(Kazimin) means silent, for no one will speak without His permission: (The Day that Ar-Ruh (Jibril) and the angels will stand forth in rows, they will not speak except him whom the Most Gracious allows, and he will speak what is right.) I entrust my affairs to Allah. Min doonil laahi qaaloo dalloo ‘annaa bal lam nakun nad’oo min qablu shai’aa; kazaalika yudillul laahul kaafireen74. Another meaning can be: Just as the nations of the past have gone to their doom, so will those people also who are committing disbelief go to Hell, according to the fixed decree of Allah. And it was not for any messenger to bring a sign [or verse] except by permission of Allah . (and every (disbelieving) nation plotted against their Messenger to seize him,) means, they wanted to kill him by any means possible, and some of them did kill their Messenger. Similar words had the Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) himself said to Pharaoh before this: If you do not believe in me, do not harm me. And for you therein are [other] benefits and that you may realize upon them a need which is in your breasts; and upon them and upon ships you are carried. And on the other hand, Allah should bless him with such high morals? 29. Le Coran est la source fondamentale des Enseignements Islamiques. He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer.) By this the listener has been forewarned to the effect: What is being presented before you is not the word of an ordinary being but of that God Who has infinite power. So call upon Him, consecrating to Him all your devotion.93 All praise and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the whole Universe.94 (40:66) Say, (O Prophet): “I have been forbidden to worship those beside Allah whom you call upon.95 (How can I worship any beside Allah) when clear Signs have come to me from my Lord and I have been commanded to surrender to Allah, the Lord of the Universe?” (40:67) He it is Who created you from dust, then from a sperm-drop, then from a clot; then He brings you out as an infant, then causes you to grow into full maturity, and then causes you to grow further so that you may reach old age, while some of you He recalls earlier.96 All this is in order that you may reach an appointed term97 and that you may understand (the Truth).98 (40:68) He it is Who gives life and causes death. But, in fact, this was their struggle for power. It is a decisive thing. Ibn `Abbas and Mujahid said, “Meaning nothing but ruin.”. Indeed, the Hour is coming – no doubt about it – but most of the people do not believe. (7) One is seized for the sin committed by another. Tafsir Sourate Yassine, Pt.9 40.Sourate Ghafir (Le Pardonneur) Abdel Rahman Al 'Ossi عبدالرحمن العوسي سورة غافر La graine qui soigne presque toutes les maladies sauf de la mort - France 365 Accorde Ta miséricorde et Ton salut à notre Prophète Muhammad, aux membres de sa famille, à tous ses Compagnons, ainsi qu’à quiconque suit parfaitement leur voie, et ce jusqu’au Jour de la Rétribution. The word sayyiat (evils) is used in three different meanings and all three arc implied here: (1) False beliefs, perverted morals and evil deeds. Why should I then accept such a stupendous thing blindly that they also have a share in Godhead and that I have to serve them along with Allah? They combine glorification (Tasbih) which implies that He is free of any shortcomings, with praise (Tahmid) which is an affirmation of praise. Sourates Az Zumar, Ghafir. 56. You invite me to disbelieve in Allah and associate with Him that of which I have no knowledge, and I invite you to the Exalted in Might, the Perpetual Forgiver. Surah Al Balad 91. So the Prophets and believers may be killed in this world, but their call will prevail in this world.” Allah granted victory to His Prophet Muhammad and his Companions over those who had opposed him, disbelieved in him and shown hostility towards him. 51-60 Allah does help His Rasools and the believers in this world’s life and will help them in the life Hereafter and Your Rabb says, “Call on Me, I will answer your prayers”, (40:51) Surely We shall help Our Messengers and the believers in the life of this world67 and on the Day when witnesses will rise to testify,68 (40:52) the Day when the excuses offered by the wrong-doers shall not avail them. يَـٰقَوْمِ لَكُمُ ٱلْمُلْكُ ٱلْيَوْمَ ظَـٰهِرِينَ فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ فَمَن يَنصُرُنَا مِنۢ بَأْسِ ٱللَّهِ إِن جَآءَنَا ۚ قَالَ فِرْعَوْنُ مَآ أُرِيكُمْ إِلَّا مَآ أَرَىٰ وَمَآ أَهْدِيكُمْ إِلَّا سَبِيلَ ٱلرَّشَادِ, Yaa qawmi lakumul mulkul yawma zaahireena fil ardi famai yansurunaa mim baasil laahi in jaaa’anaa; qaala Fir’awnu maaa ureekum illaa maaa araa wa maaa ahdeekum illaa sabeelar Rashaad29. Maa yujaadilu feee Aayaatil laahi illal lazeena kafaroo falaa yaghrurka taqallubuhum fil bilaad4. (in the land and seen what was the end of those who were before them) means, the nations of the past who disbelieved in their Prophets (peace be upon them), for which the punishment came upon them even though they were stronger than Quraysh. Surah Az Zalzalah 100. 73. Surah As Saff 62. (And truly, this is a revelation from the Lord of all that exits, Which the trustworthy Ruh (Jibril) has brought down Upon your heart that you may be (one) of the warners.) 54. 28. This is indicated by the Hadith recorded by Imam Ahmad from `A’ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, according to which the Messenger of Allah entered upon `A’ishah when a Jewish woman was with her, and she (the Jewish woman) was saying, “I was told that you will be tried in the grave.” The Messenger of Allah was worried and said: (Only the Jews will be tested.) Lisez et apprenez Sourate Ghafir dans French traduction et translitération pour obtenir la bénédiction d'Allah Écoutez la Sourate Ghafir en audio mp3 Le Coran sur IslamicFinder . (and believe in Him,) means, they humbly submit themselves before Him. Muhamed Al Othaymine. Tafsir sourate al jinn Al-Jinn est le nom de cette sourate puisqu'il s'agit du thème abordé. Are not all these things pointing to the truth that the ultimate control of life and death is in the hand of an all-Mighty Sovereign? Surah At Tariq 87. 1-9 No one disputes the revelations of Allah except the kafirs (unbelievers) and The angels who bear the Throne of Allah pray for those who repent and follow the Right Way, (40:1) Ha’. It is classified as a Meccan Surah and the title in English is “The Forgiver”. It is the demand of both reason and justice that it should occur, and its nonoccurrence is against reason and justice. When they actually experience the unbearable punishment of Allah, they will hate themselves with the utmost hatred, because of the sins they committed in the past, which were the cause of their entering the Fire. And the call of the unbelievers will end in vain.”66. Kazaalika yu’fakul lazeena kaanoo bi Aayaatil laahi yajhadoon63. In the dry parts also there are small and wide tracts of land which are separated by water. If Allah wills, we will discuss below which is the most correct view the distance between the Throne and the seventh earth according to a group of earlier and later scholars. This verse is an express proof of the torment of barzakh, which has often been mentioned in the traditions as the torment of the grave. means, this is the ruling of Allah concerning all those who repent only when they actually see the punishment: He does not accept that from them. 28-37 And excellent speech of one of the relatives of Fir’on in the favor of Prophet Musa. Indeed, I fear that he will change your religion or that he will cause corruption in the land.”, وَقَالَ مُوسَىٰٓ إِنِّى عُذْتُ بِرَبِّى وَرَبِّكُم مِّن كُلِّ مُتَكَبِّرٍۢ لَّا يُؤْمِنُ بِيَوْمِ ٱلْحِسَابِ, Wa qaala Moosaaaa innee ‘uztu bi Rabbee wa Rabbikum min kulli mutakabbiril laayu’minu bi Yawmil Hisaab (section 3)27. Then he will receive full punishment of his misdeeds. That is why mention of forgiveness of sins has been made separately from the acceptance of repentance. Signs imply those signs which point to the great truth that the Fashioner, Ruler and Administrator of the Universe is One and only One God. Hâ - Mîm. Call Us Now No one disputes concerning the signs of Allah except those who disbelieve, so be not deceived by their [uninhibited] movement throughout the land. Each nation sallied forth against its Messenger to seize him, and they disputed with false arguments seeking therewith to repudiate the Truth. A transgressor is every such person who recognizes the godhead of others than Allah, or assumes godhead for himself, or rebels against God and adopts an attitude of independence in the world, and then commits excesses against himself, against other creatures of God and against everything else with which he has to deal. (and has provided you with good and pure things.) That is, when compelled by the intensity of thirst they will ask for water, the keepers of Hell will drag them by the chains towards the springs of boiling water, and when they will have drunk from them, they will drag them back to be cast into the fire of Hell. And if he should be lying, then upon him is [the consequence of] his lie; but if he should be truthful, there will strike you some of what he promises you. And make them enter the `Adn (Eternal) Paradises which you have promised them) He then said, “The most treacherous of the servants of Allah towards the believers are the Shayatin.”, (You are the Almighty, the All-Wise.) Surah Ad Duha 94. Allah says: (and the followers of falsehood will then be lost.). Surah Ankabut 30. Rédigée en arabe comme l'ensemble de l'œuvre religieuse, elle fut proclamée, selon la tradition musulmane, durant la période mecquoise. Second, they were preparing the ground for putting an end to the Holy Prophet himself. means, they affirmed that Allah is One and denied the false gods, but this was at the time when excuses were to no avail. The well-known view is that this believing man was a Coptic (Egyptian) from the family of Fir`awn. Sourate Ash Shura 43. [They will be told], “That is because, when Allah was called upon alone, you disbelieved; but if others were associated with Him, you believed. )” It was also reported in the Two Sahihs. Allah says: (Whosoever does an evil deed, will not be requited except the like thereof;) means, one like it. It may be attested in most of Shi‘i exegetic works, e.g. or seek refuge with Him from being like these people who dispute about the Ayat of Allah without any authority having come to them. (23:108), so they will ask the keepers of Hell, who are like jailers watching over the people of Hell, to pray to Allah to lessen the Fire for them if only for one day. When the same attitude and behavior was adopted by the human believers, a strong relationship of cherishing a common creed and faith was established between them and the angels in spite of the great disparity in species and remoteness in rank and station. Therefore, he was required to ask Allah’s forgiveness for showing the weakness and was told to hold his ground like a rock as a man of a high rank like him should. 43. They were greater than them in strength and in impression on the land, but Allah seized them for their sins. To Him ˹alone˺  is the final return. Ought we to compare Jethro in the Haggada who advises clemency at Pharaoh’s court? Surah Al Hujurat 50. Provision here implies the rain, for every kind of the sustenance that man gets in the world, depends ultimately on the rainfall. This is like the Ayah: (Declare unto My servants that truly I am the Oft-Forgiving, the Most-Merciful. 30. 60. And it was said that he was the one who was saved along with Musa, peace be upon him. This was because of their disbelief and rejection (of the Messengers). Ghafir Translations of the Qur'an, Chapter 40: GHAFIR (THE FORGIVER (GOD)) Total Verses: 85 Revealed At: MAKKA Order in which revealed: 60 . And he himself had said: I will have their sons slain and let their daughters live. Whereas the nation to which Moses belonged, had been so suppressed under slavery that if he had been apprehended immediately on the charge of murder, no one would have voiced even a protest, not to speak of rising in rebellion. (40:28) Then a man endowed with faith, from Pharaoh’s folk, who had kept his faith hidden, said: “Do you kill a person simply because he says: ‘My Lord is Allah’ even though he brought to you clear Signs from your Lord?45 If he is a liar, his lying will recoil upon him;46 but if he is truthful, you will be smitten with some of the awesome consequences of which he warns you. That is Allah, your Lord, Creator of all things; there is no deity except Him, so how are you deluded? (Leave me to kill Musa,) Musa, peace be upon him, said, “I seek refuge and protection with Allah from his evil and the evil of those like him.” So he said: (Verily, I seek refuge in my Lord and your Lord) — those who were being addressed here —. The revelation of the Book is from Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Knowing. He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer.) 27. (40:83) When their Messengers came to them with Clear Signs, they arrogantly exulted in whatever knowledge they had.112 They were then encompassed by what they had mocked. Surah As Sajdah 33. Tafsir Surah Al-Ghafir Tafsir Ayat Ke-28 Lihatlah bagaimana Allah SWT membalas doa Nabi Musa itu. That is, why are you being ungrateful to Allah for His blessing of granting you domination in the land and are inviting His scourge to visit you? That is, you are not being passed through these different stages of lift so that you may live as the animals live and die as they die, but for the purpose that you may use your common sense which Allah has granted you and then understand the system in which you are living. Tanzeelul Kitaabi minal laahil Azeezil ‘Aleem 2. That is, in every age the common people have been deluded by the misguides only because the people did not believe in the revelations that Allah sent down through His Messengers to make them understand the truth. For the wrongdoers there is no helper.”) (35:37). ۞ قُلْ إِنِّى نُهِيتُ أَنْ أَعْبُدَ ٱلَّذِينَ تَدْعُونَ مِن دُونِ ٱللَّهِ لَمَّا جَآءَنِىَ ٱلْبَيِّنَـٰتُ مِن رَّبِّى وَأُمِرْتُ أَنْ أُسْلِمَ لِرَبِّ ٱلْعَـٰلَمِينَ, Qul innee nuheetu an a’budal lazeena tad’oona min doonil laahi lammaa jaaa’a niyal baiyinaatu mir Rabbee wa umirtu an uslima li Rabbil ‘aalameen66. Then we would not deny the Ayat of our Lord, and we would be of the believers!” Nay, it has become manifest to them what they had been concealing before. And so your Lord’s decree has been proven true against the disbelievers—that they will be the inmates of the Fire. First, they were creating every kind of suspicion and misgiving in the minds of the people about the teaching of the Quran and the message of Islam and about the Holy Prophet himself by starting many disputes and discussions, raising irrelevant objections and bringing ever new accusations so that the Holy Prophet and the believers were sick of trying to answer them. This is like the Ayah: (There will then be (left) no Fitnah (excuse) for them but to say: “By Allah, our Lord, we were not those who joined others in worship with Allah.”) (6:23) Allah says: (Thus Allah leads astray the disbelievers). Surah An Naml 28. (40:20) Allah will judge with justice, whereas those whom they call upon beside Him cannot judge at all. Little do you remember. En effet, dans la période de révélation de la sourate les mécréantsde la Mecque ont essayé à plusieurs reprisesde semer le doute dans l’esprit du peuple de la tribuvis-à-vis de cette nouvelle religio… meaning, `by Your almighty power, You have brought us to life after we were dead, then You caused us to die after we were alive; You are able to do whatever You will. ٱلَّذِينَ كَذَّبُوا۟ بِٱلْكِتَـٰبِ وَبِمَآ أَرْسَلْنَا بِهِۦ رُسُلَنَا ۖ فَسَوْفَ يَعْلَمُونَ. وَكَذَ‌ٰلِكَ حَقَّتْ كَلِمَتُ رَبِّكَ عَلَى ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوٓا۟ أَنَّهُمْ أَصْحَـٰبُ ٱلنَّارِ. Indeed, those who dispute concerning the signs of Allah without [any] authority having come to them – there is not within their breasts except pride, [the extent of] which they cannot reach. meaning, those of the earlier nations who disbelieved the Messengers of Allah, such as the people of Nuh, `Ad, Thamud and the disbelieving nations who came after them, how the punishment of Allah came upon them and they had no one to protect them or ward off that punishment. This attribute brings hope and causes inducement, which has been mentioned so that the people who have led lives of sin, should not despair but should reform themselves with the hope that if they refrained from their behavior even now, they could still be redeemed by Allah’s mercy. (40:57) Surely78 the creation of the heavens and the earth is a greater act than the creation of human beings. Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, came and grabbed ﴿`Uqbah’s﴾ shoulder and pushed him away from the Prophet , then he said. They will go between it and the fierce boiling water!) The spreading of human populations on the dry lands and the establishment of commercial and other relations between them could not be possible unless water and oceans and winds were made subject to such laws as would make navigation possible, and such materials were made available on the earth, which man could employ for building ships. (Remain you in it with ignominy! This contains a subtle allusion to the effect: O Muhammad, We shall help you too in the same manner. ٱلْيَوْمَ تُجْزَىٰ كُلُّ نَفْسٍۭ بِمَا كَسَبَتْ ۚ لَا ظُلْمَ ٱلْيَوْمَ ۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ سَرِيعُ ٱلْحِسَابِ. 24. (Enter the gates of Hell to abide therein, and (indeed) what an evil abode of the arrogant!) Le contexte dans lequelelle fut proclamée, transparaîtdirectement dans les thèmes qui y sont abordés. Surah Al Mu’min (The Believer), also known as Surah Al Ghafir (The Forgiver). Indeed, the promise of Allah is truth. If a person hears these words in his right senses, he will be filled with terror, no matter how mighty a king or dictator he might be posing himself to be, and will immediately come to his senses. This is a stern warning and clear threat from the Lord to these people. He guides whomsoever He wills and sends astray whomsoever He wills; He has mercy on whomsoever He wills and punishes whomsoever He wills; there is no God except Him. The above verse of the Quran removes this misunderstanding in two ways: In the first place, Allah says in clear words: Call upon Me: I will answer your prayers. (Thus has the Word of your Lord been justified against those who disbelieved, that they will be the dwellers of the Fire.) means, the Hell-fire, as As-Suddi said, a terrible abode and dwellingplace. (that I may arrive at the ways — the ways of the heavens,) Sa`id bin Jubayr and Abu Salih said, “The gates of the heavens.” Or it was said, the ways of the heavens. The weak, who were the followers, will say to those who were arrogant, who were the leaders and masters: (Verily, we followed you,) meaning, `we obeyed you and heeded your call to disbelief and misguidance in the world, ‘, (can you then take from us some portion of the Fire) means, `can you carry a part of our burden for us’, (Those who were arrogant will say: “We are all (together) in this (Fire)!…”) meaning, `we will not bear any part of your burden for you; our own punishment is enough for us to bear.’. Falam yaku tanfa ‘uhum eemaanuhum lammaa ra-aw baasana sunnatal laahil latee qad khalat fee ‘ibaadihee wa khasira hunaalikal kaafiroon (section 9)85. His every teaching is based on wisdom and correct knowledge, which does not admit of any error. 4 108. Pharaoh’s guile only led him to his own perdition. means, they will all appear in the open, with nothing to give them shelter or shade, or cover them. None disputes the signs of Allah except the disbelievers, so … Then he did them the favor of accepting ransom from them. (the matter will be decided with truth,) so the believers will be saved and the disbelievers will be destroyed. Now, the fact of the matter is that the Being Who is All-Powerful, All-Hearing, All-Seeing, and Who is actually controlling the whole Universe is only Allah, and He alone is Possessor of all powers and authority. 65. Just as no one has a right to object as to why was so and so given beauty, and so and so was given extraordinary powers of memory or intelligence, so also no one has the right to abject as to why so and so only was chosen to be a prophet and why a person of some one’s own choice was not made a prophet. Therefore, even if he doesn’t commit a crime punishable with death, he should be put to death only for the sake of the maintenance of public order. (while you call me to the Fire! Surah Al Ma'arij 71. Surah Ibrahim 15. It was reported in the Hadith narrated from Abu Musa, may Allah be pleased with him, that when the Messenger of Allah was afraid of some people, he would say: (O Allah, we seek refuge in You from their evil and we seek Your help in repulsing them.). 75. 1. 20. And truly, I seek refuge with my Lord and your Lord, lest you should stone me. The other theme is explained by the following traditions: Abu Hurairah relates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Nothing is as praiseworthy in the sight of Allah as the prayer. Sourate Ghafir. Verily, I am to you a Messenger worthy of all trust. That is, the weakness, lapses and errors of Your servants are not hidden from You. وَأَنذِرْهُمْ يَوْمَ ٱلْءَازِفَةِ إِذِ ٱلْقُلُوبُ لَدَى ٱلْحَنَاجِرِ كَـٰظِمِينَ ۚ مَا لِلظَّـٰلِمِينَ مِنْ حَمِيمٍۢ وَلَا شَفِيعٍۢ يُطَاعُ. And when the reality is this that an All-Powerful Being is controlling the life and death, then how did a prophet or a saint or an angel or a star or planet become worthy of worship and service? Surah Al Furqan 26. إِنَّ ٱلسَّاعَةَ لَءَاتِيَةٌۭ لَّا رَيْبَ فِيهَا وَلَـٰكِنَّ أَكْثَرَ ٱلنَّاسِ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ. (A Day when you will turn your backs and flee) means, running away. (3) He is given a punishment although he is not liable to any punishment. (But who will save us from the torment of Allah, should it befall us) means, `these soldiers and troops will not avail you anything and will not ward off the punishment of Allah, if He decides to punish us.’ Fir`awn said to his people, in response to the advice of this righteous man who was more deserving of kingship than Fir`awn: (I show you only that which I see,) meaning, `I only tell you and advise you to do that which I think is good for myself, too.’ But Fir`awn lied, because he knew that Musa was telling the truth concerning the Message which he brought. Consequently; they were trapped by the selfish, dishonest people, who had set up shrines of false gods as a business. He replied: Being hasty is that man should say: I have prayed much, too much, but I see that my prayer is nor being answered. The forgiver of sin, acceptor of repentance, severe in punishment, owner of abundance. means, what a terrible abode and final destination, filled with humiliation and severe punishment for those who arrogantly ignored the signs of Allah and refused to accept His proof and evidence. 112. وَيُرِيكُمْ ءَايَـٰتِهِۦ فَأَىَّ ءَايَـٰتِ ٱللَّهِ تُنكِرُونَ. تَدْعُونَنِى لِأَكْفُرَ بِٱللَّهِ وَأُشْرِكَ بِهِۦ مَا لَيْسَ لِى بِهِۦ عِلْمٌۭ وَأَنَا۠ أَدْعُوكُمْ إِلَى ٱلْعَزِيزِ ٱلْغَفَّـٰرِ. After these five attributes, two realities have been stated expressly: (1) That none but Allah is the Deity, no matter how many false gods the people might have set up. That has been Allah’s Way concerning His servants.113 And the unbelievers courted utter loss, then and there. (10:91) meaning, Allah did not accept this from him, because He had answered the prayer of His Prophet Musa, when he said. Révélée tout entière à La Mecque à la suite de la sourate des Ornements. Allah says: (Verily, We will indeed make victorious Our Messengers and those who believe in this world’s life and on the Day when the witnesses will stand forth) meaning, on the Day of Resurrection the victory will be greater and more complete. We have already mentioned the Hadith of Ibn `Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, that Allah will roll up the heavens and the earth in His Hand and will say. Authority means proof and evidence. )” And Allah is the Guide to the straight path. And who has made the arrangements that these measureless granaries of food should go on coming out from the earth endlessly and their supply should never fail? To enjoy Prime Music, go to Your Music Library and transfer your account to Amazon.com (US). The creatures have no power to avert or change the decrees of Allah: but Allah Himself certainly has the power to change His decrees and decisions on hearing a servant’s prayer and petition. To Him are all destined to return.1 (40:4) None but the unbelievers3 dispute regarding the Signs of Allah.2 So let not their strutting about in the land delude you.4 (40:5) Before them the people of Noah also gave the lie (to Messengers), and so did many parties after them. (10:90) But Allah said: (Now (you believe) while you refused to believe before and you were one of the the corrupters.) Therefore, it is inevitable that he should turn to a being who is possessor of supernatural powers and authority. Surah Al Kawthar 109. (3) They try to resist the revelations of the Book of Allah with crooked arguments instead of considering them rationally, and these objections are neither based on any sound reason nor on the authority of a revealed Book, but from the beginning to the end their only basis is obstinacy and stubbornness. But he might have felt from the truthfulness of that influential person of his kingdom that the Prophet Moses’ (peace be upon him) influence had even reached the higher circles of his government. Ibn `Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “This means He is Generous and Rich (Independent of means).” The meaning is that He is Most Generous to His servants, granting ongoing blessings for which they can never sufficiently thank Him.