You may be able to learn the town your ancestor came from by talking to older family members. Mémorial • Liste des nécropoles nationales • Base de données principale Mémorial • Cartes postales anciennes de monuments aux morts • Déportés 1939-1945 • Mémorial données diverses • La Fayette • Recoupements par régiments et lieux 1914-1918 Sephardi Jews fleeing persecution immigrated with explorers and colonists to settle in what is now Argentina. These were the early immigrants that were at the beginning of what would be the major immigration period for Argentina. For help reading the Norwegian church records, please contact us through the community at the Nordic Community. In addition, many of the Portuguese traders in the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata were Jewish. CEMLA Centro de Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos,, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Once you have traced your family back to your immigrant ancestor, you must determine the city or town the ancestor was from. This page has been viewed 26,564 times (0 via redirect). Puerto Madero, and its complementary Catalinas docks, could handle a maximum of 30,000 tons of cereals daily (cereals were the leading export of Argentina, and the foreign exchange these shipments earned were key to the mercantile model of the time). If you have family from any of the Nordic countries (Sweden, Denmark, Norway or Finland) who emigrated to Argentina, there are church records available. 3. Records were created when individuals emigrated from or immigrated to Argentina. Members of your family or a library may have documents that name the city or town, such as: Sometimes it is possible to guess where an immigrant originated through surname distribution maps. 6. Buenos Aires had a small population of Scandinavian immigrants. As the Centro de Estudio Migratorios (C.E.M.L.A.) Listes assez disparates. Birth, marriage, and death certificates. In addition, relationships and last residence or birthplace may be given. For U.S. immigrants, you may even find that your immigrant ancestor arrived in North America through a Canadian port. << < Image of 46 > >> PAGE123A, ... the list of survivors is filed with manifests dated two months later. There are several sources that may give your ancestor's place of origin. GGA Image ID # 141a594d47. . They worked the land, and gave of their harvest to the government as payment and as their contracts were fulfilled the land became their property. Several thousand immigrants, many of whom were Irish, died on Grosse Île, taken by the diseases they had contracted during the crossing. Records of Argentinian emigrants in their destination countries. 1952-03-30 SS Conte Grande Passenger List, 1952-05-22 SS Givlio Cesare Passenger List. Place may be a country, city, parish, or any place appearing on the indexed record. Germans to Argentina between 1850 and 1865 were extracted from the German newspaper "Hamburger Nachrichten" and listed in GENEALOGIE, Heft 4, 1974, page 118, call number 943 B2gf at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. Listes de Passagers et listes d'Immigration, 1500 - 1900 5 122 219 résultats N'importe qui avec des ancêtres étant entrés aux États-Unis entre 1500 et 1900 peut trouver les Listes des Passagers et de l'Immigration (PILI), de 1500 à 1900 comme étant une base de données utiles. 7. View of the Port of Buenos Aires circa 1907. If you don't find your ancestor, you may find emigration information on neighbors of your ancestor. Argentina, registros migratorios, 1882-1937. As of the 1880s, immigrants came from a greater variety of countries: the Ukraine, Poland, Holland, Belgium, France, Italy, and others. People desiring to leave Argentina were required to request permission from the government. They also exclude illegal immigrants whose numbers are difficult to determine. The data banks on Italian emigrants to the United States, Argentina and Brazil (Cerca_Le_Tue_Radici: registri di sbarco delle navi giunte nei porti di New York, Buenos Aires e Vitoria, limitatamente ai passeggeri di nazionalità italiana. This is a list of arrivals of the ship A.R. Contributed by Gena Gates Lally. Cette base de données est un index de listes de passagers à bords de navires en provenance de l’étranger qui sont arrivés au port de Philadelphie aux États-Unis entre 1800 et 1962. Members of your family or a library may have documents that name the city or town, such as: 1. Church records have been microfilmed from 1888-1919, with some later records appearing on the Norwegian National Archives website. has complete and computerized immigration records from 1888–1925. By 1875, 68,277 new immigrants had entered Argentina, the majority being Italians and Spaniards. You may write to them for information. Listes des passagers et de l’équipage arrivant, Pennsylvanie, États-Unis, 1800 à 1962. Extensive improvements have been carried out at the port, and the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company's steamers, instead of landing passengers at La Plata, which necessitated a railway journey to the capital, now proceed to the Madero Docks at Buenos Aires. [3] [4] Mostly urban immigration during the era of rapid growth in the late 19th century (from 1880 onwards) and the first half of the 20th century, before and after World War I and also after the Spanish Civil War . The information in these records may include the emigrants’ name, ages, occupations, destinations, and sometimes place of origin or birthplace. See our list of all the digitized records that are available on our partner's websites. Buenos Aires, Argentina Passenger Lists 1914-1952. Authors: ... Add to Print List Remove from Print List Subjects. There are several sources that may give your ancestor's place of origin. Note: the old Hamburg Passenger Lists Resource Guide has been incorporated into the article. These may provide the town of origin in Argentina and other information. The Canadian Government Merchant Marine Ship SS "Canadian Ranger" at Buenos Aires circa 1920. Other records document an ancestor's arrival in his destination country. There has been a continuous flow of immigrants through the years. The port, known as Puerto Madero, had by 1907 become insufficient to meet growing maritime traffic. 4. Church certificate Les registres d’immigration et d’émigration incluent des listes et des documents pertinents au départ et à l’arrivée d’individus ou groupes de voyageurs spécifiques. In 1857 these contracts brought families from Switzerland, the Piedmont area in Italy, and the Haute–Savoie and Savoie departments in France. In addition to their usefulness in determining where an emigrant lived in the country before leaving, these records can help in constructing family groups. Smaller Passenger List Collections by Port of Call - "A"-"C", Improve Your Family History Through Illustrations, A Coruña, Galicia, Spain Passenger Lists, Adelaide, South Australia Passenger Lists, Albany, Western Australia Passenger Lists, Largest Passenger List Collections by Port of Call, Larger Passenger List Collections by Port of Call, Smaller Passenger List Collections by Port of Call - "D"-"K", Smaller Passenger List Collections by Port of Call - "L"-"P", Smaller Passenger List Collections by Port of Call - "R"-"Z". For the United States use Tracing Immigrant Origins. Immigration to Argentina. There are Passenger lists for disembarkation at and embarkation from the Port of Buenos Aires. Emigration and immigration sources list the names of people leaving (emigration) or coming into (immigration) Argentina. Other records that might have information on immigrants include: Sometimes the best sources for information about your immigrant ancestor are found in the country he or she emigrated to. Some of them hoping to find new opportunities to work and progress. The city itself might be termed, without much exaggeration, the Paris of the Southern Hemisphere, and in the arrangement of its streets there is, indeed, more than a passing resemblance between the two. Starting around 1853 the project to colonize took force. Additional information about finding the origins of immigrant ancestors is given in Tracing Immigrant Origins. You may be able to learn the town your ancestor came from by talking to older family members. Typical data contained in a record include date of arrival, port name, ship name, age at arrival, occupation, and city of birth (this data may be different according to the country). Passenger Lists available from the GG Archives from the Port of Buenos Aires, Argentina. By 1913 there were three million that had found new homes in Argentina. Seules quelques listes de passagers ont subsisté. A service provided by, Irish Passengers to Argentina (1822-1929), Entrada de Pasajeros a Argentina (Passenger entry to Argentina, XIX century), British Settlers in Argentina and Uruguay, Ships arrived to the Port of Buenos Aires between 1882 and 1960. Obituaries. The Basque, specially the French Basque, followed in this early immigration. Passenger Lists available from the GG Archives from the Port of Buenos Aires, Argentina. This is how some of the first Irish came and populated the outskirts of the province of Buenos Aires and the south of Santa Fe. If you find any links that are out, please email Gena or Bridgette so that we can update this list. You must go to the immigration office of your country or try to find them at Immigration Records in Argentina The cost of our service may be different according to the country and city involved. List or Manifest of Alien Passengers for the United States Immigration Officer at Port of Arrival, R.M.S. Copies. GGA Image ID # 14a6365eec. The history of the Jews in Argentina goes back to the early sixteenth century, following the Jewish expulsion from Spain. Beginning with the Great Potato Famine in 1845, Irish looking to escape hunger and English oppression often faced the choice between emigrating to the United States or There are some helpful records of Argentinian immigrants into other countries. This index was compiled by Ms Aileen Trinder and Ms Pat Fearnley (formerly Stemp) of Pastkeys. La période 1766 jusqu'à janvier 1782 … Swierenga, Robert P. Dutch Immigrants in US Ship Passenger Manifests, 1820-1880: An Alphabetical Listing by Household Heads and Independent Persons. Your FREE genealogy starting point with more than 337,000 genealogy links, categorized & cross-referenced, in more than 200 categories. These records include, many times, places of birth in Norway. Ancestry and Fold3 are both subscription services that allow … The ship A.R. Passenger Lists contained in the GG Archives collection represent the souvenir list provided to the passengers of each cabin class (and other classes). Listes de passagers Il existe des listes de passagers disponibles dans les documents des rôles d'équipage. Russians and Germans also began coming at this time. The information in these lists varies over time but usually includes the emigrants’ names, ages, occupations, and destinations. There are records of departures including emigration lists, passport records, and passenger lists. Voir cotes AD33 6B336 à 6B602. Until 1876, when the laws of immigration were realigned, Santa Fe and Entre Rios were at the head of the new colonization movement. 2 volumes. Call Number Location Collection/Shelf Availability. After independence was won and during the early formative years of the government, the government passed laws encouraging the immigration of foreigners who would be willing to come and work the land and develop an agricultural industry in the country. Many of NARA's immigration / passenger list records have been digitized by our partners. The register of assisted immigrants from the United Kingdom was kept by various immigration regulation bodies between 1839 and 1871. 2. Operated by the Administración General de Puertos (General Ports Administration), a State enterprise, it is the leading transshipment point for the foreign trade of Argentina. Veuillez noter qu'il n'existe pas de listes nominatives complètes des immigrants venus au Canada avant 1865. Many of these souvenir passenger lists have disappeared over the years. Free land, tools and animals were given to these new colonies if they would work on the land for five years. En 1803, le Parlement britannique décrète un ensemble de lois qui visent à réglementer le transport par bateau des émigrants vers l'Amérique du Nord. Locality Subjects. TheShipsList website, online since August 1999, will help you find your ancestors on ships' passenger lists.We also have immigration reports, newspaper records, shipwreck information, ship pictures, ship descriptions, shipping-line fleet lists and more; as well as hundreds of passenger lists to Canada, USA, Australia and even some for South Africa. IMMIGRANT SHIP PASSENGERS LISTS. Our collection contains a sampling of what was originally produced and printed by the steamship lines. The church records can be seen at Skannede Kirkeboker. These records are available for research in the National Archives of Argentina. (This website is available in English and Norwegian only, although, many of the records are written in Spanish.). Naturalization applications and petitions. Call Number {{copy.call_number}} Location {{copy.selected_location}} 5. Letters. These sources can be very valuable in helping you determine where in Argentina your ancestor settled or from what city he or she immigration from. Unassisted (or free) passengers who came to Australia at their own expense, including ships' crew and military (check under 'Regiments'). Argentina's department of tourism website describes Buenos Aires as "the great cosmopolitan door to South America." Base passagers Des relevés de listes de passagers embarqués sur des navires des compagnies des Messageries Impériales , des Messageries Maritimes et d'autres issues de listes dans les registres des désarmements des navires/rôles d'équipages, d'autres encore plus informelles, trouvées dans des fonds privés notamment d'armateurs. Gena's list of links on. You will need to write to them for that information. Now on CD-Rom 269 Some Argentines chose to leave their country during the troubled years of government turmoil in the 1970s and 1980s. On peut y trouver les listes de passagers depuis 1873 (avec quelques blancs et quelques infos antérieures [depuis 1777], [Brésil liste ici]) et également les enregistrements du port de Rio de Janeiro réalisé par les autorités d'immigration et l'hôtel d'immigration (à cette époque tous les immigrants étaient soumis à une quarantaine) A second period of heavy immigration. Records of Argentinian Emigrants in Their Destination Countries, Ⓒ 2020 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. These include some passports: The immigration records between 1870 and 1888 were lost. The records of Hamburg have been microfilmed and are available in the collection of the Family History Library. In 1824 the Commission of Immigration begin to function, advertising abroad in order to attract European immigrants to create new agriculture communities in the vast open lands outside the great Buenos Aires. This immigration wave made Argentina the country with the second-largest number of immigrants, with 6.6 million, second only to the United States with 27 million. immigration &c. records created before 1865 Pre-Archiving: Many records for the pre-archiving period can be found right here within the many many hundreds of pages on TheShipsList, by using the navigation-bars at the top of each page .