Aircraft: Airbus A320-212. All 144 passengers and 6 crew on board the aircraft died in the crash. Sur le plateau de Ça commence aujourd'hui, la jeune femme a raconté son incroyable histoire. MORONI: An airliner with 150 people on board belonging to Yemeni state carrier Yemenia crashed into choppy seas … ... Je suis seule survivante du vol 626 Yemenia #touteunehistoire - Duration: 4:37. Yemenia is controlled by the country's Aden-based internationally recognised government and continues to fly despite the ongoing conflict in Yemen. All crew members and passengers died, mostly Egyptians and Bahraini. A Yemenia Airlines crew and aircraft caught in the middle of a deadl... y airport attack that killed 26. Yemenia A320 near Jeddah on Jul 27th 2020, engine shut down in flight. Victims: 143:143. June 30 – Yemenia Flight 626, an Airbus A310 flying from Sana'a, Yemen to Moroni, ... March 24 – Germanwings Flight 9525, an Airbus A320, crashes in southern France en route from Barcelona, Spain to Düsseldorf, Germany as a result of a deliberate act by the first officer. Shortly after arriving at Aden International Airport in Yemen, A Yemenia Airbus A320 was in the crossfire of a fierce bombardment targeting the new Saudi Arabia-backed power-sharing government that the plane was carrying from Saudi Arabia's capital Riyadh. À la suite du crash, le 30 juin 2009 au soir, des heurts ont eu lieu devant l'ambassade des Comores à Paris [réf. According to the ch-aviation fleets advanced module, the airline's fleet entails three A320-200s (used for commercial flights), a VIP-configured B757-200, and two inactive A310-300s. Yemenia is a Member of Arabesk, an alliance established by a group of Arab Airways. Now with a good standing, Yemenia current network covers 26 international destinations and 9 domestic destinations. nécessaire]. Yemenia Flight 626 The Airbus A310 was on approach to Moroni when it stalled. On August 23, 2000 a Bahraini Gulf Air Airbus A320 crashed into the sea while landing at Manama Airport (Bahrain). Iberia Airlines Flight 1456 was a scheduled flight from Barcelona-El Prat Airport, Spain, to Bilbao Airport, Spain. ... Air France Flight 296 – first Airbus A320 crash, 26 June 1988. Yemenia A320 near Jeddah on Jul 27th 2020, engine shut down in flight A Yemenia Airbus A320-200, registration 7O-AFB performing flight IY-608 from Aden (Yemen) to Cairo (Egypt) with 156 people on board, was climbing out… On Wednesday, February 7, 2001, the Airbus A320, which took off from Barcelona-El Prat Airport, Spain, encountered a microburst induced wind shear on final approach to Bilbao Airport, Spain.The wind shear caused the plane's landing gear to collapse. Yemenia is a Member of AITC, Aviation Insurance Technical Committee, its members are the Airways of the Gulf and GCC States. Bahia a survécu au crash aérien de l'A320 de la Yemenia Airlines le 30 juin 2009. The Times of India - 30 June, 2009. The flight crews did not take the appropriate action to recover it and the plane crashed into the Indian Ocean off the Northern coast of Comoros on 30 June 2009. Crash A320: Voici ce qui s'est passé d'après la boite noire. A Yemenia Airbus A320-200, registration 7O-AFB performing flight IY-608 from Aden (Yemen) to Cairo (Egypt) with 156 people on board, was climbing out… Location: Manama, Bahrain . Les 1 er et 6 juillet 2009, des originaires des Comores ont bloqué à Roissy l'embarquement d'un vol de la compagnie Yemenia à destination de … The articles cover air safety incidents for Yemenia, Yemenia airplane accidents and other occurrences.