”. She started sharing low-price fashion advice and makeup tutorials on her YouTube channel five years ago, as she was juggling several odd jobs to pay for her studies in a fashion marketing school. Last February, she covered a Balmain catwalk on YouTube at the invitation of Loïc Prigent, a well-known fashion journalist and admirer. Reached by phone, Mr. Beigbeder softened his criticism of Ms Mahfouf. Sharing a photo of her posing next to a Toujours Plus Metro poster, Léna wrote: 'On September 24th I released my book Always Plus, by the evening of the 25th it was completely sold out. Léna Mahfouf, de son son vrai nom, participera donc au E! “This kind of phenomenon is temporary.” He spoke of “the quick making of stars by the media.”. la groupie que je suis purée, y a même une dédicace à la fin de la vidéo jui morte ! 'I am delighted to announce that today we are doing a [restock] and that the shelves of bookstores are full again !!! Elle compte près de deux millions d’abonnés En bonne influenceuse, Léna Situations organise très souvent des concours pour faire gagner des cadeaux à … Followers were quick to share their congratulations and well wishes in response, saying how much Léna deserved her good fortune. The popularity of the book is largely down to Léna's towering social media presence. Father-of-one who scooped £1million aged 22 reveals he  wears... No lockdown haircut here! Social media starlet: Videos shared on Léna's Instagram page show how crowds of fans have turned up for book signings despite the city's covid-19 restrictions (pictured). And then came the inevitable backlash from a prominent figure in France’s literary establishment. Her book, Toujours Plus, is the bestselling book of recent months. Critics of Mr. Beigbeder’s comments said they showed how reluctant the French literary establishment is to recognize voices like Ms. Mahfouf’s. She has been chosen by Dior to promote their items online, and her purchases have gone more upmarket — Yves Saint-Laurent heels and trendy Jacquemus bags lay scattered around her living-room during the interview. En quatre ans seulement, Léna Situations est devenue l’une des jeunes femmes les plus influentes sur les réseaux sociaux. At the time, she was relatively unknown, and she was wearing clothes made by the fast-fashion brand Zara. There’s nothing in it at all.'. She is quick to laugh and talks with big, enthusiastic gestures, marveling on a recent morning at the large snowflakes falling outside her window. “One positive aspect of social media is that it gives minorities a space,” Ms. Mahfouf said. She racked up millions of followers, became a best-selling author — and attracted criticism from the Paris book world. Published: 08:11 GMT, 21 October 2020 | Updated: 08:52 GMT, 21 October 2020. “I love challenging myself, coming to environments where I am persona non grata and proving that I can make a place for myself,” said the social media star, whose real name is Léna Mahfouf. Unlike some YouTubers who hire camera operators and editors, Ms. Mahfouf spends days writing, filming and editing her videos herself. Léna Mahfouf, 22 ans, s’est faite connaitre sur Youtube et Instagram avec des vidéos filmées appareil photo au poing. Léna Mahfouf alias Léna Situations est partie à Dubaï pour rencontrer Nabilla Benattia. But today's French readers are going wild for a new titan of the publishing world: a 22-year-old influencer named Léna Mahfouf. “147 pages of emptiness, 19.50 lost euros,” the writer Frédéric Beigbeder complained about her book “Toujours Plus” — “Always More” — in Le Figaro, a leading conservative newspaper. The staggering figures make Toujour Plus, which offers advice on how to navigate life's problems including toxic friends and body image, the best performing book in France this autumn. Discover what happened on this day. Elle a dû déménager car, pour la rencontrer, des abonnés venaient sonner à la porte de sa mère. (Parc naturel régional du Vexin, le 16 juillet 2020.) The social media star known as Léna Situations, 23, had a pretty eventful 2020. Born of parents from Algeria who fled the country’s civil war, she grew up in a middle-class family in Paris. dans un récent post Instagram. In 1992 the first text message was sent, DVDs were invented, Sony PlayStation was released and Google was founded. In 1992 the first text message was sent, DVDs were invented, Sony … Pictured, on holiday in Greece, Style maven: Léna delights followers with snaps of her on trend looks (pictured). Elle signe son premier livre, Toujours plus, aux éditions Robert Laffont. Et cette année, la grande gagnante est… Léna Situations! Boy, 15 months, born with a full head of thick hair needs a daily blow dry to tame his luscious... Dreaming of a post-pandemic holiday? “Between Being and Nothingness, Léna Situations rather leans toward the second option,” he wrote in the November column, referring to Jean-Paul Sartre’s philosophical treatise. Her videos are often low-key and feature family and friends. A 23-year-old of Algerian heritage whose real name is Léna Mahfouf, she has notched up 1.8 million followers on YouTube, another 2.9 million on Instagram, and won a People’s Choice Award, a coveted accolade for viral video stars. The 1990s is often remembered as a decade of peace, prosperity and the rise of the Internet (World Wide Web). Best-seller: French social media star Léna Mahfouf, 22, who writes under the pen name Léna Situations, released a self-help book that is outselling any other title, Taking the country by storm: Toujours Plus, which translates as Always More, has sold 62,000 copies since its release three weeks ago and publisher Robert Laffont is printing a further 150,000. When told that the later people come to the show, the more important they are, she joked: “We arrived before they even installed the lights — that means we are really not important.”, “You can make fun of something you love,” she said in the interview. Sharing this snap of a Metro poster, Léna wrote: 'On September 24 I released my book Always Plus, by the evening of the 25 it was completely sold out', Toujours Plus, pictured, offers advice on how to navigate life's problems including toxic friends and body image. A 23-year-old of Algerian heritage whose real name is Léna Mahfouf, she has notched up 1.8 million followers on YouTube, another 2.9 million on Instagram, and won a … “Fashion is a wonderful milieu, but it can sometimes be very ridiculous.”. France’s literary gatekeepers are already under fire for being too insular and clubby. Comment faire ? Léna Mahfouf est une jeune femme, d’origine algérienne qui est connu sur la toile sous le nom de Léna Situations. Tricky new seek-and-find tests bad weather safety... Elegance coach reveals the clothes that make you look 'common' and turn off 'classy' men - including... How to land your dream job amid the pandemic: Recruitment expert reveals why you should sell your lockdown... What are the chances! Hair he is! In one, her father, a puppeteer who performed at schools and is currently unemployed because of the Covid-19 pandemic, makes jokes about his unfashionable clothes; in another her friend Bilal Hassani — a gay musician of North African origin who represented France in the 2019 Eurovision contest — sports a wig and makeup. People share their jaw-dropping 'one in a million' stories in viral TikTok trend -... Auschwitz survivor, 97, celebrates her first walk outside in a month after making a 'miraculous recovery'... 'Divorce him!' In 2019, she took the idea of an accessible self-help book to one of France’s biggest publishing houses, which expected to sell 20,000 copies. She boasts 2.3million followers on Instagram, 800,000 on TikTok and a further 1.6million subscribers on YouTube. However not everyone is thrilled with the country's newest best-selling author, according to The Times. Léna Mahfouf, under the pseudonym of Léna Situations, publishes a 152-page book with Robert Laffont editions combining personal development, anecdotes and fights. Other videos take on a more activist approach. Mère Mahfouf très contente d’être à Vérone en Italie pour la première fois même si ce n’est que pour 24 heures. 1 priority, where I am the freest and the happiest,” she said. Oh, and the Soviet Union fell and boy bands ruled the music charts. Elle a gardé son calme et sa fraîcheur sur le plateau de Quotidien, mais surtout, elle a pris la parole selon ses propres modalités et avec ses propres moyens, sans attendre qu’un vieux mec blanc à qui … Léna Mahfouf Du haut de ses 23 ans, Léna Mahfouf, alias Léna Situations, est aujourd’hui l’une des femmes les plus influentes de la sphère Youtube. La jeune femme âgée de … You can even find me on the Paris metro line 9, the one I took to go to school every morning and Chaussée d'Antin is the stop of my very first little job.'. “Social networks are my No. ', Another Parisian bookshop owner, who did not want to be named, said: 'It’s complete rubbish. PARIS — Léna Situations shot to fame in France by sharing fashion advice and tips for living a positive life with millions of her followers on social media. Léna, who writes under the pen name Léna Situations, has released a self-help book that's currently outselling any other title. Léna Mahfouf, alias Léna Situations, est une icône pour toute une génération. Celle qui a, à elle seule, un peu plus de 2,9 millions d’abonnés sur Instagram et pas moins de 1,8 de followers sur sa chaîne YouTube, n’arrête pas de faire parler d’elle, en faisant la Une de l’actualité médiatique française. Overnight success! New Community . léna mahfouf mère Lena Mahfouf was born in 1990s. On average, the winners of the Goncourt, France’s most prestigious literary prize, sell around 350,000 copies, according to the market research institute GfK. Born in Paris to Algerian parents, Léna was bullied at school and now uses her experiences to help guide her followers. Un énorme BRAVO à Léna Mahfouf qui succède à Lufy et devient Influenceur Pop Culture France 2019″, dévoile la chaîne E! Elle a laissé le web pour s’essayer à l’écriture, son succès est tellement fulgurant, qu’elle est parvenue à vendre quasiment autant de livres que Barack Obama en France. “This text conveys envy and bitterness tinged by sexism that despises female productions,” tweeted Rokhaya Diallo, a writer and an activist for feminist and racial causes, pointing to his “need to coarsely quote legitimate culture in order to side with what he thinks is valuable.”. Pictured, the influencer on recent trips to Greece (left) and Corsica (right), Ms Guarniéri, who said she had not read Toujours Plus, added: 'We have got rid of religion but created idols that are worse than anything that went before. 2.9m Followers, 847 Following, 2,599 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from aka Lena Situations (@lenamahfouf) Lena Mahfouf n’est pas Annie Ernaux et ça n’a aucune importance. Fueling the debate, and perhaps creating some sour grapes, has been Ms. Mahfouf’s highly successful writing debut.
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