Parution du livre “Roger II de Sicile”.En voici le descriptif : “Guerrier et brasseur de cultures. Qu'est-ce que cela signifie ? Seule une tour a survécu. [21] It is one of the only surviving mementos of Fatimid style royal garb, preserved in its entirety.[22]. While the count of Alife hesitated, Roger, now supported by Benevento, destroyed all the rebels' castles in the region, capturing an immense booty.  | Privacy policy Rex Siciliae, ducatus Apuliae et principatus Capuae, un contenu abusif (raciste, pornographique, diffamatoire), Article de Jean-Yves Marin sur la conquête de la Sicile,, anagramme, mot-croisé, joker, Lettris et Boggle, est motorisé par Memodata pour faciliter les. Régnant dès 1101, il étend sa domination sur les Pouilles et se fait proclamer par le pape en 1130 roi d'une Sicile élargie au continent - … The mantle's pan-Mediterranean influence is brought out in the materials used to create it, the way it was made, and its design. On the death of Pope Honorius in February 1130 there were two claimants to the papal throne. In 1139, Bari, the 50,000 inhabitants of which had remained unscathed behind its massive walls during the wars of the past year, decided to surrender. "[27] By the 1150s most of this coinage was no longer in use and soon after, it disappeared altogether. He was invested with part of Sicily and the title of count by his brother, Robert Guiscard, Duke of Apulia, in 1071. Il est aussi possible de jouer avec la grille de 25 cases. Les cookies nous aident à fournir les services. Manteau d'apparat, soie imprimée à la main, copie du manteau confectionné vers 1133-1134 dans la manufacture royale de Palerme pour le couronnement de Roger II, premier roi normand de Sicile (1130-1154).Le manteau original, réalisé en soie rouge, est brodé de fils d'or, d'émail et de perles. Robert Guiscard a conduit la conquête du Mezzogiorno et poussé en profondeur vers lEmpire byzantin, laissé son frère Roger achever celle de la grande île. Il eut trois épouses Elvire de Castille, Sibylle de Bourgogne et Béatrix de Rethel. Roger de Hauteville (22 décembre 1095 - 26 février 1154) est le second fils du Grand Comte Roger de Hauteville, premier comte normand de Sicile, et d’Adélaïde de Montferrat. George capped the expedition with a sack of Corinth, in which the relics of Saint Theodore were stolen, and then returned to Sicily. [14][15] This lavish item made for special events to show power and regality. Sicile, Palerme. In 1112, at the age of sixteen, Roger began his personal rule, being named "now knight, now Count of Sicily and Calabria" in a charter document dated 12 June 1112. Upon the death of his elder brother, Simon of Hauteville, in 1105, Roger inherited the County of Sicily under the regency of his mother, Adelaide del Vasto. La Sicile est … La vie d’exception d’une figure de proue du Moyen Age. Depuis Capo Vaticano, Roger soumet la région de Gerace l'année suivante puis se fâche avec Robert en se rapprochant de son autre frère, Guilla… It is a luxury object made from red silk imported from the Byzantine Empire, its outer panels are embellished with gold embroidery, pearls, enamel and jewels. At San Severino, after the victorious campaign, he and the pope jointly invested Ranulf as duke of Apulia in August 1137, and the emperor then retired to Germany. Bohémond, le fils aîné du Guiscard, va partir vers lOrient et se tailler, autour dAntioche, une pr… Three days later, by the Treaty of Mignano, the pope proclaimed Roger II rex Siciliae ducatus Apuliae et principatus Capuae (king of Sicily, duke of Apulia and commander of Capua). Robert was expelled from Capua and Roger installed his third son, Alfonso of Hauteville as Prince of Capua. He sacked Athens and quickly moved on to the Aegean Islands. Copyright © 2000-2016 sensagent : Encyclopédie en ligne, Thesaurus, dictionnaire de définitions et plus. He ravaged the coast all along Euboea and the Gulf of Corinth and penetrated as far as Thebes, Greece, where he pillaged the silk factories and carried off the Jewish damask, brocade, and silk weavers, taking them back to Palermo where they formed the basis for the Sicilian silk industry. Anacletus II died in January 1138, but Innocent II refused to reconcile with the King. Vers 1154, Roger II de Hauteville devient le premier roi de Sicile et sa cour la plus brillante de l'Europe médiévale et Palerme, sa capitale, la plus ébouissante cité. Both were denied, and Ranulf left Rome against orders, with Robert following. Roger II of Sicily, Rex-Tyrannus, In Twelfth-Century Political Thought. Son fils Roger II lui succède en 1101 et devient le premier roi de Sicile. The imagery on the mantle is very striking as it is meant to exemplify Roger II's power and victory over the previous dynasty. These conquests were lost in the reign of Roger's successor William, however, and never formed an integral part of the kingdom in southern Italy. Mais à la mort du Grand Comte, il ne reste avec Mahdiya que des liens commerciaux. Sergius was forced to acknowledge him as overlord of Naples and switch his allegiance to Anacletus. [18] The pearls are from the Arabian Gulf, with thousands outlining each section of the embroidery.  | Informations Roger II of Sicily: Ruler between East and West. Le dictionnaire des synonymes est surtout dérivé du dictionnaire intégral (TID). Simon died four years later in 1105, at the age of 12. Le pouvoir de justice est confisqué et des mesures sont prises contre les guerres privées. En 1130, Roger II de Sicile (le fils de Roger I er), qui a réuni les possessions italiennes de la famille, obtient du pape le titre de roi de Sicile. Roger II puise aussi dans les traditions fatimides qui prévalaient alors en Sicile. 1072 Conquête normande de Palerme. Tous droits réservés. 2 Constance, au printemps 1195, partit à la rencontre de son mari vers Bari, où ils furent couronnés conjointement le dimanche de … Sokoly, Jochen (2017). La côte est, est dominée par l'Etna (altitude : environ 3 300 m), volcanaux laves fluides, en activité permanente, mais relativement modérée : l'Etna fait rarement des victimes humaines, mais recouvre souvent terres et villages. [16] It was later used as coronation cloak by the Holy Roman Emperors and is now in the Imperial Treasury (Schatzkammer) in Vienna. Roger died at Palermo on 26 February 1154 and was buried in the Cathedral of Palermo. It invested the king and his bureaucracy with absolute powers and reduced the authority of the often rebellious vassals. Robert de Hauteville s’empare du duché de Naples en 1049 tandis que son frère Roger enlève la Sicile aux Arabes entre 1061 et 1091. Roger is the subject of King Roger, a 1926 opera by Polish composer Karol Szymanowski. L'aîné des fils de Roger était un bâtard du nom de Jourdain, probablement né en Italie autour de l'an 1060, qui décèdera avant son père au début des années 1090. Later, Roger exhumed his body from his grave in Troia cathedral and threw it in a ditch, only to repent subsequently and rebury him decently. Ranulf himself, who had taken refuge in his capital Troia, died of malarial fever on 30 April 1139. On a pu parler à ce titre d’État moderne, mais le royaume de Sicile reste inscrit dans une pyramide féodale dont Roger II est le sommet. The two lions, separated by a central palm tree, are each attacking a camel. This moment marked the fall of an independent Neapolitan duchy, and thereafter the ancient city was fully integrated into the Norman realm. There are also calls to the cosmos and constellations from the star shapes on the lion's heads. He was joined by Louis VI of France, Henry I of England, and Lothair III, Holy Roman Emperor. (This title later became the English word admiral). The excellentissimus princeps Jaquintus, who had led the rebellion of the city, was hanged, along with many of his followers, but the city avoided being sacked. Roger was born in Normandy, and came to southern Italy as a young man in 1057. A Pisan fleet led by the exiled prince of Capua dropped anchor off Naples in 1135. La capitale, Palerme — Al Madina en arabe — est largement occupée jusque vers 1140 par de nombreux musulmans. Roger II Roger II Roger II (vers 1095-Palerme 1154), comte de Sicile (1101-1127), duc de Pouille et de Calabre (1127-1130), puis roi de Sicile (1130-1154), fils de Roger I er. Roger's first marriage was in 1117 to Elvira, a daughter of King Alfonso VI of Castile. Roger II's elaborate royal mantle bears the date 528 of the Islamic calendar (1133–34), therefore it could not have been used for his coronation . On 30 October 1137, at the Battle of Rignano (next to Monte Gargano), the younger Roger and his father, with Sergius of Naples, met the defensive army of Duke Ranulf. [17][16] The lining panels are separated into five sections made from three separate silks, each was woven with gold. Sergius died and Roger fled to Salerno. This plunged Roger into a ten-year war. ○   Anagrammes The important fortress of Aversa, among others, passed to the rebels and only Capua resisted, under the royal chancellor, Guarin. Quelques jours après son sacre, une révolte générale des barons normands qui soutiennent le pape Innocent, en particulier à Bari, éclate sur le continent. Roger I ruled the County of Sicily at the time of the birth of his youngest son, Roger, at Mileto, Calabria, in 1095. Il s'empara d'Innocent II (1139) et obtint alors la reconnaissance de son titre de roi. Roger made Sicily the leading maritime power in the Mediterranean. 1184/87) married firstly Joscelin, Count of Loreto, and secondly, Dolezalek, Isabelle (2013). Vers 1150, la Sicile contrôle tout le littoral tunisien de Sfax à Gabès ainsi que l’île de Djerba. La Sicile fut dès le règne de Roger Ier, un pont vers l’Afrique du Nord, formidable réserve de mercenaires et porte vers les routes caravanières sahariennes. A daughter, wife of the neapolitan nobleman Adam; Clemenza, married Hugues II, Count of Molise; Adelisa (d. aft. If possible, verify the text with references provided in the foreign-language article. George went on a punitive expedition against Constantinople, but could not land and instead defied the Byzantine emperor by firing arrows against the palace windows. [12] The baronial resistance, backed by Naples, Bari, Salerno, and other cities whose aim was civic freedom, gave way. However, although this new coinage made long distance trade easier it was very detrimental to local trade which spread "hatred throughout Italy. He returned to check on his sons' progress in 1140 and then went to Ariano, a town central to the peninsular possessions (and a centre of rebellion under his predecessors). "Textiles and Identity". Ces grands seigneurs reconnaissent le pouvoir du nouveau duc. This page was last edited on 2 February 2021, at 16:20. C’est à Roger II que revient la tâche d’unifier les possessions normandes en un royaume, depuis la Sicile. La même année, lors des assises d’Ariano, un code lois refondues, inspiré du droit romain, voit le jour. Sicile (Italie) -- 1105-1154 (Roger II) Auteurs liés en tant que auteur du texte (1) [19] The enameled surfaces are also attributed to the Byzantine Empire, as they had many craftsmen specializing in this type of work. De qui le roi reçoit-il sa couronne ? In 1132, Roger sent Robert II of Capua and Ranulf II of Alife to Rome in a show of force in support of Anacletus. Cette section est vide, insuffisamment détaillée ou incomplète. Unlike other states, Sicily also had a strong political and military standing so its merchants were supported and to some extent protected. He participated in several military expeditions against the Emirate of Sicily beginning in 1061. L'encyclopédie française bénéficie de la licence Wikipedia (GNU). Roger II de Sicile en habit byzantin Mosaïque. Quatre ans plus tard, en 1144, sont promulguées les « lois sur la révisions des privilèges » qui recherchent un équilibre entre l’appareil d’État et les prérogatives des grands barons. LA fenêtre fournit des explications et des traductions contextuelles, c'est-à-dire sans obliger votre visiteur à quitter votre page web ! La plupart des définitions du français sont proposées par SenseGates et comportent un approfondissement avec Littré et plusieurs auteurs techniques spécialisés. "Quantara- Mantle of Roger II of Sicily" Sicily had been run by several different groups in its history and Sicily under Roger II was tolerant of other religions.[34]. [8] In the summer of 1110, Roger was visited by the Norwegian king Sigurd Jorsalfare, who was on his way to Jerusalem. Chaque lettre qui apparaît descend ; il faut placer les lettres de telle manière que des mots se forment (gauche, droit, haut et bas) et que de la place soit libérée. En 1135, au concile de Pise, Roger II ainsi qu’Anaclet II sont excommuniés. Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, series of conquests were made on the African coast, "Sicily and the Staging of Multiculturalism", "Textile Connections? [28], Sicily's geographic situation at the centre of Mediterranean made it a brilliant location for trade with Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Two Ifrīqiyan Church Treasuries in Norman Sicily and the Problem of Continuity across Political Change", "Tiraz: Inscribed Textiles from the Early Islamic Period". This scene evokes a feeling of domination through its display of primal violence. Fils de Roger de Hauteville, issu d'un lignage du Cotentin qui s'est taillé une principauté en Sicile à la fin du XIe siècle, Roger II est un personnage rude, mais de première grandeur. Vers 1140, en échange de la reconnaissance de Roger II, le pape Innocent II obtient son hommage. Studiorum Universitas Ruggero II, a private non-traditional university connected to Accademia Normanna was incorporated in the U.S. on April 30, 2001 in honor of this king.[35]. Lettris est un jeu de lettres gravitationnelles proche de Tetris. Pearls were a common decoration on pan-Mediterranean textiles, however pearls were also used and admired on clothing by the Byzantine Empire. In 1109, Byzantine Emperor Alexios I Komnenos, bestowed upon him the title of protonobilissimos, in recognition of his knowledge of the Byzantine court. Salerno surrendered, and the large army of Germans and Normans marched to the very south of Apulia. Église de la Martorana. In 1140 at his assembly at Ariano he introduced new coinage to make it easier to trade with the rest of the Mediterranean, as there were smaller denominations of the previous coins, to allow more accurate and efficient trading. De 1147 à 1149, Roger II menace aussi les côtes byzantines, s’empare un temps de Corfou et razzie les côtes grecques ; mais la flotte de Venise met fin à l’aventure après une vigoureuse campagne navale devant Corfou. He was succeeded by his fourth son, William. Sa superficie est de 25 711 km2. Meanwhile, southern Italy revolted. Roger seems to have felt the slight, and this might explain his later reluctance to go crusading. The rebel leaders met him there, but they were refused help because Lothair's force was too small. For the Viscount of Carcassonne, see. À la mort de Guillaume de Pouille, en 1127, la principauté normande est cependant marquée par une relative désorganisation politique. Il est le mécène du grand cartographe Al-Idrisi qui rédige pour lui le Kitâb Rudjâr ou Livre de Roger (achevé en 1153/1154). [a][9] The story suggests that Sigurd gave Roger the name King of Sicily, twenty years before he actually obtained this title. Les inscriptions, placées au-dessus du roi, sont en grec. [11] Roger, in exchange, provided William with 600 knights and access to money for his campaign.[11]. In September 1129 Roger was generally recognized as duke of Apulia by Sergius VII of Naples, Robert of Capua, and the rest. Roger's execution of the prince and his counsellors was perhaps the most violent act of his life. For example, gold and silver were gained through the campaigns in Apulia in 1133 and Greece in 1147. Ce royaume a un centre décentré, la Sicile qui est à la fois une île de refuge et de commandement, qualifiée dans les sources de «  jardin secret des rois ». Simon DE SICILE, 2? 2. La Sicile est séparée du continent par le détroit de Messine. Most of the rebels took refuge in Naples, which was besieged in July, but despite poor health conditions within the city, Roger was not able to take it, and returned to Messina late in the year. [25] In the summer of 1139, Innocent II invaded the kingdom with a large army, but was ambushed at Galluccio on 22 July 1139,[26] southeast of present-day Cassino, by Roger's son and was captured. Le royaume de Sicile peut être considéré à juste titre comme un « état de conquête »[3] et Roger II fut un acteur principal de ce mouvement. There he promulgated the great law regulating all Sicilian affairs. Roger remained in Sicily, leaving its mainland garrisons helpless under the chancellor Robert of Selby, while even the Byzantine emperor John II Comnenus sent subsidies to Lothair. Par ses grands-parents, l’empereur Frédéric Barberousse et le roi de Sicile Roger II, Frédéric avait des liens avec les familles princières et la noblesse de toute l’Europe. A daughter, wife of Rodrigo Garcés (later. In 1149, however, Corfu was retaken. T… Le couronnement de Roger II (1130 - 1154) Le couronnement de Roger II (1130 – 1154) (Mosaïque, église de la Martonara, vers 1150, Palerme). ○   Lettris Un Normand en Méditerranée. Il meurt en 1154 ; son fils Guillaume I er le Mauvais puis son petit-fils Guillaume II le Bon lui succèdent, ce dernier meurt en 1189 sans enfant. Simultaneously, Roger annexed Ranulf's brother's County of Avellino. At Palermo, he gathered round him distinguished men of various races, such as the famous Arab geographer Muhammad al-Idrisi[31] and the Byzantine Greek historian Nilus Doxopatrius. Derrière l’appareil bureaucratique qui se met en place demeure une monarchie toute féodale. Payot, 2001. Fils de Roger Ier de Sicile, il est comte de Sicile, de 1105 à 1130 puis roi de l'île jusqu'à sa mort, ainsi que duc d'Apulie, de 1124 à 1154. When she died, rumors flew that Roger had died as well, as his grief had made him a recluse. To administer his domain he hired many Greeks and Arabs, who were trained in long-established traditions of centralized government. En savoir plus, L’Italie du Sud en 1112, à la majorité de. "Siciliy and the Staging of Multiculturalism". First Roger dealt with a rebellion in Apulia, where he defeated and deposed Grimoald, Prince of Bari, replacing him with his second son Tancred. While his sons overcame pockets of resistance on the mainland, on 5 November 1139 Roger returned to Palermo to plan a great act of legislation: the Assizes of Ariano, an attempt to establish his dominions in southern Italy as a coherent state. En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez l'utilisation de ces cookies. Two Ifrīqiyan Church Treasuries in Norman Sicily and the Problem of Continuity across Political Change", Kapitaikin, Lev A. Les jeux de lettres anagramme, mot-croisé, joker, Lettris et Boggle sont proposés par Memodata. Cependant, les événements tournent à la faveur de Roger II, quand, en 1139, Innocent II est capturé sur les bords du Garigliano. [4] By 1016, they were involved in the complex local politics where Lombards were fighting against the Byzantine Empire. Roger II son fils accède au pouvoir en 1112 à la fin de la régence de la reine Adélaïde. Le roi Roger II de Sicile, dont le règne eut une magnificence, un raffinement que l'on a peine à imaginer si on se réfère à une cour d'un Louis VII par exemple, mit une quinzaine d'années à pacifier et soumettre parfaitement ses états. Fils de Roger de Hauteville, issu d'un lignage du Cotentin qui s'est taillé une principauté en Sicile à la fin du XIe siècle, Roger II est un personnage rude, mais de première grandeur. Roger de Hauteville (22 décembre 1095 - 26 février 1154) est le second fils du Grand Comte Roger de Hauteville, premier comte normand de Sicile, et d’ Adélaïde de Montferrat. ○   jokers, mots-croisés [16][20] This piece was made in a private royal workshop, dedicated to creating tiraz fabric and other royal garments. Manifestant un sens aigu du droit, il réunit une assemblée des princes laïcs et ecclésiastiques à Melfi où Robert Guiscard avait déjà prêté serment à Nicolas II en 1059. In 1122, William II the Duke of Apulia, who was fighting with Count Jordan of Ariano, offered to renounce his remaining claims to Sicily as well as part of Calabria. He began at once to enforce order in the duchy, where ducal power had long been fading. SICILE NORMANDE - (repères chronologiques) Écrit par Pascal BURESI • 320 mots 1060 Première intervention en Sicile de Roger, chargé par son frère Robert Guiscard, le duc normand de Pouille et de Calabre, de la conquête de l'île. As mercenaries they fought the enemies of the Italian city-states sometimes fighting for the Byzantines and sometimes against them, but in the following century they gradually became the rulers of the major polities south of Rome. Pièce d’or tari de Roger II de Sicile, avec inscriptions en arabe, frappées à Palerme, (British Museum). There, in June 1137, Lothair besieged and took Bari. Alongside these three major rulers were a large number of minor counts, who effectively exercised sovereign power in their own localities. [13] He was crowned in Palermo on Christmas Day 1130. Le texte est en arabe et donne au roi le titre : "Exalté par Dieu", dans le sens fort de la tradition islamique. Il est le fondateur du royaume de Sicile (1130), souvent qualifié de Sicile normande ou de Royaume normand de Sicile. Une relation épistolaire entre le souverain normand et le calife al-Hafiz, en 1135, prouve cette entente de fait. "Tiraz: Inscribed Textiles from the Early Islamic Period" (2015). Meanwhile, Lothair's contemplated attack upon Roger had gained the backing of Pisa, Genoa, and the Byzantine emperor John II, each of whom feared the growth of a powerful Norman kingdom. Dès 1116, l’Ifriqiya connaît une série de crises dynastiques. ○   Boggle.  | Dernières modifications. Mais ce soutien à l’antipape, qui est par ailleurs son beau-frère, fait de Roger l’un des ennemis du pape Innocent II qui appelle contre lui l’empereur germanique Lothaire III. [32] The king welcomed the learned and practised toleration towards the several creeds, races and languages of his realm. It is an example of heraldry, specifically with lions being symbolic of a powerful, male ruler. Fils de Roger de Hauteville, issu d’un lignage du Cotentin qui s’est taillé une principauté en Sicile à la fin du XI e siècle, Roger II est un personnage rude, mais de première grandeur. "Textile Connections? La cérémonie du couronnement le montre vêtu d'une longue robe brodée, le loros, d'une étole de légat apostolique, et recevant la couronne ornée de pendentifs, le kamelaukion, insigne impérial à Byzance, de la main du Christ. Leaving a garrison of 1,000 men, George sailed on to the Peloponnesus. Dernier fils de Tancrède de Hauteville et de sa seconde femme, Roger quitte le duché de Normandie pour l'Italie du Sud sans doute en 1057, accompagné de trois de ses frères, Godefroi, Mauger et Guillaume, et d'une petite troupe de parents et d'amis. Roger’s reforms in laws and administration not only aimed to strengthen his rule but also to improve the economic standing of Sicily and southern Italy. After having been welcomed by the Salernitans, he recovered ground in Campania, sacking Pozzuoli, Alife, Capua, and Avellino. Roger II (22 December 1095[1] – 26 February 1154) was King of Sicily and Africa,[2] son of Roger I of Sicily and successor to his brother Simon. While they were away, Roger's half-sister Matilda, Ranulf's wife, fled to Roger claiming abuse. Roger II affronte ainsi le prince de Mahdiya (1148) et ses alliés Almoravides. Roger, freed from the utmost danger, immediately disembarked in Calabria, at Tropea, with 400 knights and other troops, probably mostly Muslims. After this coalition failed, in August 1128 Honorius invested Roger at Benevento as Duke of Apulia. 2Autour de 1095, lorsque naît Roger de Sicile, le fils du Grand Comte et dAdélaïde del Vasto, une Piémontaise de la famille des Aleramici, lItalie du Sud et la Sicile sont depuis des décennies aux mains dune famille de hobereaux normands du Cotentin, les Hautevilles. La capitale est alors transférée de Mileto à Palerme. Ayant rejoint son frère Robert Guiscard, il mène avec lui une attaque contre Reggio, en 1057, devant laquelle ils échouent. The inscription, written in the tiraz band along the bottom of the piece states, "Here is what was created in the princely treasury, filled with luck, illustration, majesty, perfection, longanimity, superiority, welcome, prosperity, liberality, shine, pride, beauty, the achievement of desires and hopes, the pleasure of days and nights, without cease or change, with glory, devotion, preservation, protection, chance, salvation, victory and capability, in the capital of Sicily, in the year 528 H. [1133-1134]'[16] This mantle was made to promote status, bring the wearer good fortune, and emphasize Roger II's regal power. Henry, Robert, and Ranulf took a large contingent of troops to besiege the peninsular capital of the kingdom, Salerno. En 1130, le roi normand Roger II unifie l'Italie du Sud et la Sicile en un seul royaume, avec Palerme pour capitale 1. Fort de ce soutien, Roger s’approprie l’Italie du Sud avant de se faire couronner à Palerme, le 25 décembre 1130, par l’antipape Anaclet II, qui trouve chez le prince normand un de ses rares appuis. [b][10] Roger married his first wife, Elvira, daughter of Alfonso VI of Castile and his fourth queen, Isabella, who may be identical to his former concubine, the converted Moor, Zaida, baptised Isabella. Une fenêtre (pop-into) d'information (contenu principal de Sensagent) est invoquée un double-clic sur n'importe quel mot de votre page web. It was the greatest defeat of Roger II's career. A powerful fleet was built up under several admirals, or "emirs", of whom the greatest was George, formerly in the service of the Muslim prince of Mahdia. [23] Amalfi soon capitulated. La Sicile est partagée en neuf provinces correspondant aux villes d'importance: province d'Agrigente, province de Caltanissetta, provin… Roger de Hauteville naît le 22 décembre 1095 [ 2 ] .Il est le second fils du comte Roger de Hauteville et d' Adélaïde de Montferrat .Lorsque le grand comte meurt en 1101 , son successeur Simon est encore un enfant. Il meurt dans sa capitale, Palerme, en 1154. From there Roger moved to Benevento and northern Apulia, where Duke Ranulf, although steadily losing his bases of power, had some German troops plus some 1,500 knights from the cities of Melfi, Trani, Troia, and Bari, who were "ready to die rather than lead a miserable life."
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